Iowa Admin. Code r. 875-220.2 - Purpose and scope
(2) Rules 220.3(91D) to
220.51(91D) interpret and apply the special provisions that are generally
applicable to all covered and nonexempt employees of state and local
governments. The rules also contain provisions concerning certain individuals
(i.e., elected officials, their appointees, and legislative branch employees)
who are excluded from the definition of "employee" and thus from coverage.
These rules also interpret and apply the federal Fair Labor Standards Act,
U.S.C. 207(o),
U.S.C. 207(p)(2),
U.S.C. 207(p)(3), and 29
U.S.C. 211(c) regarding compensatory time off, occasional or sporadic part-time
employment, and the performance of substitute work by public agency employees,
(3) Rules
220.100(91D) to 220.106(91D) deal with "volunteer" services performed by
individuals for public agencies. Rules 220.200(91D) to 220.233(91D) apply
various provisions as they relate to fire protection and law enforcement
employees of public agencies.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.