Iowa Admin. Code r. 751-7.7 - Use or access to full motion interactive video services-prerequisites

The full motion interactive video services may be used by certain persons and entities if the use meets the following conditions:

1. The use is within the requesting authorized user's written mission; and
2. A representative of the authorized user is present and participating in the session; or
3. The authorized user has a written contract with the person accessing the network; and
4. The use does not facilitate or enable a private person or entity to use the network for direct pecuniary gain.
(1) Use or access to full motion interactive video services. The following persons may access the network for video transmissions at the facility of an authorized user if the use satisfies the conditions outlined above:
a. Alumni of educational institutions;
b. Educational member associations;
c. Parent-teacher organizations, for example, parent-teacher associations, home and school associations;
d. Professional boards where educational employees serve, for example, a university professor serves on the board of the Iowa Association of Economists;
e. State and federal government-sponsored entity employees, for example, Federal Home Loan Bank Board employees, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation employees;
f. Vendors and service providers;
g. State or federal governmental association members;
h. State or federal governmental employee union members;
i. Other state governmental employees;
j. Professional boards where state or federal employees serve, for example, state employees serving on the Association of Business and Industry;
k. City and county employees;
l. Local elected officials;
m. Local boards, commissions, advisory councils or committees;
n. Fire department employees and staff whether paid or volunteer;
o. Federal, state and local law enforcement employees and staff;
p. Emergency management employees and staff;
q. County sheriff's office employees and staff;
r. Local government associations, for example, League of Cities, ISAC;
s. Patients acting under the direction of a licensed health care professional;
t. Health care employees of facilities that have a contractual agreement with a hospital or physician clinic;
u. Health care employees of facilities that do not have a contractual agreement with a hospital or physician clinic;
v. Medical association members, for example, members of the Association of Iowa Hospitals and Health Systems, members of Iowa Medical Society, members of the Iowa Osteopathic Medical Association, members of the Iowa Chiropractic Society, members of the Iowa Nurses Association;
w. Professional boards on which health professionals serve, for example, a physician serving on the board of the American Cancer Society.
(2) Reserved.


Iowa Admin. Code r. 751-7.7

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.