06-096 C.M.R. ch. 426, § 19 - Audits
A. Initiators, Distributors, and third party
Contracted Agents may conduct audits to determine accuracy of container counts
for bags tendered as full bags by Dealers and Redemption Centers.
B. The audits must follow accepted Weights
& Measures laws and procedures. Audits must follow the procedure in the
U.S. Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) handbook
133, Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods (2015), Chapter 1, Section
1.3.1. Audit Tests. If after the audit there is suspicion that the lot tested
is not in compliance, a full "Category A" sampling plan, following test
procedures found in NIST Handbook 133, Chapter 4, test procedures for packages
labeled by count, must be conducted before an enforcement action can be taken.
Due to excessive variation for individual containers caused by residual liquids
and foreign material, the weight method of checking packages labeled by count
is not acceptable and a physical count must be used.
C. An enforcement action may only be taken
on bags for which an accurate, consistent, and verifiable full bag count has
been established. Weights & Measures standards package quantity
declarations of count require an accurate physical count. Industry may
negotiate and reach agreements with parties involved in these transactions that
establish a number agreed to by all parties that is acceptable as a full bag
count. These counts will only be deemed verified when sorting criteria does not
introduce large uncertainties into the process, such as commingling of
different sized containers into the same bags. Bag sorts that allow variations
in count may not be audited or checked for purposes of taking action on the
final count for payment by the initiator, Distributor, or third party
Contracted Agent.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.