A. Sources that
meet the applicability requirements pursuant to Section
1 of this Chapter must obtain offset
credits for that nonattainment pollutant, or its precursors, as directed in
Subsection 3(E) below.
B. The new
source or modification may not commence operation until the Department has
determined that emission reductions of the nonattainment pollutant have
occurred and that all requirements of Section
4 of this Chapter are met.
C. Offset credit reductions must be federally
enforceable by the time the air emission license for the user is
D. At a minimum, the total
offset credits required shall be greater than the potential emission increase
from a new major source or new major modification pursuant to this
E. Offset Credit
(1) Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOC) and NO
xOffset Credits
(a) VOC and NOxOffset
Ratios. For a new major source or major modification subject to this Chapter,
the offset ratio for VOC and NOxis based on the current
ozone nonattainment area classification or other designation for the area in
which the new major source or major modification will locate, and on the
distance between the new major source or major modification and the source from
which offset credits are obtained, as specified below. If the location of a new
major source or major modification is subject to more than one classification,
the more restrictive offset ratio shall apply.
(b) NOxoffset credits
may be used to offset increased VOC emissions, and VOC offset credits may be
used to offset increased NOxemissions, if approved by
the EPA and the Department. In areas subject to a
NOxwaiver under section 182(f) of the Clean Air Act,
NOxcredits may be used to offset VOC emissions to the
extent allowed under the Clean Air Act and upon written notification of
approval from the EPA. The same number of offset credits must be obtained
whether NOxor VOC credits are used. Approval by the
Department will be based on whether the Department finds that the same
estimated ozone reduction will be achieved whether VOC offset credits or
NOxoffset credits are used.
(c) Location of Offset Credits for VOC and
xOffset credits for VOC and
xshall be obtained from sources in the same ozone
designation area, except that such offset credits may be obtained from a source
in another ozone designation area if the conditions of either (i) or (ii),
whichever is relevant, are met:
(i) Locating
in an Ozone Nonattainment Area: For a new major source or major modification
subject to this Chapter locating in an ozone nonattainment area:
(a) The ozone nonattainment area from which
offset credits are obtained has an equal or higher (i.e., more serious)
nonattainment classification than the ozone nonattainment area in which the new
major source or major modification subject to this Chapter is locating;
(b) Emissions from the ozone
nonattainment area from which offset credits are obtained contribute to a
violation of a National Ambient Air Quality Standard in the ozone nonattainment
area in which the new major source or major modification subject to this
Chapter is locating;
(c) Offset
credits are obtained based on the classification of the area in which the new
major source or major modification is locating, per the minimum offset ratios
listed below:
Ozone Classification for Area in Which New
Major Source or Major Modification is Locating
Minimum Offset Ratio
Serious nonattainment area
1.2 to 1
Moderate nonattainment area
1.15 to 1
Marginal nonattainment area
(not included in the OTR)
1.1 to 1
Areas within the OTR
1.15 to 1
(ii) Locating In an Ozone Attainment Area in
the OTR: For a new major source or major modification subject to this Chapter
locating in an ozone attainment area in the OTR, the source from which the
offset credits are being obtained must be located in the OTR and may be located
within another ozone attainment area or within an ozone nonattainment area if
approved by the Department and EPA. Sources locating in an ozone attainment
area within the OTR must obtain VOC offset credits at a ratio of 1.15 to 1.
A new major source or major modification subject to this
Chapter locating in an ozone attainment area that does not have a
NOx waiver under section 182(f) of the Clean Air Act
must obtain NOxoffset credits at a ratio of 1.15 to
(2) Offset Credits for
2, PM
2.5, NO
2, CO, or Lead
(a) Offset credits for sulfur dioxide
(SO2), particulate matter smaller than 10 microns in
diameter (PM10), particulate matter smaller than 2.5
microns in diameter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), or lead (Pb) must be
obtained in a ratio that is greater than 1 to 1.
(b) Demonstration of a Net Air Quality
When the new major source or major modification subject to
this Chapter is locating in or has a significant impact on an
SO2, NO2,
PM10, PM2.5, CO, or Lead
nonattainment area, and the offset credits are not obtained from an existing
stationary source on the same premises or in the vicinity (within 250 meters),
and the pollutants are not emitted from substantially the same effective stack
height of the new source or modification, a demonstration of a net air quality
benefit shall be made on the basis of atmospheric dispersion modeling.
(c) Location of Offset Credits
Offset credits for SO2,
PM10, PM2.5,
NO2, CO, and Lead shall be obtained from the same source
or other sources located in the same nonattainment area or in another
nonattainment area if
(i) The other
area has an equal or higher (worse) nonattainment classification than the area
in which the source is located; and
(ii) Emissions from such other area
contribute to a violation of the national ambient air quality standard in the
nonattainment area in which the source is located.
(d) NO
x offsets
generated in Maine cannot be used by a source located outside of Maine, unless
that source is located on the outer continental shelf and Maine has been
determined to be the corresponding onshore area for the source pursuant to 40
C.F.R. Part