06-096 C.M.R. ch. 574, § 4 - Operational requirements for new storage areas and for state and private Priority 4 and Priority 5 storage areas
The following operational requirements apply to both new storage areas and Priority 4 and Priority 5 storage areas owned or operated by state or federal governments or other public and private entities, as cited in Section 2(B), unless a variance is granted by the department under the provisions of Section 6(B) of this chapter.
Pad. All
storage, mixing and loading of salt or sand-salt mixtures must occur on a floor
or pad of hot bituminous concrete (i.e., asphalt) that is at least three inches
thick. The pile or piles may not migrate off the pad.
Control of runoff. The
storage area must be constructed so that runoff from areas outside the pad does
not drain onto or across the pad.
Cover. Salt and sand-salt
piles must be covered. Covering is accomplished by one of the following
(1) The construction of a building in
which to house the pile or piles. The storage building must prevent rain and
snow from contacting the pile or piles; or
(2) Covering with a well-secured, durable,
waterproof product, including, but not limited to, tarps and asphalt-treated
sand. The pile or piles must be completely protected from snow and rainfall at
all times except for a working face at times of access and for not more than 72
hours following the last access. The pile or piles must be securely covered by
May 31 of each year and not rebuilt on the site until September 1.
Housekeeping. Salt
that is not part of on-going mixing activities must be stored in a building or
completely covered. All loose salt or sand-salt materials spilled during
loading, unloading or mixing operations must be cleaned up as soon as
and maintenance plan. The owner or operator of a storage area shall have
a written plan that addresses operation and maintenance procedures for the
storage area. This plan must include, but is not limited to, the name and
telephone number of the person in charge of the storage area, a description of
scheduled repair and maintenance activities, protocols for delivery and for the
clean-up of spilled salt or sand-salt mixtures, and erosion and stormwater
runoff controls in building or pad access areas. Employees must be made aware
of procedures in the plan. The plan must be made available upon request by
representatives of the department.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.