555 CMR, § 8.05 - Division Databases

(1) The Division of Police Certification, in consultation with the Division of Police Standards, shall establish, by a date adopted by a vote of the Commissioners, and thereafter shall maintain, a database containing records for each certified law enforcement officer including, but not limited to:
(a) The date of initial certification;
(b) The date of any recertification;
(c) The records of completion of all training and all in-service trainings, including the dates and locations of said trainings, as provided by the MPTC and the Department of State Police;
(d) The date of any written reprimand and the reason for said reprimand;
(e) The date of any suspension and the reason for said suspension;
(f) The date of any arrest and the charge or charges leading to said arrest;
(g) The date of, and reason for, any internal affairs complaint;
(h) The outcome of an internal affairs investigation based on an internal affairs complaint;
(i) The date of any criminal conviction and crime for said conviction;
(j) The date of any separation from employment with a law enforcement agency and the nature of the separation including, but not limited to, suspension, resignation, retirement or termination;
(k) The reason for any separation from employment including, but not limited to, whether the separation was based on misconduct or whether the separation occurred while the appointing law enforcement agency was conducting an investigation of the certified individual for a violation of an appointing law enforcement agency's rules, policies, procedures or for other misconduct or improper action;
(l) The date of decertification, if any, and the reason for said decertification;
(m) Any other information as may be required by the Commission; and
(n) Any other information expressly required by M.G.L. 6E, § 4(h).
(2) The Division of Police Standards shall establish, by a date adopted by a vote of the Commissioners, and thereafter shall maintain, a database containing information related to the following for each officer serving on or after July 1, 2021:
(a) The officer's receipt of complaints including, but not limited to:
1. The officer's appointing law enforcement agency;
2. The date of the alleged incident and the date of the complaint;
3. A description of circumstances of the conduct that is the subject of the complaint; and
4. Whether the complaint alleges that the officer's conduct:
a. Was biased on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, mental or physical disability, immigration status or socioeconomic or professional level;
b. Was unprofessional;
c. Involved excessive, prohibited or deadly force; or
d. Resulted in serious bodily injury or death;
(b) Allegations that the officer was untruthful;
(c) The officer's failure to follow Commission training requirements;
(d) The officer's decertification by the Commission;
(e) Discipline of the officer imposed by a law-enforcement agency;
(f) The officer's termination for cause;
(g) Any other information the Commission deems necessary or relevant; and
(h) Any other information expressly required by M.G.L. 6E, § 8(e).
(3) The Commission may combine the databases prescribed by 555 CMR 8.05(1) and (2) within a single database.


555 CMR, § 8.05
Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1493, eff. 4/14/2023.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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