06-096 C.M.R. ch. 400, § 9 - Hazardous And Special Waste Handling And Exclusion Plan
Standard. Only wastes permitted by Department order
may be accepted for handling at a solid waste facility. The operator shall
comply with all applicable Federal and State laws regarding the detection,
identification, handling, storage, transportation and disposal of special
wastes, biomedical wastes and hazardous wastes.
Unless exempted by other sections of these rules, the operator shall develop and implement a Hazardous and Special Waste Handling and Exclusion Plan for the detection, identification, handling, storage, transportation and disposal of any and all wastes that may be delivered to the facility.
Submissions. A Hazardous and Special Waste Handling and Exclusion Plan
for a facility must be submitted to the Department for review and approval
prior to implementation. At a minimum, the plan must include the following
(a) A description of the wastes to be
received and the methods to be used for detection, identification, handling,
storage, and transportation of unpermitted special and hazardous wastes
delivered to the solid waste facility; and also, for solid waste facilities
that are not generator-owned, all of below;
(b) A description of surveillance equipment
and materials to be used in the detection and identification of special and
hazardous wastes at the facility and an evaluation of personnel safety
equipment and measures to be used;
(c) Procedures for conducting random
inspections of incoming loads of solid waste and preparing reports on the
inspections; and
(d) A plan of the
facility site showing the location, size, design, and construction of an
interim storage area for any unpermitted special and hazardous wastes that may
be delivered to the facility.
General Administration
(a) A designated Facility Safety Officer
responsible for all safety concerns including the dissemination of safety
related information to employees during all facility operations for detecting,
identifying, handling, storing, and transporting unpermitted special and
hazardous wastes at the facility;
(b) A description of emergency access routes,
nearby hospitals and other emergency information;
(c) An initial training program and
subsequent refresher training programs for personnel in the detection,
identification, handling, storing and transporting of special and hazardous
wastes; and
(d) A report format to
be used during random inspections or upon the detection of suspicious loads of
solid waste.
(a) A description
of emergency notification procedures for the Department and other emergency
response agencies for any and all hazardous waste delivered to the facility;
(b) A procedure for the
notification of appropriate local and state officials if special wastes not
licensed for handling at the facility or hazardous wastes are discovered.
NOTE : A sample Hazardous and Special Waste Handling and Exclusion Plan is appended to this Chapter as Appendix A.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.