31 KAR 4:210 - Establishment of risk-limiting audit pilot program


NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 117.015(1)(a) authorizes the State Board of Elections to promulgate administrative regulations necessary to properly carry out its duties. KRS 117.383(8)-(9) require the State Board of Elections to promulgate administrative regulations related to the audit of elections and specifically calls for the establishment of a risk-limiting audit pilot program. This administrative regulation establishes a working-group to conduct and report on such a pilot program.

Section 1. Beginning March 2022, there shall be a working-group formed to establish recommendations for post-election audits in the counties of the Commonwealth. The working-group shall consist of members representing the State Board of Elections, the office of the Secretary of State, at least six (6) county clerks, an individual recognized to be an election auditing expert, and any other individuals the working-group may desire to include. The working-group shall, in the six (6) counties represented on the working-group, conduct a risk-limiting audit pilot program during the 2022 primary nomination of candidates and regular election. The working-group shall report any results, recommendations, or findings, regarding the implementation of risk-limiting audits to the State Board of Elections following the 2022 primary nomination of candidates and regular election.


31 KAR 4:210
48 Ky.R. 3119, 1030; eff. 1/31/2023.

STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 117.015(1)(a), 117.383(8), (9)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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