06-096 C.M.R. ch. 162, § 8 - Test methods and compliance procedures

The owner or operator of any facility with open molding resin and gel coat operations choosing to use add-on emission controls pursuant to Section 3(C) of this Chapter shall perform compliance testing and demonstrate compliance using the methods and procedures described in Capture Efficiency Test Procedures, 06-096 CMR 126. The Department shall be notified 30 days prior to performing compliance testing, and test results shall be reported to the Department within 60 days after the test.

A. When calculating the monomer VOC emission limitation in Section 3(B) of this Chapter, the owner or operator shall use the mass of each material used during the control device performance test (in lieu of the mass of each material used over the past twelve months) to determine the emission limit that is applicable during the test. If the measured emissions at the outlet of the control device are less than the emission limit, then the facility will be considered to have achieved compliance with the emission limit.
B. If the owner or operator is using a filled production resin or tooling resin, compliance shall be demonstrated for the filled material on an as-filled basis using equation 6:

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Where: PVF = The as-applied monomer VOC emission rate for a filled production resin or tooling resin, kilograms of monomer VOC per ton of filled material.

PVU = The monomer VOC emission rate for the neat (unfilled) resin, before filler is added, as calculated using the formulas in Table 2 of this Chapter.

Per cent filler = The weight-per cent of filler in the as-applied filled resin system.

C.The owner or operator subject to this Chapter choosing to use add-on emission controls pursuant to Section 3(C) of this Chapter shall perform additional testing and submit a report within ninety (90) days of receipt of notice from the Department if equipment operating parameters, staff inspection, air monitoring or other cause indicate to the Department that the surface coating facility may be operating out of compliance with the emission limitations.


06-096 C.M.R. ch. 162, § 8

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.