Article 29 - OIL AND GAS
- Rule 312 IAC 29-1 - Application and Administration (§ 312 IAC 29-1-1 to 312 IAC 29-1-3)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-2 - Definitions (§ 312 IAC 29-2-1 to 312 IAC 29-2-139)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-3 - General Provisions (§ 312 IAC 29-3-1 to 312 IAC 29-3-6)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-4 - Permits and Transfer Procedures; All Wells (§ 312 IAC 29-4-1 to 312 IAC 29-4-10)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-5 - Additional Permit Requirements for Class II Wells (§ 312 IAC 29-5-1 to 312 IAC 29-5-4)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-6 - Additional Permit Requirements for Coal Bed Methane Wells (§ 312 IAC 29-6-1 to 312 IAC 29-6-10)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-7 - Additional Permit Requirements for Noncommercial Wells (§ 312 IAC 29-7-1 to 312 IAC 29-7-5)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-8 - Additional Permit Requirements for Underground Gas Storage Facilities (Reserved)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-9 - Additional Permit Requirements for Underground Petroleum Storage Facilities (Reserved)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-10 - Additional Permit Requirements for Geological and Structure Test Wells (§ 312 IAC 29-10-1 to 312 IAC 29-10-5)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-11 - Drilling in Karst Prone Areas (§ 312 IAC 29-11-1 to 312 IAC 29-11-2)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-12 - Annual Well Fee and Bonding (§ 312 IAC 29-12-1 to 312 IAC 29-12-8)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-13 - Location of Wells Drilling Units and Well Spacing (§ 312 IAC 29-13-1 to 312 IAC 29-13-8)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-14 - Drilling Unit and Well Spacing for Directional Wells (§ 312 IAC 29-14-1)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-15 - Drilling Unit and Well Spacing for Horizontal Wells (§ 312 IAC 29-15-1)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-16 - Underground Sources of Drinking Water (§ 312 IAC 29-16-1 to 312 IAC 29-16-3)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-17 - Protection of Commercially Minable Coal Resources (§ 312 IAC 29-17-1 to 312 IAC 29-17-5)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-18 - Protection of Underground Gas and Underground Petroleum Storage Reservoirs (§ 312 IAC 29-18-1 to 312 IAC 29-18-3)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-19 - Integration of Interests (§ 312 IAC 29-19-1 to 312 IAC 29-19-7)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-20 - Well Drilling, Construction and Completion Requirements (§ 312 IAC 29-20-1 to 312 IAC 29-20-15)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-21 - Well Drilling Pits and Completion Pits (§ 312 IAC 29-21-1 to 312 IAC 29-21-5)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-22 - Well Stimulation Treatments (§ 312 IAC 29-22-1 to 312 IAC 29-22-9)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-23 - Well Workover Requirements (§ 312 IAC 29-23-1 to 312 IAC 29-23-3)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-24 - Tank Batteries (§ 312 IAC 29-24-1 to 312 IAC 29-24-5)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-25 - Facility Operating Requirements (§ 312 IAC 29-25-1 to 312 IAC 29-25-24)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-26 - Petroleum Production Reporting (§ 312 IAC 29-26-1 to 312 IAC 29-26-3)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-27 - Operation of Wells in Hydrogen Sulfide (H[2]S) Areas (§ 312 IAC 29-27-1 to 312 IAC 29-27-4)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-28 - Operating and Reporting Requirements for Class II Wells (§ 312 IAC 29-28-1 to 312 IAC 29-28-10)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-29 - Operating and Reporting Requirement for Underground Gas Storage Facilities (Reserved)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-30 - Operating and Reporting Requirement for Underground Petroleum Storage Facilities (Reserved)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-31 - Management of Wastes and On-site Remediation (§ 312 IAC 29-31-1 to 312 IAC 29-31-2)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-32 - Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) (§ 312 IAC 29-32-1 to 312 IAC 29-32-6)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-33 - Temporary Abandonment of Wells and Well Plugging Requirements (§ 312 IAC 29-33-1 to 312 IAC 29-33-25)
- Rule 312 IAC 29-34 - Inspections and Enforcement (§ 312 IAC 29-34-1 to 312 IAC 29-34-6)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.