§ 096-525-4 - General Provisions [see 40 CFR part 401]
- Subsection 096-525-4-I - Scope and purpose [see 40 CFR 401.10]
- Subsection 096-525-4-II - General definitions [see 40 CFR 401.11]
- Subsection 096-525-4-III - Law authorizing establishment of effluent limitations guidelines for existing sources, standards of performance for new sources and pretreatment standards of new and existing sources [see 40 CFR 401.12]
- Subsection 096-525-4-IV - Test procedures for measurement [see 40 CFR 401.13]
- Subsection 096-525-4-V - Cooling water intake structures [see 40 CFR 401.14]
- Subsection 096-525-4-VI - Toxic pollutants [see 40 CFR 401.15]
- Subsection 096-525-4-VII - Conventional pollutants [see 40 CFR 401.16]
- Subsection 096-525-4-VIII - pH Effluent limitations under continuous monitoring [see 40 CFR 401.17]
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.