Rule 105 IAC 7-4 - Signs

  1. § 105 IAC 7-4-1 - Purpose of rule for signs
  2. § 105 IAC 7-4-2 - Definitions
  3. § 105 IAC 7-4-3 - Content of applications; incomplete applications; approval or denial of permits; effect of false or misleading information or repeated violation of permit terms
  4. § 105 IAC 7-4-4 - Documentation evidencing consent of property owner; transfer of ownership of the sign
  5. § 105 IAC 7-4-5 - Changeable message signs
  6. § 105 IAC 7-4-6 - Permit required before erection of sign; time to erect; multiple conflicting applications
  7. § 105 IAC 7-4-7 - Application and fee
  8. § 105 IAC 7-4-8 - Permit identification number for signs; fastening to signs
  9. § 105 IAC 7-4-9 - Territory to which article applies; entries for examinations and surveys
  10. § 105 IAC 7-4-10 - Permit denial criteria
  11. § 105 IAC 7-4-11 - Notice of permit denial or revocation
  12. § 105 IAC 7-4-12 - Appeal procedures; no contract between department and permittee and no tort action permitted against department for negligent permitting of signs
  13. § 105 IAC 7-4-13 - Conditional permit
  14. § 105 IAC 7-4-14 - Modification of conforming sign to different sign type; addendum to permit
  15. § 105 IAC 7-4-15 - Revocation of permit; appeal of revocation; removal of illegal signs as public nuisances
  16. § 105 IAC 7-4-16 - Size and configuration criteria
  17. § 105 IAC 7-4-17 - Sign spacing criteria
  18. § 105 IAC 7-4-18 - Sign lighting criteria
  19. § 105 IAC 7-4-19 - Miscellaneous criteria
  20. § 105 IAC 7-4-20 - Zoned commercial or industrial area; unzoned commercial or industrial area
  21. § 105 IAC 7-4-21 - Scenic byways
  22. § 105 IAC 7-4-22 - Local control of signs on relinquished roads and other control routes within local jurisdiction
  23. § 105 IAC 7-4-23 - Separability
  24. § 105 IAC 7-4-24 - Relocation

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.