KRS 319A.010(4),
319A.070(3)(l) authorizes
the board to promulgate administrative regulations to define appropriate
supervision for persons who are delivering occupational therapy services. This
administrative regulation establishes the requirements of that supervision, the
documentation required in supervision, and the process for reviewing the
supervision process.
Section 1.
(1) "Countersign" means the OT/L
signs the client's documentation after actively reviewing the history of the
intervention provided to the client and confirming that, in light of the entire
intervention plan, the OTA/L's entry is proper.
(2) "Face-to-face supervision" means being
physically present in the room and being able to directly communicate with an
individual while observing and guiding the activities of that individual,
(a) A review of the occupational
therapy services being provided to a client that might affect the therapeutic
outcomes and the revision of the plan of care for each client; and
(b) An interactive process between the
supervisor and the individual under supervision involving direct observation,
cotreatment, dialogue, teaching, and instruction in a face-to-face
"Supervisor" means the OT/L who is providing supervision.
Section 2. General Policy Statement for
(1) The OT/L shall have the
ultimate responsibility for occupational therapy outcomes. Supervision shall be
a shared responsibility.
(2) The
supervising OT/L shall have a legal and ethical responsibility to provide
supervision and the supervisee shall have a legal and ethical responsibility to
obtain supervision.
(3) Supervision
by the OT/L of the supervisee's provision of occupational therapy services
shall always be required, even when the supervisee is experienced and skilled
in a particular practice area.
Section 3. Supervision of Licensed
Occupational Therapy Assistants.
(1) An OTA/L
shall assist in the practice of occupational therapy only under the supervision
of an OT/L.
(2) The supervisor
shall provide no less than four (4) hours per month of general supervision for
each occupational therapy assistant which shall include no less than two (2)
hours per month of face-to-face supervision.
(3) The amount of supervision time shall be
prorated for a part-time OTA/L.
The supervisor or the OTA/L may institute additional supervision based on the
competence and experience of the OTA/L.
(5) The supervisor shall assign and the OTA/L
shall accept only those duties and responsibilities for which the OTA/L has
been specifically trained and which the OTA/L is qualified to
(6) Specific
responsibilities for supervising OT/Ls and OTA/Ls.
(a) Assessment and reassessment.
1. Client evaluation is the responsibility of
the OT/L.
2. The OTA/L may
contribute to the evaluation process by gathering data, administering
structured tests, and reporting observations.
3. The OTA/L may not evaluate independently
or initiate therapy prior to the OT/L's evaluation.
(b) Intervention planning.
1. The OT/L shall take primary responsibility
for the intervention planning.
The OTA/L may contribute to the intervention planning as directed by the
(c) Intervention.
1. The OT/L shall be responsible for the
outcome and delivery of the occupational therapy intervention.
2. The OT/L shall be responsible for
assigning appropriate therapeutic interventions to the OTA/L.
(d) Discontinuation of
1. The OT/L shall be
responsible for the discontinuation of occupational therapy services.
2. The OTA/L may contribute to the
discontinuation of intervention as directed by the OT/L.
(7) Documentation requirements.
(a) Notations recorded by an OTA/L to an
initial evaluation, plan of care, or discharge summary, that are documented in
a client's permanent record, shall be countersigned by the supervisor within
fourteen (14) calendar days of the notation.
(b) The supervising OT/L and individuals
under supervision shall each maintain a log which shall document:
1. The frequency of the supervision
2. The observation,
dialogue and discussion, and instructional techniques employed;
3. The type of supervision provided, either
general or face-to-face;
4. The
dates on which the supervision occurred; and
5. The number of hours worked by the OTA/L
each month.
(c) It shall
be the responsibility of the supervising OT/L to maintain a list of any OTA/L
that he or she has supervised with the OTA/L's name and license
(d) It shall be the
responsibility of the OTA/L under supervision to maintain a list of his or her
supervising OT/L with that individual's name and license number.
(8) A supervising OT/L shall not
have more than the equivalent of three (3) full time OTA/Ls under supervision
at any one (1) time.
(a) In extenuating circumstances, when the
OTA/L is without supervision, the OTA/L may continue carrying out established
programs for up to thirty (30) calendar days under agency supervision while
appropriate occupational therapy supervision is sought.
(b) It shall be the responsibility of the
OTA/L to notify the board of these circumstances and to submit, in writing, a
plan for resolution of the situation.
(10) A supervisor shall be responsible for
ensuring the safe and effective delivery of OT services and for fostering the
professional competence and development of the OTA/Ls under his or her
Section 4.
Supervision of Occupational Therapy Aides.
An occupational therapy aide shall provide supportive services only with
face-to-face supervision from an OT/L or OTA/L.
(2) The supervising OT/L or OTA/L shall be in
direct verbal and visual contact with the occupational therapy aide, at all
times, for all therapy-related activities.
Section 5. Occupational Therapy Students.
(1) A person practicing occupational therapy
and performing occupational therapy services under
319A.090(1)(c) shall be
enrolled in an ACOTE accredited occupational therapy or occupational therapy
assistant educational program or its equivalent.
(2) When an occupational therapy student is
participating in supervised fieldwork education experiences, the student may,
at the discretion of the supervising OT/L or OTA/L, be assigned duties or
functions commensurate with his or her education and training.
(3) A supervisor shall be responsible for
ensuring the safe and effective delivery of OT services and for fostering the
professional competence and development of the students under his or her
Section 6.
Temporary Permits.
(1) A temporary permit
holder shall be:
(a) Supervised by an OT/L;
(b) The OT/L shall be
responsible for all occupational therapy outcomes.
(2) The supervising OT/L shall be available
at all times to provide supervision.
(3) Face-to-face supervision shall be
provided for at least thirty (30) minutes daily. The face-to-face supervision
shall not occur through electronic means.
(4) The temporary permit holder who is
applying for a license as an OT/L may perform all of the functions of the OT/L,
with the exception of supervision.
(5) A temporary permit holder who is applying
for a license as a OTA/L may perform all of the functions of a OTA/L, with the
exception of supervision.
7. Audit of Supervision Activities.
(1) The board shall perform a random audit of
supervision logs for up to ten (10) percent of all licensees.
(2) The licensee who is audited shall be
required to furnish documentation of the completed supervision log required by
Section 3(7) of this administrative regulation.
(3) The licensee who is audited by the board
shall respond to the audit within sixty (60) days of the date of the
(4) A licensee who fails
to comply with the supervision requirements of this administrative regulation
shall be subject to disciplinary action that may include suspension or
revocation of the person's license.