C.M.R. 18, 554, ch. 3 - LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS
- § 554-3-I - History Laws and Rule making
- § 554-3-II - GENERAL
- § 554-3-III - Application
- Appendix 554-3-A
- Appendix 554-3-B
- Appendix 554-3-C
Constructed Under the Supervision of The Bureau of General Services in Cooperation with the Department of Education and the Department of Energy Resources Augusta, Maine July 1977 Revised - 1903-84
These instructions pertain to an Act Passed by the 108th Legislature which enacted Sub-Chapter 153, Public Laws of 1977, authorizing the Bureau of General Services to implement the "Energy Conservation in Buildings Act'; and revised in 1981, Chapter 353 L.D. 1363 An Act Concerning Energy Efficiency in Buildings Financed with Public Funds".
These rules and procedures have been promulgated by the Bureau of General Services in consultation and coordination with the Department of Education and Cultural Services and the Office of Energy Resources to achieve these purposes.
NON-SUBSTANTIVE CORRECTIONS: August 13, 1996 - minor spelling submitted by the agency
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.