A. The Initiator of
Deposit or their Contracted Agent is responsible for the pick-up of covered
beverage containers from a Redemption Center, unless the Initiator of Deposit
or their Contracted Agent and the Redemption Center have entered into a written
agreement for other arrangements for recycling or disposal of beverage
containers in accordance with Section 14 of this chapter.
The Initiator of Deposit or Initiators of Deposit who are
members of a Commingling Agreement, and Contracted Agents shall provide
licensed Redemption Centers and the Department with up-to-date listings of the
Types, Sizes, and brands for which they are responsible, and shall pick up
empty, unbroken, and reasonably clean beverage containers of the particular
Types, Size, and brand sold by the Initiators of Deposit from licensed
Redemption Centers at a minimum every 15 calendar days. To the extent feasible,
during each pick-up, the entities performing the pick-up shall remove all
containers for which they are responsible and that are containerized and ready
to be picked up.
B. After
collecting 10,000 beverage containers belonging to an Initiator of Deposit,
Initiators of Deposit who are members of a Commingling Agreement, or the
responsibility of a single Contracted Agent, a Redemption Center may request an
additional pick up. When a Redemption Center makes a request for beverage
container pick up, the Initiator of Deposit or Initiators of Deposit who are
members of a Commingling Agreement and Contracted Agents shall fulfill the
request no later than ten (10) calendar days starting the day after the request
was made unless a longer time frame is mutually agreed upon in writing by the
Redemption Center and the entity responsible for the pick-up.
C. When there is a change in the Initiator of
Deposit, or when an Initiator of Deposit changes its Contracted Agent or its
participation in a Commingling Agreement, the Initiator of Deposit shall
provide Redemption Centers and the Department with notice of any changes that
affect container sorting requirements. If there is a change in Initiator of
Deposit, the original and new Initiators of Deposit shall determine the date on
which the new Initiator of Deposit will be responsible for pick up at the
Redemption Centers, and shall notify the Redemption Centers and the Department
of the affected brands, the new Initiator of Deposit, whether the brand will be
handled as part of a Commingling Agreement, the designated pick up agent, and
the effective date of this change. Initiators of Deposit may manage the
required notifications through their new Contracted Agents. In no case shall
the effective date occur more than 35 calendar days from the date the new
Initiator of Deposit takes over sales for the brand.