La. Admin. Code tit. 40, § I-5149 - Reconsideration of Disputed Reimbursements

A. When, after examination of the EOMB, a health care provider is dissatisfied with a carrier's payment of a bill for medical services, a reconsideration may be requested by the provider.
1. A provider must make a written request for reconsideration within 60 days from receipt of the EOMB, accompanied by a copy of the bill in question, the carrier's EOMB and any supporting documentation to substantiate the medical necessity of the service and the diagnosis provided.
2. The carrier must process a reconsideration within 60 days of receipt.
a. The carrier must review and re-evaluate the original bill and accompanying documentation using its own medical consultant if necessary.
b. The carrier must notify the provider within 60 days of the results of the reconsideration, explain the reason(s) for their decision and cite the specific policy upon which their final adjustment was made.
B. The provider may request the Office of Workers' Compensation Administration, Medical Services Section, to resolve the dispute if the result of the carrier's reconsideration remains unsatisfactory.
C. The Office of Workers' Compensation Administration's Medical Services Section will resolve disputes between a provider and carrier which involve the interpretation of the reimbursement policies and allowable reimbursement contained in the applicable reimbursement manual.
1. A written request for the resolution of a disputed reimbursement claim must be submitted to the Office of Workers' Compensation Administration within 60 days of the carrier's reconsideration or 90 days from the provider's requested date when no response is received.
2. Valid request for reconsideration must include copies of the following:
a. copies of the original and resubmitted bills;
b. EOMBs including the specific reimbursement;
c. supporting documentation and correspondence;
d. specific information regarding contact with the carrier.
3. The dispute will be reviewed by the Office of Workers' Compensation Administration, Medical Services Section, and both parties, the provider and the carrier, will be notified of the decision within 60 days after receipt of a valid request.
4. Request for resolving disputes may be sent to:

Office of Workers' Compensation

Medical Services Section

Attn: Medical Services Manager

Box 94040

Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9040


La. Admin. Code tit. 40, § I-5149
Promulgated by the Department of Labor, Office of Workers' Compensation, LR 19:54 (January 1993), repromulgated LR 19:212 (February 1993), amended LR 20:1299 (November 1994).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 23:1034.2.

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