327 IAC 5-4-2 - Underground injection of pollutants
Authority: IC 13-1-3-4; IC 13-1-3-7; IC 13-7-7; IC 13-7-10-1
Affected: IC 13-1-3; IC 13-7
Sec. 2.
(a) If an
applicant for an NPDES permit proposes to dispose of pollutants by underground
injection as part of the overall effort to meet the requirements of the NPDES
program, the commissioner shall deny the request, as this function now lies
with EPA as part of the requirements of the SWDA, unless it is determined by
the commissioner to be necessary to specify additional terms and conditions in
the final NPDES permit which shall:
prohibit the proposed disposal; or
(2) control the proposed disposal in order to
prevent pollution of ground and surface water resources of such character and
degree as would endanger or threaten to endanger the public health and
(b) A person
proposing a discharge of pollutants by underground injection from a facility
with no other point source discharge of pollutants subject to NPDES
requirements shall not be required to obtain an NPDES permit. However, the
commissioner may prohibit or control such a proposed discharge through the
issuance of construction and operation permits under 327 IAC 3 so as to prevent
pollution of ground waters of the state of such character and degree as would
endanger or threaten to endanger the public health and welfare.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.