Lumping Units.
1) A remanufacturer or other
person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material subject to the
provisions of this Subpart BB must comply with the recordkeeping requirements
of this Section.
2) A
remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary
material in more than one hazardous secondary material management unit subject
to the provisions of this Subpart BB may comply with the recordkeeping
requirements for these hazardous secondary material management units in one
recordkeeping system if the system identifies each record by each hazardous
secondary material management unit.
b) A
person that stores or treats a hazardous
secondary material must record and keep the following information at the
1) For each piece of equipment to
which this Subpart BB applies:
A) The
equipment identification number and hazardous secondary material management
unit identification.
B) The
approximate locations within the facility (e.g., identify the hazardous
secondary material management unit on a facility plot plan).
C) The type of equipment (e.g., a pump or
pipeline valve).
D) The
percent-by-weight total organics in the hazardous secondary material stream at
the equipment.
E) The hazardous
secondary material state at the equipment (e.g., gas/vapor or
F) A method of compliance
with the standard (e.g., "monthly leak detection and repair" or "equipped with
dual mechanical seals").
2) For facilities that comply with the
provisions of Section 721.933(a)(2), an implementation schedule, as specified
in Section 721.933(a)(2).
3) When a
remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary
material chooses to use test data to demonstrate the organic removal efficiency
or total organic compound concentration achieved by the control device, a
performance test plan, as specified in Section 721.935(b)(3).
4) Documentation of compliance with Section
721.960, including the detailed design documentation or performance test
results specified in Section 721.935(b)(4).
c) When each leak is detected, as specified
in Sections 721.952, 721.953, 721.957, and 721.958, the following requirements
1) A weatherproof and readily visible
identification, marked with the equipment identification number, the date
evidence of a potential leak was found in accordance with Section 721.958(a),
and the date the leak was detected, must be attached to the leaking
2) The identification on
equipment, except on a valve, may be removed after it has been
3) The identification on
a valve may be removed after it has been monitored for two successive months as
specified in Section 721.957(c) and no leak has been detected during those two
d) When each
leak is detected, as specified in Sections 721.952, 721.953, 721.957, and
721.958, the following information must be recorded in an inspection log and
must be kept at the
1) The
instrument and operator identification numbers and the equipment identification
2) The date evidence of a
potential leak was found in accordance with Section 721.958(a).
3) The date the leak was detected and the
dates of each attempt to repair the leak.
4) Repair methods applied in each attempt to
repair the leak.
5) "Above 10,000"
if the maximum instrument reading measured by the methods specified in Section
721.963(b) after each repair attempt is equal to or greater than 10,000
6) "Repair delayed" and the
reason for the delay if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after
discovery of the leak.
Documentation supporting the delay of repair of a valve in compliance with
Section 721.959(c).
8) The
signature of the remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the
hazardous secondary material (or designate) whose decision it was that repair
could not be effected without a hazardous secondary material management unit
9) The expected date of
successful repair of the leak if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar
10) The date of successful
repair of the leak.
Design documentation and monitoring, operating, and inspection information for
each closed-vent system and control device required to comply with the
provisions of Section 721.960 must be recorded and kept up-to-date at the
facility, as specified in Section 721.935(c). Design documentation is specified
in Section 721.935(c)(1) and (c)(2) and monitoring, operating, and inspection
information in Section 721.935(c)(3) through (c)(8).
f) For a control device other than a thermal
vapor incinerator, catalytic vapor incinerator, flare, boiler, process heater,
condenser, or carbon adsorption system, the Agency must specify in writing the
appropriate recordkeeping requirements.
g) The following information pertaining to
all equipment subject to the requirements in Sections 721.952 through 721.960
must be recorded in a log that is kept at the
1) A list of identification numbers for
equipment (except welded fittings) subject to the requirements of this Subpart
2) List of Equipment.
A) A list of identification numbers for
equipment that the remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the
hazardous secondary material elects to designate for no detectable emissions,
as indicated by an instrument reading of less than 500 ppm above background,
under the provisions of Sections 721.952(e), 721.953(i), and
B) The designation of
this equipment as subject to the requirements of Sections 721.952(e),
721.953(i), or 721.957(f) must be signed by the remanufacturer or other person
that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material.
3) A list of equipment identification numbers
for pressure relief devices required to comply with Section
4) Compliance Tests.
A) The dates of each compliance test required
in Sections 721.952(e), 721.953(i), 721.954, and 721.957(f).
B) The background level measured during each
compliance test.
C) The maximum
instrument reading measured at the equipment during each compliance
5) A list of
identification numbers for equipment in vacuum service.
6) Identification, either by list or location
(area or group) of equipment that contains or contacts hazardous secondary
material with an organic concentration of at least 10 percent by weight for
less than 300 hours per calendar year.
h) The following information pertaining to
all valves subject to the requirements of Section 721.957(g) and (h) must be
recorded in a log that is kept at the
1) A list of identification numbers for
valves that are designated as unsafe to monitor, an explanation for each valve
stating why the valve is unsafe to monitor, and the plan for monitoring each
2) A list of identification
numbers for valves that are designated as difficult to monitor, an explanation
for each valve stating why the valve is difficult to monitor, and the planned
schedule for monitoring each valve.
i) The following information must be recorded
in a log that is kept at the
facility for valves complying with Section
1) A schedule of
2) The percent of
valves found leaking during each monitoring period.
j) The following information must be recorded
in a log that is kept at in the
Criteria required in Sections 721.952(d)(5)(B) and 721.953(e)(2) and an
explanation of the design criteria.
2) Any changes to these criteria and the
reasons for the changes.
k) The following information must be recorded
in a log that is kept at the
facility for use in determining exemptions, as
provided in the applicability Section of this Subpart BB and other specific
1) An analysis determining the
design capacity of the hazardous secondary material management unit.
2) A statement listing the hazardous
secondary material influent to and effluent from each hazardous secondary
material management unit subject to the requirements in Sections 721.952
through 721.960 and an analysis determining whether these hazardous secondary
materials are heavy liquids.
3) An
up-to-date analysis and the supporting information and data used to determine
whether or not equipment is subject to the requirements in Sections 721.952
through 721.960. The record must include supporting documentation as required
by Section 721.963(d)(3) when application of the knowledge of the nature of the
hazardous secondary material stream or the process by which it was produced is
used. If the remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous
secondary material takes any action (e.g., changing the process that produced
the material) that could result in an increase in the total organic content of
the material contained in or contacted by equipment determined not to be
subject to the requirements in Sections 721.952 through 721.960, then a new
determination is required.
l) Records of the equipment leak information
required by subsection (d) and the operating information required by subsection
(e) need be kept only three years.
m) The remanufacturer or other
person that
stores or treats the hazardous secondary material at a
facility with equipment
that is subject to this Subpart BB and to regulations in 40 CFR
60(St and ards
of Performance for New Stationary Sources), 61 (National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants), or 63 (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants for Source Categories), incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm.
720.111, may elect to
determine compliance with this Subpart BB either by documentation pursuant to
Section 721.964, or by documentation of compliance with the regulations in 40
61, or
63 pursuant to the relevant provisions of the regulations in 40
61, or
63. The documentation of compliance under regulations in 40 CFR
61, or
63 must be kept with or made readily available at the