06-096 C.M.R. ch. 426, § 11 - Acceptance of Beverage Containers from Dealers and Redemption Centers

A. A Dealer or Redemption Center shall tender to an Initiator of Deposit, Distributor, or Contracted Agent only empty, unbroken, and reasonably clean beverage containers with legible labels of the Type, Size, and brand sold by the Initiator of Deposit, Distributor, or Contracted Agent, unless the containers have been processed through an approved RVM which meets the requirements of this chapter. For purposes of this Section, unbroken when used in reference to cans and plastic containers means not previously crushed prior to tendering back to an Initiator of Deposit, Distributor, or Contracted Agent.
B. With the exception of Beverages specifically exempted in Definitions Section 1(B)(1) of this chapter, a Dealer or Redemption Center shall sort beverage containers by Type, Size, and brand unless a mutually acceptable written agreement, as described in Section 14, is reached between the Dealer or Redemption Center and the Initiator of Deposit, Distributor, or Contracted Agent.

Empty containers, unless they have been processed through an approved RVM that meets the requirements of this chapter, must be tendered to the Initiator of Deposit, Distributor, or Contracted Agent in Shells or Shipping Cartons provided by the Initiator of Deposit, Distributor, or their Contracted Agent, or other containers mutually agreed upon by the Initiator of Deposit, Distributor, or Contracted Agent, and the Dealer or Redemption Center.

C. Containers may be sorted in any other manner that is consistent with Section 14 of this chapter.


06-096 C.M.R. ch. 426, § 11

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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