Rule 45 IAC 10-3 - Exemptions
- § 45 IAC 10-3-1 - Special fuel sold for export
- § 45 IAC 10-3-2 - Special fuel sold to or used by the U.S. government
- § 45 IAC 10-3-3 - Special fuel sold to or used by post exchanges and federal reservations
- § 45 IAC 10-3-4 - Collection of tax permitted (Repealed)
- § 45 IAC 10-3-5 - Sales to a public transportation corporation
- § 45 IAC 10-3-6 - Sales to public transit department
- § 45 IAC 10-3-7 - Sales to common carriers
- § 45 IAC 10-3-8 - Special fuel used for transportation, application of plant food materials or agricultural chemicals (Repealed)
- § 45 IAC 10-3-9 - Special fuel used in ready mix concrete trucks (Repealed)
- § 45 IAC 10-3-10 - Presumption of taxability; recordkeeping; exemption certificates
- § 45 IAC 10-3-11 - Proportional exemptions for special fuel used in motor vehicles with common fuel reservoirs
- § 45 IAC 10-3-12 - Sales by licensed special fuel dealers (Repealed)
- § 45 IAC 10-3-13 - Sales by authorized unlicensed dealers (Repealed)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.