37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7601-00800-805 - Sign Design and Composition

1. Sign Panels The sign panels shall have a blue background with a white reflectorized border. The size of the sign panel shall not exceed the minimum size necessary to accommodate the maximum number of business signs permitted using the required legend height and the interline and edge spacing specified in the current edition of the MUTCD.
2. Business Signs The principal legend should be at least equal in height to the directional legend on the sign panel.Where business identification symbols or trademarks are used alone for a business sign, the border may be omitted, the symbol trademark shall be reproduced in the colors and general shape consistent with customary use, and any integral legend shall be in proportionate size. Messages, symbols, and trademarks which resemble any official traffic control device are prohibited. The vertical and horizontal spacing between business signs on sign panels shall not exceed 8" and 12" respectively.
3. Legends All directional arrows and all letters and numbers used in the name of the type of service and the directional legend shall be white and retro-reflectorized.
4. Single Exit Interchange The name of the type of service followed by the exit number shall be displayed in one line above the business signs. At unnumbered interchanges, the directional legend NEXT RIGHT (LEFT) shall be substituted for the exit number. The "GAS", "FOOD", "LODGING", "CAMPING" or "ATTRACTION" specific service signs shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) business signs.
5. Double-Exit Interchanges The specific information signs shall consist of two (2) sections, one for each exit. The top section shall display the business signs for the first exit and the lower section shall display the business signs for the second exit. The name of the type of service followed by the exit number shall be displayed in a line above the business signs in each section. The number of business signs on the sign panel (total of both sections) shall be limited to six (6) for each type of service. At unnumbered interchanges, the legends NEXT RIGHT (LEFT) and SECOND RIGHT (LEFT) shall be substituted for the exit numbers. Where a type motorist service is to be signed for at only one (1) exit, one (1) section of the specific service sign may be omitted, or a single-exit interchange sign may be used.


37 Miss. Code. R. § 1-7601-00800-805

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.