Md. Code Regs. - MVA Registration
A. Registration Assistance. When an individual applies to the MVA for the issuance or renewal of a driver's license or identification card or changes a name or address on an existing driver's license or identification card, the MVA shall provide the individual with the opportunity to apply to register to vote or to update the individual's voter registration record. If the offer is accepted, the MVA shall assist the individual in completing an MVRA as specified in Election Law Article, ยง
3-203(b), Annotated Code of Maryland.
B. Receipt and Forwarding of VRAs.
(1) Paper MVRA.
(a) When a paper MVRA is completed and returned to the MVA, the MVA shall stamp the MVRA with the date received.
(b) Within 5 days after receiving the paper MVRA, the MVA shall forward the paper MVRA to the appropriate local board office. If the MVRA indicates that the applicant is currently registered to vote in Maryland and has moved, the MVA shall forward the MVRA to the local board office in the county where the current address is located.
(2) Electronic MVRA.
(a) When an electronic MVRA is completed, the MVA shall electronically forward to the State Board the MVRA and the applicant's digitized signature.
(b) The MVA shall forward to the State Board all newly received MVRAs and the applicants' digitized signatures daily.
C. Declining to Apply. An individual may decline to apply to register to vote or to update the individual's voter registration record by:
(1) Affirmatively checking the box next to the statement, "I do not wish to register to vote at this time."; or
(2) Affirmatively selecting the appropriate box on an MVA customer service touch screen.
Regulation .03 amended as an emergency provision effective July 3, 2002 (29:18 Md. R. 1440); amended permanently effective October 14, 2002 (29:20 Md. R. 1595)
Regulation .03A amended effective November 24, 2003 (30:23 Md. R. 1654)
Regulation .03B amended effective May 31, 2010 (37:11 Md. R. 767);40:18 Md. R. 1480, eff.
Regulation .03C amended effective November 24, 2003 (30:23 Md. R. 1654); May 31, 2010 (37:11 Md. R. 767)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.