620 IAC 1-1-24 - Adoption by reference from Federal Register, Volume 48

Authority: IC 22-8-1.1-7

Affected: IC 22-8-1.1-15

Sec. 24.

The following standards, deletions, revocations, revisions, republications, corrections and amendments are incorporated by reference into the Indiana Occupational Safety Standards Commission:

(1) the amendments to Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations; Part 1910.95 concerning occupational noise exposure; hearing conservation amendment as published in the Federal Register, Volume 48, No. 46, Tuesday, March 8, 1983 on pages 9776 through 9785 by revising paragraphs (c) through (p) and appendices A through I;
(2) the amendments to Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations; Part 1910.95 concerning occupational noise exposure; hearing conservation amendments as published in the Federal Register, Volume 48, No. 125, Tuesday, June 28, 1983 on page 29687 by revising paragraphs (c) through (p) and appendices E and F;
(3) the amendments to Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations; Part 1910.1200 concerning hazard communication as published in the Federal Register, Volume 48, No. 228, Friday, November 25, 1983, on pages 53340 through 53348.


620 IAC 1-1-24
Occupational Safety Standards Commission; 620 IAC 1-1-24; filed Jul 13, 1983, 2:21 pm: 6 IR 1729; emergency rule filed Nov 29, 1983, 4:30 pm: 7 IR 393, eff Dec 29, 1983 until Jun 29, 1984; filed Dec 14, 1983, 2:57 pm: 7 IR 575; filed May 21, 1984, 2:30 pm: 7 IR 1716; readopted filed November 26, 2013, 3:26 p.m.: 20131225-IR-620130406RFA Readopted filed 11/27/2019, 3:35 p.m.: 20191225-IR-620190506RFA

Noncode provisions affecting 620 IAC 1-1-24 were added by Emergency Rule, LSA Document #83-138, filed Nov 29, 1983, at 7 IR 393. Effectiveness was from Dec 29, 1983 until Jun 29, 1984, but was administratively stayed upon filing. The emergency rule expired without being replaced by a permanent standard.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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