C.M.R. 16, 633, ch. 56 - HOUSE RULES

1. Operators shall adopt comprehensive house rules governing sports wagering to be approved by the Director prior to implementation and must include, at minimum, the following:
A. Method for calculation and payment of winning wagers;
B. Effect of schedule changes and/or cancelled events;
C. Method of notifying patrons of odds or proposition changes;
D. A description of all types of wagers that may be accepted;
E. Acceptance of wagers at terms other than those posted;
F. Expiration of any winning ticket or 183 days after the date of the event;
G. Lost, torn, or damaged ticket policy;
H. Method of contacting the operator for questions and complaints;
I. Description of prohibited sports wagering participants;
J. Availability of the unauthorized list and restriction programs;
K. Method of funding a sports wager;
L. Maximum payouts;
M. A provision prohibiting the structuring of wagers to avoid federal currency transactional reporting thresholds;
N. A policy by which the sports wagering operator can cancel or void wagers in accordance with these rules, including defining "obvious error"; and
O. A clear statement that the person who accepts and settles a wager is responsible for being a part of the investigation and response to any patron dispute.
2. The house rules, together with any other information the Director deems appropriate, shall be conspicuously displayed in the sports wagering facility, posted on the operator's website, mobile applications or other digital platforms, included in the terms and conditions and copies shall be made readily available to patrons.
3. Amendments to previously approved house rules must be filed with the Director for approval prior to implementation, highlighting the amendment(s) with strike through for deletions and underlining additions.
4. The Director and his/her designated personnel shall review the request. After the review is completed, the Director shall communicate to the operator, in writing, the result of the review and:
A. Shall accept the change as submitted, or
B. Reject the submission as not in the best interest of the State of Maine, or
C. Propose a revision. In this case, the Director will communicate in writing to the operator about further changes that will have to be made to the submission before final approval.
5. If the operator accepts the Director's recommended changes, the operator shall make the changes as suggested by the Director and re-submit the request for change document. If the operator does not accept the suggested changes, the request shall be denied.
6. Step 4 shall be repeated until the Director is completely satisfied with the request for change document.
7. The Director shall send to the operator an accepted version of the submitted request for change with date and signature signifying approval.
8. The Director will make every effort to make a determination concerning a submission for change no later than 30 days following receipt of the proposed change unless the Director and the operator agree to extend the period for making such a determination. No operator shall alter its house rules unless and until such changes are approved in writing by the Director.
9. The Director may at any time request additional explanation or modification of any current house rules.


C.M.R. 16, 633, ch. 56
10/29/2023 - filing 2023-203

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.