Iowa Admin. Code r. 441-78.14 - Hearing aids
Payment shall be approved for a hearing aid and examinations subject to the following conditions:
Physician examination.
The member shall have an examination by a physician to determine that the
member has no condition which would contraindicate the use of a hearing aid.
This report shall be documented in the patient record. The requirement for a
physician evaluation shall be waived for members 18 years of age or older when
the member has signed an informed consent statement acknowledging that the
a. Has been advised that it may be in
the member's best health interest to receive a medical evaluation from a
licensed physician before purchase of a hearing aid.
b. Does not wish to receive a medical
evaluation prior to purchase of a hearing aid.
Audiological testings. A
physician or an audiologist shall perform audiological testing as a part of
making a determination that a member could benefit from the use of a hearing
aid. The department shall cover vestibular testing performed by an audiologist
only when prescribed by a physician.
Hearing aid evaluation.
A physician or an audiologist shall perform a hearing aid evaluation
to establish if a member could benefit from a hearing aid. When a hearing aid
is recommended for a member, the physician or audiologist recommending the
hearing aid shall see the member at least one time within 30 days after
purchase of the hearing aid to determine that the aid is adequate.
Hearing aid selection. A
physician or audiologist may recommend a specific brand or model appropriate to
the member's condition. When a physician or an audiologist makes a general
hearing aid recommendation, a hearing aid dispenser may perform the tests to
determine the specific brand or model appropriate to the member's
Travel. When a member is unable to travel to the physician or
audiologist because of health reasons, the department shall make payment for
travel to the member's place of residence or other suitable location. The
department shall make payment to physicians as specified in 78.1(8) and payment
to audiologists at the same rate it reimburses state employees for
Purchase of
hearing aid. The department shall pay for the type of hearing aid
recommended when purchased from an eligible licensed hearing aid dispenser
pursuant to rule 441-77.13 (249A). The department
shall pay for binaural amplification when:
A child needs the aid for speech development,
b. The aid is needed for educational or
vocational purposes,
c. The aid is
for a blind member,
d. The member's
hearing loss has caused marked restriction of daily activities and constriction
of interests resulting in seriously impaired ability to relate to other people,
e. Lack of binaural
amplification poses a hazard to a member's safety.
Payment for hearing
a. Payment for hearing aids
shall be acquisition cost plus a dispensing fee covering the fitting and
service for six months. The department shall make payment for routine service
after the first six months. Dispensing fees and payment for routine service
shall not exceed the fee schedule appropriate to the place of service. Shipping
and handling charges are not allowed.
b. Payment for ear mold and batteries shall
be at the current audiologist's fee schedule.
c. Payment for repairs shall be made to the
dealer for repairs made by the dealer. Payment for in-house repairs shall be
made at the current fee schedule. Payment shall also be made to the dealer for
repairs when the hearing aid is repaired by the manufacturer or manufacturer's
depot. Payment for out-of-house repairs shall be at the amount shown on the
manufacturer's invoice. Payment shall be allowed for a service or handling
charge when it is necessary for repairs to be performed by the manufacturer or
manufacturer's depot and this charge is made to the general public.
d. Prior approval. When prior approval is
required, Form 470-4767, Examiner Report of Need for a Hearing Aid, shall be
submitted along with the forms required by 441-paragraph 79.8(1)"a.
(1) Payment for the replacement of
a hearing aid less than four years old shall require prior approval except when
the member is under 21 years of age. The department shall approve payment when
the original hearing aid is lost or broken beyond repair or there is a
significant change in the member's hearing that would require a different
hearing aid. (Cross reference 78.28(5)"a")
(2) Payment for a hearing aid costing more
than $650 shall require prior approval. The department shall approve payment
for either of the following purposes (Cross reference 78.28(5)"b
1. Educational purposes when the
member is participating in primary or secondary education or in a postsecondary
academic program leading to a degree and an in-office comparison of an analog
aid and a digital aid matched (+/- 5dB) for gain and output shows a significant
improvement in either speech recognition in quiet or speech recognition in
noise or an in-office comparison of two aids, one of which is single channel,
shows significantly improved audibility.
2. Vocational purposes when documentation
submitted indicates the necessity, such as varying amounts of background noise
in the work environment and a need to converse in order to do the job, and an
in-office comparison of an analog aid and a digital aid matched (+/- 5dB) for
gain and output shows a significant improvement in either speech recognition in
quiet or speech recognition in noise or an in-office comparison of two aids,
one of which is single channel, shows significantly improved audibility.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 249A.4.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.