101 CMR, § 614.04 - Acute Hospital and Non-acute Hospital Assessment Liability to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund
Acute Hospital Assessment Calculation. Each Acute
Hospital's gross liability to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund is equal to the
product of
(a) the ratio of its Assessed
Charges to all Acute Hospitals' Assessed Charges; and
(b) the Total Acute Hospital Assessment
Non-acute Hospital Assessment Calculation. Each
Non-acute Hospital's gross liability to the Health Safety Net Trust Fund is
equal to the product of
(a) the Non-acute
Hospital's Assessed Charges in that Fiscal Year; and
(b) the ratio of the calculated acute
hospital assessment in 101 CMR 614.04(1).
Penalties for
(a) If an Acute
Hospital or Non-acute Hospital does not pay the amount calculated pursuant to
101 CMR 614.04(1) or (2), respectively, or a specified portion thereof, by the
due date established by the Health Safety Net Office, the Health Safety Net
Office may assess up to a 3% penalty on the outstanding balance. The Health
Safety Net Office will calculate the penalty on the outstanding balance as of
the due date. The Health Safety Net Office may assess up to an additional 3%
penalty against the outstanding balance and prior penalties for each month that
a Hospital remains delinquent. The Health Safety Net Office will credit partial
payments from delinquent Hospitals to the current outstanding liability. If any
amount remains from the partial payment, the Health Safety Net Office will then
credit such amount to the penalty amount.
(b) In determining the penalty amount, the
Health Safety Net Office may consider factors including, but not be limited to,
the Hospital's payment history, financial situation, and relative share of the
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.