12 KAR 1:116 - Sampling, analyzing, testing, and tolerances

RELATES TO: KRS 250.021, 250.031, 250.041, 250.051, 250.061, 250.071, 250.081, 250.091, 250.101, 250.111

NECESSITY, FUNCTION AND CONFORMITY: KRS 250.081(1)(c) 2 requires the director to prescribe seed sampling procedures, methods of analysis, testing and examining of seed, and tolerances. This administrative regulation prescribes the methods of sampling, analyzing, and testing seed, and establishes the tolerances to be applied in the administration of the Kentucky Seed Law.

Section 1. Definition. "Kentucky Seed Law" means KRS 250.021 through 250.111 and 12 KAR Chapter 1.
Section 2. The methods of sampling, analyzing, testing, and examining seed to be applied in the administration of the Kentucky Seed Law shall be those established in Rules for Testing Seeds.
Section 3. The tolerances to be applied in the administration of the Kentucky Seed Law shall be those established in Rules for Testing Seeds.
Section 4. Incorporation by Reference.
(1) "Rules for Testing Seeds", issued by the Association of Official Seed Analysts in October 2019, is incorporated by reference.
(2) This document may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Division of Regulatory Services, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546-0275, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


12 KAR 1:116
32 Ky.R. 1345; 1607; eff. 3-31-2006; 40 Ky.R. 97; eff. 10-9-2013; 43 Ky.R.428; eff. 12-2-2016; 47 Ky.R. 94; eff. 11-18-2020.


State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.