06-096 C.M.R. ch. 400, § 1 - Definitions
The following terms, as used in the Maine Solid Waste Laws and in these rules have the following meanings, unless the context indicates otherwise:
"Abutter" for the purposes of the notice provisions of this rule, means any
person who owns property that is both (1) contiguous to the property boundary
and (2) within 1 mile of the facility site on which the project will take
place, including owners of property directly across a public or private right
of way.
portion. "Active portion" of a landfill means that part of the landfill
or landfill cell that has not received final cover in accordance with these or
prior rules or with Federal rules or was not closed prior to the enactment of
any solid waste management rules.
Adequately wetted. "Adequately wetted" means
sufficiently mixed or coated with water or an aqueous solution to prevent dust
composting operation. "Agricultural composting operation" means
composting that takes place on a farm and uses only animal manure, animal
carcasses and offal, fish waste, leaves, wood chips, animal bedding and other
vegetative waste, produce and other vegetable and food waste.
Agricultural waste.
"Agricultural waste," means wastes that result from agricultural activities
(the growing of vegetables, fruits, seeds, nursery crops, poultry, livestock,
field crops, cultivated or pasture hay and farmlot wood products, including
Christmas trees) that are returned to the soils as fertilizers. It includes
waste pesticides when generated by a farmer, provided that the farmer triple
rinses each emptied pesticide container in accordance with Departmental rules
and disposes of the pesticide residues in a manner consistent with the disposal
instructions on the pesticide label. It does not include any material regulated
as a residual under 06-096 CMR 419.
Agronomic rate. "Agronomic rate" means an
application rate of plant nutrients that is recommended to provide the optimum
plant growth and be utilized by the crop.
Agronomic utilization. "Agronomic utilization" or
"utilization" means the land application of residuals in a controlled manner in
order to:
(1) Increase the nutrient content
of the soil at a rate commensurate with the nutritional needs of the crop to be
grown and the assimilative capacity of the soil;
(2) Otherwise improve agricultural soil
conditions; or
(3) Provide some
other horticultural benefit.
Airport. "Airport" means an aircraft landing strip
open to the public.
Alkaline material. "Alkaline material" means a high-pH material
with a minimum pH of 10. 5 standard units, which is not classified as
hazardous, such as hydrated lime.
Alter. "Alter" means to increase the capacity of or
to change the siting, design, construction or operation of a solid waste
facility or activity in any way not previously approved by the
Amendment. "Amendment" means a modification to a license that
would permit a solid waste facility to significantly increase capacity of the
facility; significantly alter the siting, design, construction or operation of
the facility; or significantly alter the nature of an activity to an extent
that would require the Department to modify any findings with respect to any of
the licensing criteria. Amendments do not include minor revisions and other
sound. "Ambient sound" means the all-encompassing sound at a given
location, being usually a composite of sounds from many sources at many
directions, near and far.
Annual report. "Annual report" means the report prepared annually
by each solid waste facility owner or operator to demonstrate compliance with
the license for that facility and the applicable provisions of these
"Asbestos" means a group of naturally occurring minerals that separate into
fibers of high tensile strength and are resistant to heat, wear and chemicals,
including, but not limited to the asbestiform varieties of serpentine
(chrysotile), riebeckite (crocidolite), cummingtonite-gunerite (amosite),
anthophylite, actinolite, tremolite and any of these minerals that have been
chemically treated or altered.
Asbestos waste. "Asbestos waste" means any asbestos-contaminated
material or asbestos debris generated from an asbestos abatement activity and
any other source, as these terms are defined in 06-096 CMR 425 - Asbestos
Management Regulations.
Ash. "Ash" means the residue or the residual remaining after the
combustion of a material such as coal, wood, oil, sludge or municipal solid
Asphalt batching
plant. "Asphalt batching plant" means any continuous flow or
non-continuous asphalt plant that uses a rotary kiln, drum dryer, pug mill or
drum mix device to process an aggregate-asphalt mix into a final bituminous
monitoring. "Assessment monitoring" means monitoring conducted to verify
water quality and/or to assess the nature and extent of a release of
contaminants to ground or surface water.
A. S. T. M. "A. S. T. M. " means American Society
for Testing and Materials.
Attendant. "Attendant" means the individual who is the on-site
supervisor of the day-to-day operations at a solid waste facility.
Barrier layer. "Barrier
layer" means a continuous layer of natural and/or synthetic materials, over,
beneath, or on the sides of a surface impoundment, landfill, or landfill cell,
which restricts the downward or lateral escape of solid waste, any constituents
of such waste, and leachate, or which minimizes the infiltration of rainwater
to the extent required in these rules.
Beneficial use. "Beneficial use" means to use or
reuse a solid waste or waste derived product:
(1) As a raw material substitute in
(2) As construction
material or construction fill,
As fuel, or
(4) In agronomic
Board. "Board" means the Maine Board of Environmental Protection.
Buffer strip.
"Buffer strip" means an area of land that is covered by vegetation, capable of
regeneration and succession, whether retained as undisturbed vegetation or
re-established following disturbance of the site. A buffer strip runs along the
border between the facility site and an adjacent piece of land, body of water,
or other specified area and serves to protect that area from adverse effects of
the facility or preserves some existing quality or use in the area of
Bypass. "Bypass" means any solid waste that is destined for
disposal, processing, or beneficial use at an operating solid waste facility,
but which cannot be disposed, processed, or beneficially used at that facility
because of the facility's temporary malfunction, temporary insufficient
capacity, temporary in ability of the facility to process or burn, or temporary
down-time. For the purposes of this paragraph, "operating solid waste facility"
means a licensed solid waste facility that is fully operational at the time
that the malfunction, insufficient capacity, inability to process or burn or
downtime begins and that intends to resume full operation at the time that the
malfunction, insufficient capacity, inability to process or burn or downtime
Cell. "Cell"
means a discrete area within a landfill site which has been designated to
facilitate the systematic construction, operation, and closure of the
copy. "Certified copy" means a copy of the Department approved operating
manual implemented by the owner/operator of a landfill facility that is
assigned to be updated and tracked by a person specified by the
Classified water. "Classified water" means all ground water and
any surface water, inland or tidal, and perennial or intermittent tributaries
thereof, that are described and designated pursuant to 38 M. R. S. A.
§§464 to 470.
Commercial solid waste disposal facility. "Commercial solid waste
disposal facility" means a solid waste disposal facility except as follows:
(1) A solid waste facility owned by a public
waste disposal corporation under 38M. R. S. A. §1304- B(5) as long as the
public waste disposal corporation controls the decisions regarding the type and
source of waste that is accepted, handled, treated and disposed of at the
facility; if the facility is a solid waste landfill, the facility accepts only
waste generated within the State unless the commissioner finds that the
acceptance of waste that is not waste generated within the State provides a
substantial public benefit in accordance with section 5;
(2) A solid waste facility owned by a
municipality under 38 M. R. S. A. §1305 as long as the municipality
controls the decisions regarding the type and source of waste that is accepted,
handled, treated and disposed at the facility; if the facility is a solid waste
landfill, the facility accepts only waste generated within the State unless the
commissioner finds that the acceptance of waste that is not waste generated
within the State provides a substantial public benefit in accordance with
5, and acceptance of waste that is not
waste generated within the State is approved by a majority of the voters of the
municipality by referendum election;
(3) A solid waste facility owned by a refuse
disposal district under 38 M. R. S. A. §§1701 to 1757 as long as the
refuse disposal district controls the decisions regarding the type and source
of waste that is accepted, handled, treated and disposed of at the facility; if
the facility is a solid waste landfill, the facility accepts only waste
generated within the State unless the commissioner finds that the acceptance of
waste that is not waste generated within the State provides a substantial
public benefit in accordance with section 5;
(4) A solid waste facility owned and
controlled by the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau
of General Services under Title 38 Chapter 24 and the facility accepts only
waste generated within the State;
(5) A solid waste facility owned and
controlled by a single entity that generates at least 85% of the solid waste
disposed of at the facility, except that the facility may accept from other
sources, on a nonprofit basis, an amount of solid waste that is no more than
15% of all solid waste accepted on an annual basis. For purposes of this
paragraph, "single entity" means an individual, partnership, corporation or
limited liability company that is not engaged primarily in the business of
treating or disposing of solid waste or special waste. This paragraph does not
apply if an individual partner, shareholder, member or other ownership interest
in the single entity disposes of waste in the solid waste facility. A waste
facility receiving ash resulting from the combustion of municipal solid waste
or refuse-derived fuel is not exempt from this subsection solely by operation
of this paragraph; or
(6) A private
corporation that accepts material-separated refuse-derived fuel as a
supplemental fuel and does not burn waste other than its own.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.
Commercial waste.
"Commercial waste" means solid waste generated by stores, offices, restaurants,
warehouses, and other non-manufacturing, non-processing activities. Commercial
waste does not include household, process, industrial or special
liner. "Composite liner" means a geomembrane placed over and in direct
and uniform contact with a barrier soil layer and/or geosynthetic clay liner,
without a leak detection or leachate collection layer between them.
Compost. "Compost" means a
residual that has undergone a composting process.
Compost Management Plan.
"Compost Management Plan" means a plan developed by an Agricultural Composting
Operation to demonstrate compliance with the Department of Agriculture, Food
and Rural Resources' best management practices for Agricultural Composting
Composting. "Composting" means the biological decomposition of
organic residuals under predominantly aerobic conditions and controlled
temperatures between 110° and 160° F.
Composting facility.
"Composting facility" means any land area, structure, equipment, machine,
device, system, or combination thereof, which is operated to facilitate the
composting of solid waste.
Construction or demolition debris (CDD). "Construction or
demolition debris" means solid waste resulting from construction, remodeling,
repair, and demolition of structures. It includes but is not limited to:
building materials, discarded furniture, asphalt, wall board, pipes, and metal
conduits. It excludes: partially filled containers of glues, tars, solvents,
resins, paints, or caulking compounds; friable asbestos; and other special
fill. "Construction fill" means fill that may contain solid waste
utilized to provide material for construction projects such as roads, parking
lots, buildings or other structures. It does not include fill needed to
re-contour an area within a landfill or where no further construction is
occurring. If the construction fill contains solid waste other than inert fill,
the use of the fill is regulated under 06-096 CMR 418.
Contamination or Pollution
(1) As applied to ground water,
"contamination" or "pollution" means exceeding water quality standards, the
concentrations of which are attributable to the solid waste facility, as:
(a) Specified in 10-144CMR 231 - Primary
Drinking Water Standards, promulgated pursuant to 22 M. R. S. A. §2611;
(b) Demonstrated by a
statistically significant change in measured parameters which indicates
deterioration of water quality determined through assessment monitoring.
(2) As applied to
surface water, "contamination" or "pollution" means an unlicensed discharge to
a classified body of surface water that is not exempt from licensing and is
attributable to any aspect of the solid waste facility
Conveyance. "Conveyance" as that term is defined in 38 M. R. S. A.
§1303- C(10) means any aircraft, watercraft, vehicle or other machine used
for transportation on land, water or in the air. For the purposes of these
rule, either the power unit, trailer, semi-trailer, or the container being
transported shall be licensed.
Crop for direct human consumption. "Crop for direct human
consumption" means a food crop that is distributed to consumers without prior
processing such as blanching, frying or cooking to minimize pathogens.
Daytime hours.
"Daytime hours" means the hours between 7:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
Demolition debris. See
"construction or demolition debris".
Department. "Department" means the Department of
Environmental Protection composed of the Board of Environmental Protection and
the Commissioner.
Department Supervised Clean-up. "Department Supervised Clean-up"
means a clean-up of oil contaminated soil that is undertaken under the
direction of a representative of the Department.
Design leakage rate.
"Design leakage rate" means the amount of leakage expected through the liner
system(s) within the solid waste boundary, plus an additional amount of leakage
from waste handling areas, to account for factors such as changes in long-term
performance of engineered products, operational considerations, and
site-specific design features. The design leakage rate includes leakage during
the operational, closure, and post-closure periods.
Detection monitoring.
"Detection monitoring" means monitoring conducted periodically throughout the
active life of the facility, and through the closure and post-closure periods,
to detect changes in water quality.
Dewatered septage. " Dewatered septage" means the
solid fraction removed from septage, by mechanical means such as a sand filter,
clarifier or belt filter press.
Disposal. "Disposal", means the discharge, deposit,
dumping, spilling, leaking, placing or incineration of any solid waste into or
on any land, air or water so that the solid waste or any constituent thereof
may enter the environment or be emitted into the air, or discharged into any
waters, including ground waters. This term does not include beneficial use
activities approved or exempted under these rules.
Dredge materials. "Dredge
materials" means sand, silt, mud, gravel, rock or other sediment or material
removed from beneath any surface water.
E. P. A. "E. P. A. " means the United States
Environmental Protection Agency.
Equipment. "Equipment" means any item of machinery
or implement used in the operation of a solid waste facility to perform site
preparation, earth-moving and trucking, hauling, transporting, spreading,
compacting or covering of waste.
Environmental justice.
"Environmental justice" means the right to be protected from environmental
pollution and to live in and enjoy a clean and healthful environment regardless
of ancestry, class, disability, ethnicity, income, national origin, or
religion. Environmental justice includes the equal protection and meaningful
involvement of all people with respect to the development, implementation, and
enforcement of waste management laws, regulations, and licensing
monitoring. " Environmental monitoring" means collecting and analyzing
ground and surface water samples, leachate, leak detection and leachate
treatment residue samples, air samples, landfill gas samples and/or
measurements, waste characterization, and monitoring of solid waste settlement
and landfill and/or site stability.
Existing hourly sound level. " Existing hourly sound
level" means the hourly sound level at a solid waste facility or at protected
locations prior to the first expansion of that solid waste facility.
Expand. "Expand", as it
applies to solid waste landfills, means to dispose of solid waste beyond the
horizontal boundaries previously licensed by the Department for solid waste
disposal, except when allowed as part of a Department approved closure
activity. "Expand", as it applies to solid waste incineration facilities, means
to significantly increase the licensed disposal capacity of the facility.
"Expand", as it applies to solid waste processing facilities, means to increase
the waste handling area beyond the horizontal boundaries previously licensed by
the Department or to significantly increase the previously licensed volume of
waste accepted.
site. "Facility site" means any developed land area of a solid waste
facility, including internal access roads controlled by the facility site owner
or operators, structures (including those for erosion and sedimentation
control), parking lots, and waste handling areas, or any areas thereof approved
by the Department for that development, but excluding monitoring
"Farm" means the same as defined in 7 M. R. S. A. §152 which states that
farm means the land, plants, animals, buildings, structures, ponds and
machinery used in the commercial production of agricultural products.
Fault. "Fault" means a
geologic fracture or a zone of fractures in any material along which strata on
one side have been displaced with respect to that on the other side.
Feed crop. "Feed Crop"
means a crop produced primarily for consumption by domestic animals.
Fiber crop. "Fiber crop"
means a crop grown for fiber content such as straw, trees, flax and cotton.
Fines. "Fines"
means the soil material that passes through a #200 U. S. Standard
fill. "Flowable Fill" means a cementitious low-strength material
comprised of cement, a non-hazardous ash, fine aggregate, and water and used in
place of compacted soil in excavations and/or construction where high strength
is not required.
crop. "Food crop" means a crop grown primarily for direct consumption by
humans, such as fruits and vegetables.
Fractured bedrock aquifer. "Fractured bedrock
aquifer" means a fractured consolidated rock formation that is saturated and
recharged by precipitation percolating through overlying sediments to a degree
that will permit wells drilled into the rock to produce a sufficient water
supply for domestic use.
Front-end process residue (FEPR). "Front-end process residue
(FEPR)" means solid waste removed by processing prior to incineration or
landfilling, including but not limited to ferrous metals, glass, grit and fine
organic matter.
Generator. "Generator" means any person whose act or process
produces a solid waste or whose act first causes a solid waste to be subject to
regulation under these rules.
Handle. "Handle" means to store, transfer, collect, separate,
salvage, process, recycle, reduce, recover, incinerate, dispose of, treat, or
beneficially use.
Hazardous waste. "Hazardous waste" means a waste substance or material,
in any physical state, designated as hazardous by the Board under 38 M. R. S.
A. §1319- O. It does not include waste resulting from normal household or
agricultural activities. The fact that a hazardous waste or a part or a
constituent may have value or other use or may be sold or exchanged does not
exclude it from this definition.
Heavy metals. "Heavy metals" means those metallic
elements that have the potential for human, plant or animal toxicity including,
but not limited to, the following: arsenic (As), Barium (Ba), cadmium (Cd),
copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), molybdenum
(Mb), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn).
Historic site. "Historic site" means any site,
structure, district or archaeological site which has been officially included
on the National Register of Historic Places and/or on the Maine Historic
Resource Inventory, or which is established by qualified testimony or evidence
as being of historic significance.
Hot loads. "Hot loads" means solid waste delivered
to a solid waste facility that is on fire, smoldering, or releases sufficient
heat upon hydration to constitute a fire hazard.
Hourly sound level.
"Hourly sound level" means the level of the mean-square A-weighted sound
pressure during a one hour period or equivalently the level of the sound
exposure during a one hour period.
Household hazardous waste. "Household hazardous
waste" means any hazardous waste material excluded from identification as a
hazardous waste by 06-096 CMR 850, section 3(A)(4) (vii) because it is
generated by households, including single and multiple residences, hotels and
motels, bunkhouses, picnic grounds, and day-use recreational
Hydrogeologic unit. "Hydrogeologic unit" means one or more
stratigraphic or lithologic units having similar hydrogeologic properties which
are in hydraulic communication, and bounded by either the ground surface or
adjacent stratigraphic or lithologic units having differing hydrogeologic
Incineration. "Incineration" means the volume reduction of solid
waste by means of controlled combustion. This term does not include combustion
of solid waste in cone burners or the practice of open burning.
Incorporate. "Incorporate"
as used in 06-096 CMR 419 means the mixing of a sludge or other residual with
the soil in the upper horizon by rototilling, harrowing, plowing or sub-surface
fill. "Inert fill" means clean soil material, including soil from road
ditching and sand from winter sand cleanup; rock; bricks; crushed clean glass
or porcelain; aged, fully-hardened asphalt; and cured concrete; that are not
mixed with other solid or liquid waste, and are not derived from an ore mining
Inject. "Inject" means the direct introduction of sewage sludge or
other residual beneath the ground surface by means of specialized
Intermittent stream or brook. "Intermittent stream or brook" means
a stream or brook, or portion of a stream or brook that flows only in direct
response to precipitation, receiving little or no water from springs, and no
continuous supply from melting snow or other sources. An intermittent stream or
brook remains dry for a large part of the year, ordinarily more than three
sight distance. "Intersection sight distance" is the length of roadway
visible to the driver. It must be measured from the intersection (at a point 10
feet back from the edge of the travel way) to the centerline of the opposing
personnel. "Key personnel" for a solid waste disposal facility means
persons in a supervisory role who are accountable and directly involved with
the on-site operation of the solid disposal waste facility. Key personnel also
includes at least one member of a solid waste disposal facility's engineering
or environmental staff.
Land application. "Land application" means spraying or spreading
residuals on the ground surface or incorporating residuals below the ground
Land clearing
debris. "Land clearing debris" means solid wastes resulting from the
clearing of land and consisting solely of brush, stumps, soil material, and
Landfill or
solid waste landfill. "Landfill or solid waste landfill" means a
discrete area of land or an excavation used for the disposal of solid waste.
This term does not include land application sites used in programs approved by
the Department.
Landfill gas. "Landfill gas" means gases, including but not
limited to carbon dioxide and methane, produced by decomposition of solid
reclamation. "Landfill reclamation" means the excavation of a portion or
all of a landfill with the goal of reducing the volume of wastes currently
disposed in the landfill through separation of materials into recyclable,
reusable, and combustible components.
Leachate. "Leachate" means liquid that has passed
through or emerged from solid waste and contains dissolved, suspended or
miscible materials removed from that waste.
Leak detection system.
"Leak detection system" means a high permeability layer between two liners
designed to detect, collect, and remove leachate leaking through the upper
liner before that leachate discharges to the environment.
Liner or liner system.
"Liner" or "liner system" means a constructed, continuous layer of natural or
artificial materials placed beneath or on the sides of a surface impoundment,
landfill, or landfill cell, that restrict the downward or lateral movement of
earth material "Lithified earth material" means all rock, including all
naturally occurring and naturally formed aggregates or masses of minerals or
small particles of older rock, that formed by crystallization of magma or by
induration of loose sediments. This term does not include man-made materials,
such as fill, concrete, and asphalt, or unconsolidated earth materials, soil,
or regolith lying at or near the earth surface.
Liquid waste. "Liquid
waste" means any waste that is determined to contain free liquids according to
the Paint Filter Liquids Test (Method 9095 of E. P. A. SW-846, 3rd Edition).
Lower explosive limit
(LEL). "Lower explosive limit" of a combustible gas or mixture of
combustible gases means the lowest concentration (by volume) in air that will
explode, ignite or burn when there is an ignition source. At concentrations
below the LEL, there is insufficient fuel to support combustion or ignition.
Maine RAGs.
"Maine RAGs" means the "Maine Remedial Action Guidelines for Sites Contaminated
with Hazardous Substances" jointly developed by the Department and the Maine
Department of Health and Human Services' revised May 8, 2013.
Maine Solid Waste Laws.
"Maine Solid Waste Laws" means all the laws of the State of Maine relating to
the management of solid waste. It includes the Maine Hazardous Waste,
Septage and Solid Waste Management Act, Subchapters I and IA (38 M. R.
S. A. §§1301 to 1319- Y); 38 M. R. S. A. §§417 and 420; the
Waste Discharge Law (38 M. R. S. A. §413); 38 M. R. S.
A. §590- E; the Maine Refuse Disposal District Enabling
Act (38 M. R. S. A. §§1701et seq.); and the
Solid Waste Management and Recycling Law (38 M. R. S. A.
§§2101et seq.).
Maine Solid Waste Management
Rules or these rules. "Maine Solid Waste Management Rules" or "these
rules" means 06-096 CMR 400 through 419 inclusive that have been adopted by the
Board of Environmental Protection and are in effect pursuant to the
requirements of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, 5 M. R. S. A.
§§8051et seq.
Material-separated, refuse-derived fuel.
"Material-separated, refuse-derived fuel" means a binder-enhanced, pelletized,
solid fuel product made from the combustible fraction of a municipal solid
waste stream that has been processed to remove the recyclable material before
combustion. The product may not contain more than 6% by weight of plastic,
metal, glass or food waste. In addition, the production of material-separated,
refuse-derived fuel may not exceed 40% by weight of the total municipal solid
waste stream from which it was derived.
Maximum horizontal acceleration in lithified
material. "Maximum horizontal acceleration in lithified material" means
the maximum expected horizontal acceleration, depicted on a seismic hazard map,
with a 90 percent or greater probability that the acceleration will not be
exceeded in 250 years, or the maximum expected horizontal acceleration based on
a site-specific seismic risk assessment.
Minor revision. "Minor revision" means a
modification to a license for any proposed alteration that does not require a
license amendment but that, in the Department's judgment, requires Department
approval due to the need to evaluate whether the proposed alteration could have
a potential impact on public health or welfare, the environment, or create a
Monofill. "Monofill" means a landfill or landfill cell used
exclusively for the disposal of a single homogeneous waste stream.
LLLL. (Reserved)
"Municipality" means City, Town, Plantation or unorganized township.
Municipal solid waste.
"Municipal solid waste" means solid waste emanating from household and normal
commercial sources. Municipal solid waste includes front end process residue
from the processing of municipal solid waste.
Natural drainage.
"Natural drainage" means the drainage conditions that exist in soil which is
undisturbed and which have not been artificially altered. Natural drainage is
classified by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service as:
excessively-drained, somewhat excessively-drained, well-drained, moderately
well-drained, somewhat poorly-drained, poorly drained, very poorly-drained.
hours. "Nighttime hours" means the hours between 7:00 p. m. and 7:00 a.
Nitrogen loading
rate. "Nitrogen loading rate" means the rate at which residuals are
applied to the land to meet the recommended nitrogen requirements for optimum
crop growth.
Non-hazardous waste. "Non-hazardous waste" means any solid waste,
special waste or septage that is not a hazardous waste, biomedical waste, or
low-level radioactive waste.
Northern zone. "Northern zone" includes: Aroostook County; that
part of Penobscot County north of and including Medway, TAR7 and Long A; that
part of Piscataquis County north of and including TBR10, TBR11, Bowdoin College
Grant, Greenville and Little Squaw; that part of Somerset County north of and
including Square Town (T2R5), Moxie Gore (T1R5), West Forks Plantation, Lower
Enchanted (T2R5), BKPWKR (T3R5), and King & Bartlett (T4R5); and that part
of Franklin County north of and including Jim Pond (T1R5), Alder Stream (T2R5),
and Seven Ponds (T3R5).
Offal. "Offal" means organic waste generated at slaughterhouses
and not intended for human consumption, such as blood, entrails, skin,
feathers, and bones.
Oil-contaminated soil. "Oil-contaminated soil" means any soil that has
been contaminated with virgin: #1 fuel oil, #2 fuel oil, #3 fuel oil, #4 fuel
oil, #5 fuel oil, #6 fuel oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, hydraulic fluid or
mineral oil.
hundred year flood plain. "One hundred year flood plain" means the areas
adjoining inland and coastal waters, including flood prone areas of offshore
islands, which are inundated by a flood that has a 1 percent or greater chance
of occurring in a year, or a flood of a magnitude equaled or exceeded once in
100 years on the average.
Open Burning "Open Burning" means the combustion of solid waste
that does not have all of the following:
Control of combustion air to maintain adequate temperature for efficient
(2) Containment of the
combustion reaction in an enclosed device to provide sufficient residence time
and mixing for complete combustion; and
(3) Control of the emission of the combustion
Operator. "Operator" means any person who has care, charge or
control of a solid waste facility subject to these rules. The operator may be
the owner, an agent, or lessee of the owner, or an independent contractor.
Owner. "Owner"
means any person who alone or in conjunction with others owns the real property
on which a solid waste facility subject to these rules is located.
Pathogen. "Pathogen"
means an organism, chiefly a microorganism, including: viruses, bacteria,
fungi, helminth ova, and all forms of animal parasites and protozoa, capable of
producing an infection or disease in a susceptible host.
Pathogen reduction.
"Pathogen reduction" means to significantly decrease the number or
concentration of pathogens.
PCBs. "PCBs" means Polychlorinated Biphenyls; a class of
chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons representing a mixture of specific biphenyl
hydrocarbons which are thermally and chemically very stable.
PCDD. "PCDD", also known as
"Dioxin", means polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin.
PCDF. "PCDF", also known as
"Furan" means polychlorinated dibenzofuran.
Person. "Person" means any individual; partnership;
corporation; firm; federal, state or local government entity; or public or
private organization of any character.
Perennial waterbody/watercourse. "Perennial
waterbody/watercourse" means a stream or brook, or portion of a stream or brook
that flows constantly or contains water throughout the year.
Pollution. See
"Contamination or Pollution" of this section.
Pre-development ambient
sound. "Pre-development ambient sound" means the ambient sound at a
specified location in the vicinity of a proposed or existing solid waste
facility prior to that proposed facility's construction and operation or prior
to an existing facility's expansion.
Primary sand and gravel recharge area. "Primary sand
and gravel recharge area" means the surface area directly overlying sand and
gravel formations that provide direct replenishment of ground water in sand and
gravel and fractured bedrock aquifers. The term does not include areas
overlying formations that have been identified as unsaturated and are not
contiguous with saturated formations.
Private Well. "Private Well" means a well which is
not part of a public water system.
Processing facility. "Processing facility" means any
land area, structure, equipment, machine, device, system, or combination
thereof, other than incinerators, which is operated to reduce the volume or
change the chemical or physical characteristics of solid waste. Processing
facilities include but are not limited to facilities which employ shredding,
baling, mechanical and magnetic separation, or other stabilization techniques
to reduce or otherwise change the nature of solid waste.
Property boundary.
"Property boundary" means the outermost perimeter of the parcel of real
property on which a solid waste facility is located.
Protected Location.
"Protected location" means:
(1) Any location
within a parcel of land which, at the time a solid waste facility application
is submitted, either contains or has local approval for the construction of a
residence, residential subdivision, house of worship, academic school, college,
library, hospital or nursing home;
(2) Any location within:
(a) A state park;
(b) A National Park;
(c) A Historic Site;
(d) A nature preserve owned by the Maine or
National Audubon Society or the Maine Chapter of the Nature
(e) The Appalachian
(f) A National Wildlife
(g) A federally-designated
wilderness area; or
(h) State
wilderness area designated by state statute, such as the Allagash Wilderness
Waterway; or
(3) Any
location within consolidated public reserve lands designated as a protected
location by rule of the Bureau of Public Lands.
State and National Parks that do not have camping areas, houses of worship, schools, libraries, and historic sites are considered protected locations only during their regular hours of operation.
natural resource. "Protected natural resource" means a coastal sand dune
system, coastal wetlands, significant wildlife habitat, fragile mountain areas,
freshwater wetlands, great ponds or rivers, streams or brooks, as these terms
are defined in 38 M. R. S. A. §480-B of the Natural Resources
Protection Act.
Public entity. "Public entity" means a municipality or group of
municipalities, a public waste disposal corporation under 38 M. R. S. A.
§1304- B, a refuse disposal district under 38 M. R. S. A.
§§1702, et seq. , a county, State or Federal
Public viewing
area. "Public viewing area" means an area designated for the public to
view scenic areas, historical sites, unusual natural features or public
monuments. These areas include but are not limited to scenic highways; public
easements; scenic turnouts; public monuments; and national, state or municipal
Public water
system. "Public water system" means any publicly or privately-owned
system of pipes, structures and facilities through which water is obtained for
or sold, furnished or distributed to the public for human consumption, if such
system has at least 15 service connections or serves at least 25 individuals
daily at least 60 days out of the year. The term "public water system" shall
include any collection, treatment, storage or distribution pipes, structures or
facilities under the control of the supplier of water and used primarily in
connection with such system, and any collection or pretreatment storage
facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with
such system. The system shall not include the portion of service pipe owned and
maintained by a customer of the public water system. A retail store that
purifies and bottles water from a "public water system" and sells the water on
the premises is not a "public water system. "
Public well. "Public
well" means a well which is part of a public water system.
Pug mill. "Pug mill" means
any lined mixing chamber that uses an emulsified or cut-back asphalt binding
agent to produce a bituminous product from an aggregate.
Putrescible waste.
"Putrescible waste" means solid waste that contains organic matter that can be
rapidly decomposed by microorganisms, which may give rise to foul smelling,
offensive products during such decomposition or which is capable of attracting
or providing food for birds and potential disease carrying organisms such as
rodents and flies.
Quantifiable noise standard. "Quantifiable noise standard" means a
numerical limit governing noise that has been duly enacted by ordinance by the
drawing "Record drawing" means design drawings depicting the completed
project, or a specific portion of the completed project, prepared by an
engineer and based on contractors' record copy of all drawings, specifications,
additions, addenda, change orders, work changes directives, field orders, and
written interpretations and clarifications, as delivered to the engineer and
annoted by contractor to show changes made during the construction.
R. C. R. A. "R. C. R. A. "
means the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,
42 U. S. C. A. §
et seq.
"Recycle" and "Recycling" means the collection, separation, recovery and sale
or reuse of materials that would otherwise be disposed of or processed as waste
or the mechanized separation of waste, other than through combustion, and the
creation and recovery of reusable materials other than as a fuel for the
generation of electricity.
Recycling Facility. "Recycling facility" means a facility engaged
exclusively in the recycling of materials.
Refuse-derived fuel. "Refuse-derived fuel" means
municipal solid waste which has been processed prior to combustion to increase
the heat input value of the waste.
Residual. "Residual" means solid wastes generated
from municipal, commercial or industrial facilities that may be suitable for
agronomic utilization. These materials may include: food, fiber, vegetable and
fish processing wastes; dredge materials; sludges; dewatered septage; and ash
from wood or sludge fired boilers.
Residue. "Residue" means waste generated as a result
of the handling, processing, composting, incineration, or recycling of solid
waste including, without limitation, front end process residue, fines and other
residues from construction demolition debris processing facilities, and ash
from incineration facilities and non-compostable compost screenings.
Routine operation.
"Routine operation" means, for the purpose of regulating noise, the regular and
recurrent operation of a solid waste facility and the sound sources associated
with that operation.
Sand and gravel deposit. "Sand and gravel deposit" means a
surficial stratigraphic unit, consisting primarily of well-sorted particles of
sand size or larger.
Scrap metal. "Scrap metal" means bits and pieces of metal parts
(such as bars, turnings, rods, sheets, and wire) or metal pieces that may be
attached or combined together with bolts, welds or solder to form a product
(such as scrap automobiles, radiators, or furniture) which whether worn or
outdated can be recycled and which are not otherwise mixed with or contaminated
with non-metal solid or hazardous wastes.
Secondary material. "Secondary material" means a
solid waste, separated from other solid wastes, that may be suitable for
beneficial use.
landfill. "Secure landfill" means a landfill that utilizes a liner
system, a leachate collection and treatment system, and a final cover system to
prevent discharges of waste or leachate, and control the release of landfill
gas, to the environment.
Seismic impact zone. "Seismic impact zone" means an area having a
10 percent probability that the maximum acceleration in lithified earth
materials, expressed as a percentage of the earth's gravitational pull (g),
will exceed 0. 10 g in 250 years as delineated by U. S. G. S. Seismic Source
Zone maps.
receptor. "Sensitive receptor" means public and private water supply
aquifers and wellhead protection zone; public and private drinking water
supplies; significant ground water aquifers and primary sand and gravel
recharge areas; sand and gravel deposits; and Class AA, A, and B surface water
bodies and great ponds.
Septage. "Septage" as that term is defined in 38 M. R. S. A.
§1303- C(27) means waste, refuse, effluent, sludge and any other materials
from septic tanks, cesspools or any other similar facilities. For the purposes
of these rules, septage is further defined as a mixture of liquids and solids
derived from residential sanitary wastewater, and includes sanitary wastewater
from tanks connected to commercial and institutional establishments which have
inputs similar to residential wastewater. Septage also includes wastes derived
from portable toilets.
Septage land application site. "Septage land application site"
means a land area used for septage non-utilization or septage utilization.
Septage storage
facility. "Septage storage facility" means a tank or similar structure
designed and used to contain septage.
Shredder residue. "Shredder residue" means waste
generated from the shredding of automobiles, white goods, and other scrap
ground water aquifer. "Significant ground water aquifer" means a porous
formation of ice contact and glacial outwash sand and gravel supplies or
fractured bedrock that contains significant recoverable quantities of water
likely to provide drinking water supplies.
Significant sand and gravel aquifer. "Significant
sand and gravel aquifer" means a porous formation of ice-contact and glacial
outwash sand and gravel that contains significant recoverable quantities of
water likely to provide drinking water supplies.
Significant wildlife
habitat. "Significant wildlife habitat" means the following areas to the
extent that they have been mapped by the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife or are within any other protected natural resource: habitat, as
defined by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, for species
appearing on the official state or federal lists of endangered or threatened
animal species; high and moderate value deer wintering areas and travel
corridors as defined by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; high
and moderate value waterfowl and wading bird habitats, including nesting and
feeding areas as defined by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife;
critical spawning and nursery areas for Atlantic sea run salmon as defined by
the Atlantic Salmon Authority; shorebird nesting, feeding and staging areas and
seabird nesting islands as defined by the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife; and significant vernal pools as defined and identified by the
Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. For the purposes of this
definition, "identified" means identified in a specific location by the
Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Site. "Site" as that
term is defined in 38 M. R. S. A. §1303- C(28) means the same or
geographically contiguous property which may be divided by a public or private
right-of-way, provided that the entrance and exit between the properties is at
a crossroads intersection and access is by crossing, as opposed to going along,
the right of way. Noncontiguous properties owned by the same person but
connected by a right of way which he controls and to which the public does not
have access is also considered site property.
Site of generation. "Site
of generation" means the same parcel of land or within the same right-of-way
where the waste is generated.
Sludge. "Sludge" means non-hazardous solid, semi-solid or liquid
waste generated from a municipal, commercial or industrial wastewater treatment
plant, water supply treatment plant, or wet process air pollution control
facility or any other such waste having similar characteristics and effect. The
term does not include industrial discharges that are point sources subject to
permits under section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act, as amended.
Solid waste. "Solid waste" means useless, unwanted or discarded
solid material with insufficient liquid content to be free flowing, including
but not limited to rubbish, garbage, refuse-derived fuel, scrap materials,
junk, refuse, inert fill material, and landscape refuse, but does not include
hazardous waste, biomedical waste, septic tank sludge, or agricultural wastes.
The fact that a solid waste, or constituent of the waste, may have value, be
beneficially used, have other use, or be sold or exchanged, does not exclude it
from this definition.
Solid waste boundary. "Solid waste boundary" means the outermost
limit of the solid waste, projected on a horizontal plane, where solid waste is
disposed or would exist pursuant to the facility's solid waste license, and
includes leachate storage ponds, but does not include above-ground leachate
storage tanks or leachate transport pipes.
Solid waste disposal facility. "Solid waste disposal
facility" means a solid waste facility for the incineration or landfilling of
solid waste. Facilities that burn material-separated, refuse-derived fuel,
either alone or in combination with fuels other than municipal solid waste or
refuse-derived fuels, are not solid waste disposal facilities.
Solid waste facility.
"Solid waste facility" means any land area, structure, location, equipment or
combination of them, used for the handling of solid waste. These include but
are not limited to solid waste transfer stations, landfills, incinerators,
processing facilities, composting facilities, storage facilities and agronomic
utilization sites. The following facilities are not included:
(1) A facility that employs controlled
combustion to dispose of waste generated exclusively by an institutional,
commercial or industrial establishment that owns the facility;
(2) Lime kilns; wood chip, bark and hogged
fuel boilers; kraft recovery boilers and sulfite process recovery boilers which
combust solid waste generated exclusively at the facility; and
(3) An industrial boiler that combusts mixed
paper, corrugated cardboard or office paper to generate heat, steam or
electricity if:
(a) The mixed paper,
corrugated cardboard or office paper would otherwise be placed in a
(b) The market value of
the mixed paper, corrugated cardboard or office paper as a raw material for the
manufacture of a product with recycled content is less than its value to the
facility owner as a fuel supplement;
(c) The mixed paper, corrugated cardboard or
office paper is combusted as a substitute for, or supplement to, fossil or
biomass fuels that constitute the primary fuels combusted in the industrial
boiler; and
(d) The boiler combusts
no other forms of solid waste except as provided in this subparagraph.
Source separation. "Source separation" means the separation of
materials for recycling from wastes at the point of generation.
Southern zone. "Southern
zone" includes those areas in Maine that are not in the northern zone.
Special waste.
"Special waste," means any solid waste generated by sources other than
household and typical commercial establishments that exists in such an unusual
quantity or in such a chemical or physical state, or any combination thereof,
that may disrupt or impair effective waste management or threaten the public
health, human safety or the environment and requires special handling,
transportation and disposal procedures. Special waste includes, but is not
limited to:
(1) Ash;
(2) Industrial and industrial process
(3) Sludge and dewatered
(4) Debris from
nonhazardous chemical spills and cleanup of those spills;
(5) Contaminated soils and dredge
(6) Asbestos and
asbestos-containing waste;
(7) Sand
blast grit and non-liquid paint waste;
(8) High and low pH waste;
(9) Spent filter media residue; and
(10) Shredder residue.
Springs. "Springs" mean
natural places where water flows throughout the year from fractures in rock or
from soil onto the surface of the land or into a body of surface water.
Spent septic system
beds. "Spent septic system beds" means sand, stones, rock and other
similar waste filter media which has been removed from residential septic
systems. Spent septic system beds do not include pipes, filter fabric or other
man-made materials.
Storage. "Storage" means the placement or containment of solid
waste on a temporary basis in such a manner as not to constitute disposal of
such wastes.
Plan. "State Plan" or the "State Waste Management and Recycling Plan"
means the plan adopted by the former Maine Waste Management Agency pursuant to
38 M. R. S. A. §§2121-2125, subsequent plans developed by the former
State Planning Office pursuant to 5 M. R. S. A. §3305(1)(L), and
subsequent plans adopted by the Department pursuant to 38 M. R. S. A.
corrective action. "Successful corrective action" means that, at a solid
waste facility which has previously been found to be contaminating waters of
the State, the facility owner or operator has developed and implemented a
corrective action program at that facility and the Department has found that:
(1) The owner/operator has taken all
reasonable measures necessary to eliminate the discharge of contaminants or
pollutants attributable to the facility;
(2) The owner/operator has modified the
facility's detection monitoring program to include all parameters detected
during assessment monitoring;
Contaminants previously released from the facility do not currently cause
non-attainment of surface water quality classifications established in 38 M. R.
S. A. §§465 through 465- B;
(4) The owner/operator has documented an
actual trend of improving quality in previously contaminated waters and has
demonstrated that the trend will continue. The demonstration may be supported
by the use of modeling of corrective actions and hydrogeologic conditions;
(5) Contaminants previously
released from the facility do not threaten public health.
Till. "Till" means
non-sorted, usually non-stratified sediment which was carried or deposited by a
"Tires" means a solid waste consisting of any used, scrap, or otherwise
discarded rubberized vehicle tires, including whole tires as well as the
products derived from the processing of whole tires, including but not limited
to shredded or chipped tires or crumb rubber.
Transfer. "Transfer" means
to receive, store, accumulate, and/or consolidate solid waste in sufficient
volume to be able to containerize, with or without compaction, for efficient
transportation to another facility. It does not include the transport of solid
station. "Transfer station" means any solid waste facility constructed
and managed for the transfer of solid waste.
Transport. "Transport"
means the movement of non-hazardous waste from the point of generation to any
intermediate points and finally to the point of ultimate disposition. Movement
of non-hazardous waste on the site where it is generated or on the site of a
licensed (or exempted) non-hazardous waste facility is not transport.
"Transporter" means any person who transports non-hazardous waste in this state
other than anyone who transports municipal solid waste on behalf of five or
fewer households or any commercial establishment which transports only its own
municipal solid waste to a licensed waste disposal facility using three or
fewer trips with one conveyance per week. The term includes, without
limitation, individuals who own, lease or otherwise control conveyances in
which non-hazardous waste is transported, operators of such conveyances, and
businesses, regardless of size and form of business organization, which engage
in transportation of non-hazardous waste.
Type IA residual. "Type IA residual" means a
residual from a known source that does not contain hazardous substances above
risk based standards in 06-096 CMR418 Appendix A and that has a carbon to
nitrogen ratio greater than or equal to 25:1, such as leaf and yard waste, wood
chips and some vegetative wastes.
Type IB residual. "Type IB residual" means a
residual from a known source that does not contain hazardous substances above
risk based standards in 06-096 CMR 418 Appendix A and that has a carbon to
nitrogen ratio greater than 15:1 but less than 25:1, such as animal manure and
most produce and vegetable wastes.
Type IC residual. "Type IC residual" means a
residual from a known source that does not contain hazardous substances above
risk based standards in 06-096 CMR418 Appendix A and that has a carbon to
nitrogen ratio of 15:1 or less, such as fish wastes.
Type II residual. "Type II
residual" means a residual from a known source that does not contain hazardous
substances above risk based standards in 06-096 CMR 418 Appendix A and that may
contain human pathogens, such as sewage sludge, dewatered septage and
disposable diapers.
Type III residual. "Type III residual" means a residual that may
contain hazardous substances above risk based standards in 06-096 CMR 418
Appendix A such as non-source-separated residential wastes and petroleum
contaminated soils.
Unstable area. "Unstable area" means any area where mass movement
of earth materials, such as landslides, rock falls, mud slides, slumps, earth
flows, subsidence or debris flows, are likely to occur.
Universal waste.
"Universal waste" means any waste listed in 06-096 CMR 858, the Maine Hazardous
Waste Management Rules, including but not limited to cathode ray tubes;
mercury-containing lamps; mercury-containing thermostats; and totally enclosed,
non-leaking polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) ballasts.
Upper explosive limit
(UEL). "Upper explosive limit" of a combustible gas or mixture of
combustible gases means the maximum concentration (by volume) in air that will
explode, ignite or burn when there is an ignition source. At concentrations
above the UEL, there is insufficient oxygen to support combustion.
Vector. "Vector" means an
organism such as a rodent, bird, or insect, capable of transporting infectious
agents to humans.
Vector attraction reduction. "Vector attraction reduction" means a
method or methods used to treat or handle septage such that the attraction of
vectors to septage is reduced and offensive odors are minimized.
Vegetative wastes.
"Vegetative wastes" means wastes consisting of plant matter. These include
plant stalks, hulls, leaves, and tree waste processed through a wood
generated within the State. "Waste generated within the State" means:
(1) Waste initially generated within the
(2) Residue generated by an
incineration facility or a recycling facility that is located within the State,
regardless of whether the waste incinerated or processed by that facility was
initially generated within the State or outside the State;
(3) Residue generated by a solid waste
processing facility that is located within the State, regardless of whether the
waste processed by that facility was initially generated within the State or
outside the State, as long as:
(a) The residue
is used at a solid waste landfill for daily cover, frost protection or other
operational or engineering-related purpose, including, but not limited to
landfill shaping or grading, and such use has been approved by the department
under the landfill's license and such use complies with all applicable rules of
the department and all applicable conditions of the landfill's license;
(b) The use of the residue
under subparagraph (1) complies with the requirements of 38 M. R. S. section
1310- N, subsection 5- A, paragraph B, subparagraph (2);
(4) Residue generated by a solid waste
processing facility that is located within the State, regardless of whether the
waste processed by that facility was initially generated within the State or
outside the State, as long as:
(a) The
residue does not meet the requirements of paragraph 3; and
(b) The residue is generated by the facility
only as an ancillary result of the facility's processing operations;
(5) Residue generated
by a solid waste processing facility that is located within the State,
regardless of whether the waste processed by that facility was initially
generated within the State or outside the State, as long as:
(a) The residue does not meet the
requirements of paragraph 3 or 4;
(b) The residue is not considered recycled
under 38 M. R. S. section 1310- N, subsection 5- A, paragraph B, subparagraph
(2) and is disposed of at a solid waste landfill; and
(c) The solid waste processing facility is in
compliance with the requirements of 38 M. R. S. section 1310- N, subsection 5-
A, paragraph B. Subparagraph (2).
Waste handling area.
"Waste handling area" means the portion of the facility site used for handling
waste, including leachate. It includes that portion of the site within the
solid waste boundary plus all associated structures and areas used for handling
waste. It does not include the solid waste facility access road, internal
roadways, monitoring wells, leachate transport pipelines, or storm water
management structures.
Waste reduction. "Waste reduction" or "source reduction" means
activities that, singularly or in combination, reduce the quantity or toxicity
of solid waste at the point of generation.
Water bodies most at risk from new development.
"Water bodies most at risk from new development" means the following, as
identified in 06-096 CMR 502:
(1) Lakes most
at risk from development;
Rivers, streams or brooks most at risk from development;
(3) Coastal wetlands most at risk from new
development and
(4) Direct
watersheds of waterbodies most at risk from development and sensitive or
threatened regions or watersheds.
Waters of the State.
"Waters of the State" means any and all surface and subsurface waters which are
contained within, flow through, or under or border upon this State or any
portion thereof, including the marginal and high seas, except such waters as
are confined and retained completely upon the property of one person and do not
drain into or connect with any other waters of the State.
Water table. "Water
table" means the upper limit of the water-saturated zone in soil.
Waterway. "Waterway"
means a naturally-occurring drainage area, such as a drainage swale, which
collects and carries surface water runoff.
Well. "Well" means a
bored, drilled, or driven shaft or a dug hole, that extends below the seasonal
ground water table.
White goods. "White goods" means large appliances, including but
not limited to stoves, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes
dryers, dishwashers and air conditioners.
Wood products facility. "Wood products facility"
means a facility that manufactures products made of wood, including but not
limited to: lumber, pulp and paper, wood chips, tongue depressors, toothpicks,
clothes pins, wooden recreational equipment and furniture.
Wood wastes. "Wood
wastes" means brush; stumps; lumber; bark; wood chips; shavings; slabs,
edgings; slash; sawdust; wood from production rejects; and, wood pallets that
are not pressure treated or visi by contaminated, and from which fasteners have
been removed; that are not mixed with other solid or liquid waste. For the
purposes of this definition, "lumber" is entirely made of wood and is free from
metal, plastics and coatings.
Work plan. "Work plan" means a written plan
outlining the work items, processes, and schedules for developing detailed
submittals in conformance with requirements of the regulations and license.
Yard waste.
"Yard waste" means grass clippings, leaves, and other vegetal matter other than
wood wastes and land clearing debris.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.