Iowa Admin. Code r. 441-78.40 - Advanced registered nurse practitioners
Payment shall be approved for services provided by advanced registered nurse practitioners within their scope of practice and the limitations of state law, with the exception of services not payable to physicians under rule 441-78.1 (249A) or otherwise not payable under any other applicable rule.
Direct payment. Payment
shall be made to advanced registered nurse practitioners directly, without
regard to whether the advanced registered nurse practitioner is employed by or
associated with a physician, hospital, birth center, clinic or other health
care provider recognized under state law. An established protocol between a
physician and the advanced registered nurse practitioner shall not cause an
advanced registered nurse practitioner to be considered auxiliary personnel of
a physician, or an employee of a hospital, birth center, or clinic.
Location of service.
Payment shall be approved for services rendered in any location in which the
advanced registered nurse practitioner is legally authorized to provide
services under state law. The nurse practitioner shall have promptly available
the necessary equipment and personnel to handle emergencies.
Utilization review.
Utilization review shall be conducted of Medicaid members who access more than
24 outpatient visits in any 12-month period from physicians, advanced
registered nurse practitioners, other clinics, and emergency rooms. Refer to
(249A) for further information concerning the member lock-in program.
Vaccines. In order to be
paid for the administration of a vaccine covered under the Vaccines for
Children (VFC) program, an advanced registered nurse practitioner must enroll
in the VFC program. Payment for the vaccine will be approved only if the VFC
program stock has been depleted.
Prenatal risk
assessment. Risk assessment, using Form 470-2942, Medicaid Prenatal
Risk Assessment, shall be completed at the initial visit during a Medicaid
member's pregnancy.
a. If the risk assessment
reflects a low-risk pregnancy, the assessment shall be completed again at
approximately the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy.
b. If the risk assessment reflects a
high-risk pregnancy, referral shall be made for enhanced services. (See
description of enhanced services at subrule 78.25(3).)
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 249A.4.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.