Mich. Admin. Code Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Community and Health Systems, Homes for the Aged Facilities, Adult Foster Care Family Homes Licensing Rules - Adult Foster Care Family Homes Licensing Rules

  1. § R. 400.1401 - Definitions
  2. § R. 400.1402 - License application fee
  3. § R. 400.1403 - Licensee and applicant rights
  4. § R. 400.1404 - Licensee, responsible person, and member of the household; qualifications
  5. § R. 400.1405 - Health of a licensee, responsible person, and member of the household
  6. § R. 400.1406 - Ratio of responsible persons to residents
  7. § R. 400.1407 - Resident admission and discharge criteria; resident assessment plan; resident care agreement; house guidelines; fee schedule; physician's instructions; health care appraisal
  8. § R. 400.1408 - Resident care; licensee responsibilities
  9. § R. 400.1409 - Resident rights; licensee responsibilities
  10. § R. 400.1410 - Resident protection
  11. § R. 400.1411 - Resident behavior management; general requirements
  12. § R. 400.1412 - Resident behavior management; prohibitions
  13. § R. 400.1413 - Resident behavior management; time-out restriction; time-out reporting
  14. § R. 400.1414 - Resident behavior management; use of physical restraint, physical restraint report
  15. § R. 400.1415 - Resident behavior management; chemical restraint restriction; chemical restraint report
  16. § R. 400.1416 - Resident healthcare
  17. § R. 400.1416a - Incident notification, incident records
  18. § R. 400.1417 - Rescinded
  19. § R. 400.1418 - Resident medications
  20. § R. 400.1419 - Resident nutrition
  21. § R. 400.1420 - Resident hygiene
  22. § R. 400.1421 - Handling of resident funds and valuables
  23. § R. 400.1422 - Resident records
  24. § R. 400.1423 - Resident recreation
  25. § R. 400.1424 - Environmental health
  26. § R. 400.1425 - Food service
  27. § R. 400.1426 - Maintenance of premises
  28. § R. 400.1427 - Living space
  29. § R. 400.1428 - Dining space
  30. § R. 400.1429 - Room temperature
  31. § R. 400.1430 - Bathrooms
  32. § R. 400.1431 - Bedrooms generally
  33. § R. 400.1432 - Bedroom space; "usable floor space" defined
  34. § R. 400.1433 - Bedroom furnishings
  35. § R. 400.1434 - Linens
  36. § R. 400.1435 - Interior finish of walls and ceilings; prohibited materials
  37. § R. 400.1436 - Interior finishes and materials
  38. § R. 400.1437 - Smoke detection equipment
  39. § R. 400.1438 - Emergency preparedness; evacuation plan; emergency transportation
  40. § R. 400.1439 - Means of egress; wheelchairs
  41. § R. 400.1440 - Heat-producing equipment
  42. § R. 400.1441 - Electrical service
  43. § R. 400.1442 - Exemption from rules





Mich. Admin. Code Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Community and Health Systems, Homes for the Aged Facilities, Adult Foster Care Family Homes Licensing Rules

By Authority conferred on the department of licensing and regulatory affairs by section 9 of the Executive organization act of 1965, 1965 PA 380, MCL 16.109, and sections 10 and 13 of the adult foster care facility licensing act, 1979 PA 218, MCL 400.710 and 400.713, and Executive Reorganization Order Nos. 1996-1, 1996-2, 2003-1, 2008-4, 2011-4, and 2015-1, MCL 330.3101, 445.2001, 445.2011, 445.2025, 445.2030, and 400.227

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.