1. § 302.501 - Scope, Applicability, and Definitions
  2. § 302.502 - Dissolved Oxygen
  3. § 302.503 - pH
  4. § 302.504 - Chemical Constituents
  5. § 302.505 - Fecal Coliform
  6. § 302.506 - Temperature
  7. § 302.507 - Thermal Standards for Existing Sources on January 1, 1971
  8. § 302.508 - Thermal Standards for Sources Under Construction But Not In Operation on January 1, 1971
  9. § 302.509 - Other Sources
  10. § 302.510 - Incorporations by Reference (Repealed)
  11. § 302.515 - Offensive Conditions
  12. § 302.520 - Regulation and Designation of Bioaccumulative Chemicals of Concern (BCCs)
  13. § 302.521 - Supplemental Antidegradation Provisions for BCCs
  14. § 302.525 - Radioactivity
  15. § 302.530 - Supplemental Mixing Provisions for Bioaccumulative Chemicals of Concern (BCCs)
  16. § 302.535 - Ammonia Nitrogen
  17. § 302.540 - Other Toxic Substances
  18. § 302.545 - Data Requirements
  19. § 302.550 - Analytical Testing
  20. § 302.553 - Determining the Lake Michigan Aquatic Toxicity Criteria or Values - General Procedures
  21. § 302.555 - Determining the Tier I Lake Michigan Acute Aquatic Toxicity Criterion (LMAATC): Independent of Water Chemistry
  22. § 302.560 - Determining the Tier I Lake Michigan Basin Acute Aquatic Life Toxicity Criterion (LMAATC): Dependent on Water Chemistry
  23. § 302.563 - Determining the Tier II Lake Michigan Basin Acute Aquatic Life Toxicity Value (LMAATV)
  24. § 302.565 - Determining the Lake Michigan Basin Chronic Aquatic Life Toxicity Criterion (LMCATC) or the Lake Michigan Basin Chronic Aquatic Life Toxicity Value (LMCATV)
  25. § 302.570 - Procedures for Deriving Bioaccumulation Factors for the Lake Michigan Basin
  26. § 302.575 - Procedures for Deriving Tier I Water Quality Criteria and Values in the Lake Michigan Basin to Protect Wildlife
  27. § 302.580 - Procedures for Deriving Water Quality Criteria and Values in the Lake Michigan Basin to Protect Human Health - General
  28. § 302.585 - Procedures for Determining the Lake Michigan Basin Human Health Threshold Criterion (LMHHTC) and the Lake Michigan Basin Human Health Threshold Value (LMHHTV)
  29. § 302.590 - Procedures for Determining the Lake Michigan Basin Human Health Nonthreshold Criterion (LMHHNC) or the Lake Michigan Basin Human Health Nonthreshold Value (LMHHNV)
  30. § 302.595 - Listing of Bioaccumulative Chemicals of Concern, Derived Criteria and Values

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.