37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7601-00800-804 - Maintenance

1. General If under contract, Contractor shall after execution of the Contract continue to be responsible for the maintenance of the existing logo program sign system. Contractor shall maintain all existing signs and supports and all new signs and supports for the life of the contract.
2. Routine Maintenance
a. MDOT or MDOT's Contractor shall inspect all sign surfaces annually to determine adequate legibility and retro-reflective performance. These inspections may be subjective nighttime appraisals; however, in case of differences of opinion by MDOT's Contractor and MDOT personnel, final determination will be made by MDOT using a retro-reflectivity measuring instrument furnished by MDOT's Contractor and used as directed by the sheeting manufacturer. Inspections shall be documented.
b. Signs and supports shall be inspected annually to determine integrity of the support and hanging system. Bolts shall be re-torqued as required and any noticeable rust spots, sheeting damage, loose rivets, vandalism damage, etc., shall be repaired. Inspections shall be documented.
c. Sight distance as initially required and outlined in this Rule shall be maintained for the life contract. Inspections and efforts to maintain sight distance requirements shall be documented.
d. All logo program sign surfaces shall be cleaned as needed. Cleaning shall be performed as recommended by the manufacturer of the retro-reflective sheeting and shall be documented.
3. Emergency Maintenance
a. Sign damage that poses an immediate danger to the traveling public shall receive immediate attention. When MDOT or MDOT's Contractor becomes aware of the sign damage, action shall be initiated immediately to remove the danger to the public.
b. MDOT or MDOT's Contractor shall then initiate procurement of materials and make necessary repairs. Sign repairs requiring ordering of materials from suppliers outside the local area shall be accomplished within thirty (30) days from the date of awareness. Sign repairs requiring materials available from Contractor's stock or locally available shall be performed within five (5) days from date of awareness of need. The intent of this section is to allow reasonable time for procurement of materials; however, Contractor should make reasonable efforts to have stockpiled or readily available sources of materials for maintenance.
c. The MDOT District Maintenance personnel will cooperate with Contractor by advising of needed sign or support maintenance that they notice. Contractor shall provide the appropriate MDOT personnel with names and emergency phone number of Contractor's maintenance personnel that will respond to maintenance requirements.


37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7601-00800-804

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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