150.025(1) authorizes the
department to promulgate administrative regulations to carry out the purposes
of KRS Chapter 150.
150.620 authorizes the department to
promulgate administrative regulations to acquire or lease land for the
operation of public shooting or fishing grounds. This administrative regulation
establishes requirements for the safe operation of department-owned or managed
shooting ranges.
Section 1.
(1) "Archery and crossbow range"
means a shooting range that is established for target shooting at stationary
targets with archery or crossbow equipment.
(2) "Club-operated shooting range" means a
facility that is:
(a) Operated by a
department-authorized entity for target shooting; and
(b) Open to the public during club
(3) "Firing
line" means the area where a weapon is shot or discharged, as designated by:
(a) Signage;
(b) A shooting bench; or
(c) A range officer.
(4) "Pistol pit" means a shooting range that
is established for target shooting with pistols.
(5) "Range officer" means an individual
designated as a National Rifle Association range officer, a National Shooting
Sports Foundation range officer, a department hunter education instructor, or a
law enforcement range officer, responsible for supervising a shooting range and
ensuring compliance with this administrative regulation.
(6) "Safety zone" means an area downrange of
a firing line where all public access is prohibited as designated by department
(7) "Self-service trap
shooting range" means a shooting range that is established for people to shoot
at moving targets with a shotgun.
(8) "Shooting range" means a public facility
on lands owned or managed by the department that is designated for target
shooting with:
(a) A rifle;
(b) A pistol;
(c) A shotgun;
(d) Archery equipment; or
(e) Crossbow equipment.
(9) "Shooting station" means a location on
the firing line for one (1) person to shoot, as designated by:
(a) Signage;
(b) A shooting bench; or
(c) A concrete pad.
(10) "Tube range" means a shooting range
established for target shooting through designated steel tubes.
Section 2.
(1) Except as established in subsection (2)
of this section, if a shooting range exists on department-owned or managed
lands, then a person shall not target practice, sight in a firearm, or
discharge a firearm on any area except the shooting range.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall not
apply to:
(a) A person legally hunting a game
(b) A department employee,
range officer, or certified volunteer hunter education instructor in the
performance of an official duty;
(c) A person or group participating in a
department-sponsored hunter education class; or
(d) A group participating in a
department-approved event pursuant to
301 KAR
Section 3. General Shooting Range
(1) Except as posted by a
department sign or an event permit issued pursuant to
301 KAR
3:010, a person using a shooting range shall only
shoot from a designated firing line downrange at a department-provided:
(a) Target stand;
(b) Target; or
(c) Shooting berm.
(2) A person shall not:
(a) Enter a shooting range except at a
designated entrance;
(b) Enter a
designated safety zone, except as established in subsection (6) of this
(c) Discharge a firearm:
1. Before 9 a.m.;
2. After sunset, except on a lighted range
during scheduled hours of operation; or
3. At any time prohibited by department
signage; or
(d) Be under
the influence of alcohol or other intoxicant.
(3) A person shall not use:
(a) A tracer bullet;
(b) Armor piercing ammunition;
(c) A fully automatic firearm;
(d) A rifle cartridge that is.50 caliber or
(e) A muzzleloading rifle
ball, sabot, or bullet larger than.78 caliber;
(f) A cannon or replica thereof;
(g) A mortar or other explosive
(h) A grenade; or
(i) An incendiary.
(4) A person shall not:
(a) Leave spent cartridge cases or litter on
the range;
(b) Point a firearm in
an unsafe direction or otherwise carelessly handle a firearm; or
(c) Use a shooting range at any time or in
any manner inconsistent with department-posted signage.
(5) A person under the age of sixteen (16)
shall not discharge a firearm on a shooting range unless under the direct
supervision of a person at least eighteen (18) years old.
(6) A person actively engaged in shooting or
a spectator shall not go beyond the firing line without first clearly
communicating to all other shooters to cease fire.
(7) Upon hearing a cease fire command or
seeing a person move beyond the firing line, a person shall:
(a) Immediately cease firing;
(b) Unload all firearms;
(c) Leave the action open on all
(d) Place all firearms:
1. In a holster;
2. On a table at the shooting station;
3. On the ground; and
(e) Not handle a firearm while a
person is beyond the firing line.
(8) There shall not be more than one (1)
person at a shooting station at the same time, unless one (1) person is an
instructor and the other is a student.
(9) A person shall immediately obey the range
officer's command.
(10) Any
spectator and a person handling a firearm shall wear protective eye and ear
(11) Each person shall be
limited to one (1) hour of shooting time if anyone is waiting to use the
shooting range.
(12) If a scheduled
event or department maintenance activities preclude open public use of a
shooting range, then the department shall notify the public by:
(a) Posting the closure on the department's
Web site at; and
Posting a notice at the shooting range or a kiosk or bulletin board on the
department-managed area.
(13) A shooting range may be reserved for
group use, if:
(a) The group has obtained a
department event permit pursuant to
301 KAR
3:010; and
(b) The group designates a range officer who
shall oversee the event and ensure that all participants are in compliance with
this administrative regulation.
Section 4. Special Shooting Range
(1) In addition to the general
shooting range requirements established in Section 3 of this administrative
regulation, a person shall comply with the special shooting range requirements
established in subsections (2) through (8) of this section.
(2) A person using a tube range shall only:
(a) Shoot from a designated shooting
(b) Shoot a firearm
through the tube provided at a shooting station;
(c) Use the department-provided target
(d) Place target frames in
the ground inserts provided on the tube range; and
(e) Attach paper targets to the target
(3) A person
using a tube range shall:
(a) Not shoot a
(b) Close tube doors when
any person is downrange of the firing line;
(c) Not smoke or have any open
(d) Not shoot at any objects
on the ground; or
(e) Not use the
range on a Monday, except if participating in a department-approved event
pursuant to
301 KAR
(4) A person may target shoot on a
club-operated shooting range on Curtis Gates Lloyd WMA, Jones-Keeney WMA,
Miller Welch-Central Kentucky WMA, and West Kentucky WMA if the person:
(a) Attends a regularly scheduled event
coordinated and sponsored by a department-authorized club;
(b) Complies with the requirements of this
administrative regulation and posted signage on the area; and
(c) Complies with the rules of operation
established by the club and the club's range officer.
(5) On a club-operated shooting range, a club
or organization shall:
(a) Comply with all WMA
event permit requirements pursuant to
301 KAR
Post all approved event dates and times that are open to the public:
1. In the WMA clubhouse, if
2. On a WMA bulletin board
or kiosk; and
3. On the
department's Web site at; and
(c) Provide a range officer who shall oversee
each event to ensure that all participants shall be in compliance with the
requirements of this administrative regulation.
(6) A person who is using an archery and
crossbow range shall only use:
(a) The
department-provided targets; and
(b) Broadhead-tipped arrows or crossbow bolts
on department-provided broadhead targets, and in compliance with area
(7) A person
using a pistol pit shall:
(a) Only shoot from
a designated firing line;
(b) Only
use department-provided target frames;
(c) Only attach paper targets to the target
(d) Only use single
projectile ammunition;
(e) Not
shoot any firearm except a pistol;
(f) Not shoot at any objects on the ground;
(g) Not use the range on a
Monday, except when participating in a department-approved event pursuant to
301 KAR
(8) A person using a self-service trap
shooting range shall:
(a) Only use a shotgun
with shotshells containing multiple projectile pellets no larger than number
two (2);
(b) Provide clay targets
and portable target throwers; and
(c) Not target shoot anywhere except at a
designated self-service trap shooting station.