Md. Code Regs. - Standard Specifications for Gasoline

A. Exemptions. Gasoline not sold or dispensed to an ultimate consumer may be exempted from the requirements of this regulation upon written approval of the Bureau and the Department. Exemption from vapor pressure requirements shall only be granted in instances where the applicant complies with the requirements of proposed 40 CFR § 80.27(e), which is incorporated by reference as published in the October 18, 1991, Federal Register (56 FR 52321). Requests for exemption from oxygen content requirements shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR § 80.27(e), except that all data shall be applicable to oxygen content rather than vapor pressure.
B. Unless the gasoline is segregated and clearly documented as noncomplying and not for sale or supply to an ultimate consumer in an applicable control area, a person may not produce, store, transport, supply, offer to supply, transfer or otherwise handle, sell, offer for sale, or dispense gasoline that does not meet the limits specified in §C-N of this regulation when tested in accordance with the latest version of the specified test methods.
C. Distillation* (ASTM D-86).
(1) Evaporation-December-January-February-March
(a) 10 percent-50-°C (122-°F) maximum
(b) 50 percent-66-°C (150-°F) minimum
(c) 50 percent-110-°C (230-°F) maximum
(d) 90 percent-185-°C (365-°F) maximum
(e) End Point-225-°C (437-°F) maximum
(f) Residue-2 percent maximum
(2) Evaporation-April-October-November
(a) 10 percent-55-°C (131-°F) maximum
(b) 50 percent-66-°C (150-°F) minimum
(c) 50 percent-113-°C (235-°F) maximum
(d) 90 percent-185-°C (365-°F) maximum
(e) End Point-225-°C (437-°F) maximum
(f) Residue-2 percent maximum
(3) Evaporation-May through September 15
(a) 10 percent-70-°C (158-°F) maximum
(b) 50 percent- 66°C (150°F) minimum
(c) 50 percent-121-°C (250-°F) maximum
(d) 90 percent-190-°C (374-°F) maximum
(e) End Point-225-°C (437-°F) maximum
(f) Residue-2 percent maximum
(g) An ethanol blend and an ethanol-enhanced oxygenated gasoline are subject to the following limit: 50 percent-66-°C (150-°F) minimum
(4) Evaporation-September 16 through September 30
(a) 10 percent-60-°C (140-°F) maximum
(b) 50 percent-66°C (150°F) minimum
(c) 50 percent-116-°C (240-°F) maximum
(d) 90 percent-185-°C (365-°F) maximum
(e) End point-225-°C (437-°F) maximum
(f) Residue-2 percent maximum
(g) An ethanol blend and an ethanol-enhanced oxygenated gasoline are subject to the following limit: 50 percent-66-°C (150-°F) minimum

* An allowance of +/- 15 days will be permitted to accommodate the receipt of new product and disbursement of old stock from the fixed change-over date, with the following exceptions: product required for the volatility period beginning May 1 is acceptable up to 45 days before May 1; product for the volatility period beginning September 16 shall be acceptable only on or after September 16.

D. Vapor Pressure.
(1) The vapor pressure of gasoline may not exceed the following limits when tested in accordance with ASTM Test Method D-5191 or as otherwise required under COMAR 03.03.06:
(a) 103 kPa (15.0 psi) during the months of January, February, March, and December;
(b) 93 kPa (13.5 psi) during the months of April, October, and November;
(c) 62 kPa (9.0 psi) during the month of May;
(d) During the months of June, July, and August and from September 1 through September 15:
(i) 51 kPa (7.4 psi) for all gasoline sold, intended for sale, or supplied to an ultimate consumer in RFG VOC control region 1,
(ii) 57.2 kPa (8.3 psi) for all gasoline sold, intended for sale, or supplied to an ultimate consumer in RFG VOC control region 2, and
(iii) 62 kPa (9.0 psi) for all gasoline sold, intended for sale, or supplied to an ultimate consumer in ozone attainment areas; and
(e) 79 kPa (11.5 psi) from September 16-September 30.
(2) Ethanol blend and ethanol-enhanced oxygenated gasoline are subject to the following conditions:
(a) An ethanol blend is considered to be in compliance with §D(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this regulation if its measured vapor pressure does not exceed the limit specified by more than 1.0 psi, the gasoline portion of the product was not produced and identified as VOC gasoline by the refiner, and the product is sold only for use or distribution outside a VOC control region;
(b) An ethanol-enhanced oxygenated gasoline is considered to be in compliance with §D(1)(a), (b), and (e) of this regulation if its measured vapor pressure does not exceed the limit specified by more than 1.0 psi from September 16-May 31, the gasoline portion of the product was not produced and identified as VOC gasoline by the refiner, and the product is sold only for use or distribution outside a VOC control region;
(3) A 15-day transition period is allowed before and following each change in vapor pressure limits as specified in §D(1) of this regulation, except as follows:
(a) Gasoline complying with the April vapor pressure limit is allowed throughout May at retail outlets and wholesale purchaser-consumer facilities;
(b) Gasoline complying with the April vapor pressure limit is not allowed after April 30 at any location other than retail outlets or wholesale purchaser-consumer facilities, unless the gasoline also complies with the May vapor pressure limit;
(c) Gasoline complying with the May vapor pressure limit is not allowed after May 31, unless the gasoline also complies with the June vapor pressure limit; and
(d) Gasoline complying with the September 16 through September 30 vapor pressure limit is not allowed before September 16, unless the gasoline also complies with the September 1 through September 15 vapor pressure limit.
E. V/L Ratio* (ASTM D-5188) Temperature, °C (°F) for a Vapor-Liquid Ratio of 20 Minimum.
(1) 39-°C (102-°F) (December-January-February-March).
(2) 42°C (107°F) (April-October-November).
(3) 47-°C (116-°F) (May-June-July-August-September).

*An allowance of +/- 15 days will be permitted to accommodate the receipt of new product and disbursement of old stock from the fixed change-over date, with the following exceptions: product complying with the May specifications is allowed as early as March 16 and product complying with the September 16-September 30 specifications is not allowed before September 16.

F. Corrosion (ASTM D-130). Copper Strip Scale, No. 1, maximum at 50-°C (122-°F).
G. Sulfur (ASTM D-2622-94 or ASTM D-7039).
(1) Conventional gasoline-0.0095 percent by mass, maximum.
(2) Reformulated gasoline-0.0095 percent by mass, maximum.
H. Existent Gum Content (ASTM D-381). 5 milligrams per 100 milliliters, maximum (after heptane wash).
I. Visible Water and Sediment. Shall be visually free of undissolved water, sediment, and suspended matter and shall be clear and bright at the ambient temperature or 21-°C (70-°F), whichever is higher.
J. Lead (ASTM D-3237).
(1) Unleaded-0.013 gram per liter maximum (0.05 gram per U.S. gallon maximum).
(2) Leaded-Greater than 0.013 gram per liter (0.05 gram per U.S. gallon), except that after December 31, 1995, leaded gasoline may not be sold for or used as fuel in a highway motor vehicle.
K. Octane Test. The octane rating shall be determined in accordance with Title II of the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act and regulations adopted under that title. In addition, gasoline with an anti-knock index of 87 shall have a motor octane number not less than 82.0.
L. Phosphorus (ASTM D-3231). Unleaded-0.0013 gram per liter maximum (0.005 gram per U.S. gallon maximum).
M. Gasoline with a lead content of 0.013 gram per liter (0.05 gram per U.S. gallon) or less shall only be sold as unleaded.
N. Oxygen Content.
(1) Gasoline shall meet the oxygen content requirements specified in §N(2)-(4) of this regulation when tested in accordance with ASTM Test Method D-4815-89 or as otherwise required under COMAR 03.03.06.
(2) Oxygenates used in gasoline shall be of a type and quality allowed under either the US EPA's substantially similar definition or under a bona fide US EPA oxygenate waiver.
(3) The maximum allowable oxygen content of gasoline shall be limited to that established under either the US EPA's substantially similar definition or that established under a bona fide US EPA oxygenate waiver.
(4) Phase Separation. Oxygenated gasoline shall consist of a single homogenous mixture, presenting no indication of phase separation when tested at the following temperatures in accordance with the test method described in Annex A1 of ASTM Specification D-4814-96, as follows:
(a) -9-°C (16-°F) during the month of January;
(b) -8-°C (17-°F) during the month of February;
(c) -3-°C (27-°F) during the month of March;
(d) 3-°C (37-°F) during the month of April;
(e) 9-°C (48-°F) during the month of May;
(f) 10-°C (50-°F) during the months of June, July, August, and September;
(g) 4-°C (39-°F) during the month of October;
(h) -2-°C (28-°F) during the month of November; and
(i) -8-°C (17-°F) during the month of December.


Md. Code Regs.
Regulation .01-1 amended effective April 20, 2009 (36:8 Md. R. 594)
Regulation .01-1C, D amended as an emergency provision effective January 31, 1994 (21:5 Md. R. 400); emergency status expired March 1, 1994
Regulation .01-1C, D amended effective July 5, 1994 (21:13 Md. R. 1154)
Regulation .01-1N amended as an emergency provision effective September 13, 1995 (22:20 Md. R. 1536); amended permanently effective December 18, 1995 (22:25 Md. R. 1960); amended effective 49:10 Md. R. 562, eff. 5/16/2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.