Section 1. Definitions. Except as established
in this section, definitions for 401 KAR Chapter 42 shall be as established in
280.12 and
(1) "Analytical Testing":
(a) Means:
1. The techniques established in Test Methods
for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods, U.S. EPA Publication
SW-846 as referenced in
40 C.F.R.
260.11(c)(3); or
2. Cabinet-approved techniques based on best
management practices, including the required quality assurances and quality
controls used to identify the quantitative, chemical makeup of a sample;
(b) Does not mean
field instruments, qualitative, or semi-quantitative techniques utilized to
inform decision making, but not utilized to determine regulatory
"Background" means the concentration of substances consistently present in the
environment at, or regionally proximate to, a UST system release, but outside
of the influence of the UST system release. The two (2) types of background are
natural background and ambient background.
(3) "Bodily injury and property damage" is
defined by
(4) "Cabinet" is defined by
(5) "Cathodic protection tester" means a
person accredited or certified in accordance with
KAR 42:020, Section 11(9).
(6) "Change in service" means continued use
of a UST system that previously stored a regulated substance to store a
non-regulated substance.
"Claim" is defined by
(8) "Contamination" means degradation in the
quality of surface water, sediment, groundwater, air, soil, or bedrock as a
result of human activities.
"Contract" means the legally-binding written agreement for performance of
corrective action entered into by an owner or operator and an eligible company
or partnership.
(10) "Corrective
(b) For purposes of
KAR 42:020 and
KAR 42:060, means those actions necessary to protect
human health and the environment if there is a UST system release. Corrective
action includes initial response remedial actions to clean up contaminated
groundwater, surface waters or soil, actions to address residual effects after
initial corrective action is taken, and actions taken to restore or replace
potable water supplies. Corrective action also includes actions necessary to
monitor, assess, and evaluate a UST system release, as well as actions
necessary to monitor, assess, and evaluate the effectiveness of remedial action
after a UST system release has occurred.
(11) "Delivery prohibition" means prohibiting
the delivery, deposit, or acceptance of a regulated substance to an underground
storage tank that has been determined to be ineligible by the cabinet in
accordance with
KAR 42:020 for delivery, deposit, or
(12) "Division" is
defined by
(13) "Domestic-use cistern" means a cistern
constructed in a manner to allow the infiltration of groundwater and is
currently used or potentially used by humans for consumption or other uses
resulting in dermal or inhalation exposure.
(14) "Domestic-use spring" means a perennial
spring continuously utilized by humans for consumption or other potable uses
resulting in dermal or inhalation exposure.
(15) "Domestic-use well" means a well
currently used or potentially used by humans for consumption or other uses
resulting in dermal or inhalation exposure.
(16) "Double walled" means factory certified
construction utilizing an inner wall and an outer wall with an interstitial
space between the inner wall and outer wall suitable for interstitial
(17) "Eligible company
or partnership" means a person issued a letter of eligibility in accordance
KAR 42:250.
(18) "Empty" means all regulated substances
have been removed from the UST system using commonly employed practices so that
not more than two and five-tenths (2.5) centimeters (one (1) inch) of residue,
or zero and three-tenths (0.3) percent by weight of the total capacity of the
UST system, remain in the system.
(19) "Entry level" means a deductible amount
equal to the financial responsibility the owners or operators shall establish
and maintain in accordance with
224.60-120, except for actions established in
KAR 42:250, Section 5(3).
(20) "Environmental emergency" is defined by
(21) "Facility" is defined by
(22) "Field blank" means an aliquot of
reagent water exposed to the environment during field sample collection and
processed in the laboratory as an environmental sample. A field blank is used
to document that contamination is not introduced during sample
(23) "Financial
ability" means the capacity of a petroleum storage tank owner or operator to
finance the performance of corrective action.
(24) "Free product" is defined by
(25) "Groundwater" means the subsurface water
occurring in the zone of saturation beneath the water table, and perched water
zones below the B-soil horizon, including water circulating through fractures,
bedding planes, and solution conduits.
(26) "Hydrogeologically upgradient" means in
the direction from a point of lower hydrostatic pressure to a point of higher
hydrostatic pressure, as defined by wells or piezometers constructed to the
same depth, or in the direction from a point where a lower water table
elevation exists to a point where a higher water table elevation exists, as
defined by wells or piezometers.
(27) "Independent third-party evaluator"
means a consulting firm, test laboratory, not-for-profit research organization,
or educational institution with no organizational or financial conflict of
(28) "Interior lining"
means corrosion and chemical resistance materials that are applied to the
inside of the tank to protect the internal surface of the tank from
(29) "Interstitial
space" means the area between the inner and outer wall of any component of a
UST system.
(30) "Liquid-tight"
means impervious to the passage of water or a liquid regulated
(31) "Monitoring" means
the act of systematically collecting and accessing data on operational
parameters or on the quality of the air, soil, bedrock, groundwater, sediment,
or surface water.
(32) "Motor fuel"
is defined by
(33) "Newly discovered UST system" means a
UST system at a UST facility that would not have been discovered by the owner
or operator by the exercise of ordinary diligence.
(34) "Occurrence" is defined by
(35) "Off-site" means any area beyond the
point of compliance.
(36) "On-site"
means the area within the point of compliance.
(37) "Operational life" means the period
beginning when installation of the UST system has commenced and ending when the
UST system is closed in accordance with
KAR 42:060.
(38) "Overfill release" means a UST system
release that occurs if a UST system is filled beyond its capacity, resulting in
a discharge of the regulated substance to the environment.
(39) "Permanent closure" means:
(a) Closure, occurring prior to December 22,
1988, in accordance with the requirements of the Kentucky Fire Marshal, and
applicable industry standards when closure occurred, and that prevents future
use of the UST system; or
(b) After
December 22, 1988, removing the UST system from the ground or filling the UST
system with an inert solid material, or a combination of both methods in
accordance with
KAR 42:060, Section 6.
(40) "Person" is defined by
(41) "Petroleum" is defined by
(42) "Petroleum storage tank" is defined by
(43) "Petroleum storage tank operator" is
defined by
(44) "Petroleum storage tank owner" is
defined by
(45) "Point of compliance" means the property
boundaries of the property on which the UST facility is located.
(46) "Product deliverer" means a person that
delivers or deposits regulated substances into a UST system.
(47) "Professional engineer" is defined by
(48) "Professional geologist" is defined by
(49) "Registration" means "notification" as
used in
40 C.F.R.
(50) "Regulated substance" is defined by
(51) "Release" is defined by:
224.60-115(20); or
(52) "Repair" is defined by
280.12, except that the term also
includes restoration of a UST system component that has exhibited an unusual
operating condition.
"Replaced" or "replacement" means:
(a) For a
tank, to remove a tank and install another tank;
(b) For piping, to remove fifty (50) percent
or more of piping and install other piping, excluding connectors, connected to
a single tank or single compartment. For multiple piping runs connected to a
single tank or compartment, this definition applies independently to each
piping run; and
(c) For ancillary
equipment, to remove a piece of equipment and install new
(54) "Residual
tank materials" means accumulated tank water, bottom sediments, mixture of
product and water, or other material remaining in a tank after removal of tank
(55) "Sump" means a
subsurface area designed to provide access to UST system equipment.
(56) "Surface water" means:
Those waters having well-defined banks and beds, either constantly or
intermittently flowing;
2. Lakes
and impounded waters;
3. Marshes
and wetlands; and
4. Subterranean
waters flowing in well-defined channels and having a demonstrable hydro-logic
connection to the surface; and
(b) Does not mean effluent ditches and
lagoons used for waste treatment that are situated on property owned, leased,
or under valid easement by a permitted discharger.
(57) "Suspected UST system release" means the
observation of an unusual operating condition or an unconfirmed UST system
(58) "Tank contents" means
accumulated tank water, bottom sediments, or mixture of product and water, that
is removed from a tank at one (1) time by the same method and that is accepted
by a recycling facility.
"Third party" is defined by
(60) "Trip blank" means a sample of
analyte-free media taken from the laboratory to the sampling site and returned
to the laboratory unopened. A trip blank is used to document contamination
attributable to shipping and field handling procedures per cooler per sampling
(61) "Underground storage
tank" is defined by
(62) "Unusual operating condition" means an
abnormal condition observed during the normal use of a UST system, including
erratic behavior of product dispensing equipment, the sudden loss of product
from a portion of the UST system, the unexplained presence of water in the tank
exceeding one (1) inch, a failing result from a tank or line tightness test, a
failing result of a corrosion protection evaluation, a failing result of a
spill containment device test, a failing result of an under-dispenser
containment test, a failing result of a containment sump test, an unexplained
failing result from a release detection method or device, an unexplained
inventory discrepancy, two (2) consecutive months of inconclusive statistical
inventory reconciliation (SIR) results, an unexplained equipment failure or
malfunction, an unexplained presence of vapors, an unexplained presence of
product in sumps, under-dispenser containment or a spill containment device,
infiltration of liquid into the interstitial space of a UST system, an
unexplained overfill or release detection alarm, or evidence of a release of a
regulated substance.
(63) "UST
facility" means all UST systems owned or operated by an owner or operator, and
located on a single parcel of property or on a contiguous or adjacent
(64) "UST site" or "site"
means UST facility.
(65) "Vapor
intrusion" means the presence of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds
in residential or commercial buildings, assessed in accordance with Section 7.3
of the UST Corrective Action Manual, incorporated by reference in
KAR 42:060, resulting from contaminated subsurface
media originating from a UST system release.