Mich. Admin. Code Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, pt. 2 - AIR USE APPROVAL

  1. § R. 336.1201 - Permits to install
  2. § R. 336.1201a - General permits to install
  3. § R. 336.1202 - Waivers of approval
  4. § R. 336.1203 - Information required
  5. § R. 336.1204 - Authority of agents
  6. § R. 336.1205 - Permit to install; approval
  7. § R. 336.1206 - Processing of applications for permits to install
  8. § R. 336.1207 - Denial of permits to install
  9. § R. 336.1208 - Rescinded
  10. § R. 336.1208a - Rescinded
  11. § R. 336.1209 - Use of old permits to limit potential to emit
  12. § R. 336.1210 - Renewable operating permits
  13. § R. 336.1211 - Renewable operating permit applicability
  14. § R. 336.1212 - Administratively complete applications; insignificant activities; streamlining applicable requirements; emissions reporting and fee calculations
  15. § R. 336.1213 - Content of renewable operating permit
  16. § R. 336.1214 - Approval of renewable operating permit
  17. § R. 336.1214a - Consolidation of permits to install within renewable operating permit
  18. § R. 336.1215 - Operational flexibility; emissions trading activities between stationary sources, off-permit changes, insignificant changes, and responsible official changes for a renewable operating permit
  19. § R. 336.1216 - Modifications to renewable operating permits
  20. § R. 336.1217 - Renewals and reopenings of renewable operating permits
  21. § R. 336.1218 - General renewable operating permits
  22. § R. 336.1219 - Amendments for change of ownership or operational control
  23. § R. 336.1220 - Rescinded
  24. § R. 336.1221 - Rescinded
  25. § R. 336.1224 - Best available control technology for toxics (T-BACT); requirements for new and modified sources of air toxics; exemptions
  26. § R. 336.1225 - Health-based screening level requirements for new or modified sources of air toxics
  27. § R. 336.1226 - Exemptions from health-based screening level requirement
  28. § R. 336.1227 - Demonstration of compliance with health-based screening level
  29. § R. 336.1228 - Requirement for lower emission rate than required by best available control technology for toxics (T-BACT) and health-based screening levels
  30. § R. 336.1229 - Methodology for determining health-based screening levels
  31. § R. 336.1230 - Lists for toxic air contaminants health-based screening levels, emission rate reviews, and T-BACT determinations
  32. § R. 336.1231 - Cancer risk assessment screening methodology
  33. § R. 336.1232 - Methodology for determining initial threshold screening level
  34. § R. 336.1233 - Methodology for determining initial threshold screening levels based on acute data
  35. § R. 336.1240 - Required air quality models
  36. § R. 336.1241 - Air quality modeling demonstration requirements
  37. § R. 336.1277 - New emission unit at facility with plantwide applicability limits; exemption
  38. § R. 336.1278 - Exclusion from exemption
  39. § R. 336.1278a - Scope of permit exemptions
  40. § R. 336.1279 - Rescinded
  41. § R. 336.1280 - Permit to install exemptions; cooling and ventilating equipment
  42. § R. 336.1281 - Permit to install exemptions; cleaning, washing, and drying equipment
  43. § R. 336.1282 - Permit to install exemptions; furnaces, ovens, and heaters
  44. § R. 336.1283 - Permit to install exemptions; testing and inspection equipment
  45. § R. 336.1284 - Permit to install exemptions; containers
  46. § R. 336.1285 - Permit to install exemptions; miscellaneous
  47. § R. 336.1286 - Permit to install exemptions; plastic processing equipment
  48. § R. 336.1287 - Permit to install exemptions; surface coating equipment
  49. § R. 336.1288 - Permit to install exemptions; oil and gas processing equipment
  50. § R. 336.1289 - Permit to install exemptions; asphalt and concrete production equipment
  51. § R. 336.1290 - Permit to install exemptions; emission units with limited emissions
  52. § R. 336.1291 - Permit to install exemptions; emission units with "de minimis" emissions
  53. § R. 336.1299 - Rescinded





Mich. Admin. Code Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, pt. 2

By authority conferred on the director of environmental quality by sections 5503 and 5512 of 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5503 and 324.5512.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.