PURPOSE: This amendment implements new requirements
for background checks of officers, managers, contractors, volunteers with
access to children, employees, other support staff, and owners of Licensed
Residential Care Facilities (LRCF); License-Exempt Residential Care Facilities
(LERCFs); and Licensed Child Placing Agencies (CPAs). It adds the requirement
that the Department conduct background checks on any person who has
unsupervised contact with children and any adult who resides at a
(1) General
(A) The Licensed Residential
Care Facility (LRCF) shall have a written statement of personnel practices
which are approved by the governing body and provided to all staff at the time
of employment.
(B) The LRCF shall
evaluate and investigate application information carefully to determine whether
employment or service of an applicant with the LRCF is in the best interests of
the children in care.
(C) All
officers, managers, contractors, volunteers with access to children, employees,
other support staff and owners of such LRCF who will have access to the
facilities of the LRCF shall submit to a
background check and shall be found
eligible for employment or presence at the LRCF as provided in section
210.493, RSMo, and
13 CSR
35-71.015 before commencing service or being afforded
access to the facilities of the LRCF. These individuals shall notify the LRCF
and the
division of any change in circumstances which would render them
ineligible for employment or presence at the LRCF. After the individual
completes the
background check, the LRCF shall further require all officers,
managers, contractors, volunteers with access to children, employees, other
support staff, and owners of the LRCF who will have access to the facilities of
the LRCF to successfully complete an annual check of the
Family Care Safety
Registry. The LRCF shall maintain documentation of the
Family Care Safety
Registry checks in its personnel records.
(D) After the individual completes the
background check, the LRCF shall require all officers, managers, contractors,
volunteers with access to children, employees, other support staff, and owners
of the LRCF who will have access to the facilities of the LRCF, and who reside
outside of the state of Missouri, to successfully complete an annual background
screening which shall consist of a check of the child abuse and neglect
registry and a criminal background check of the state or jurisdiction in which
the individual resides. LRCFs shall further implement and apply policies which
require all personnel who are otherwise required to submit to a background
check pursuant to section
210.493, RSMo, to immediately
notify the LRCF if they are listed in a state or local government registry as a
perpetrator of child abuse or neglect, or if they were arrested or charged with
any crime listed in section
210.493, RSMo.
(E) Any person who makes a materially false
statement in connection with an application for licensure or relicensure as a
LRCF shall be ineligible for employment or presence at the LRCF.
(F) Prior to the employment of any person for
a position requiring credit hours, a degree, or both from an accredited college
or university, a resume and an official college transcript, or a copy of the
diploma, shall be on file at the LRCF. Any person employed in a position
requiring general educational development certificate or high school diploma
shall provide documentation of such within thirty (30) days of
(G) An LRCF shall
require the names of at least three (3) persons for each employee, volunteer,
or staff person, who are unrelated to the individual, who can provide character
references. At least two (2) of the three (3) persons shall be professional
references from a previous employer, internship, or volunteer position. If the
individual is a student then this requirement may be satisfied by providing the
references from the individual's professor, guidance counselor, teacher, or
academic advisor.
(H) The LRCF
shall contact all references and maintain documentation of the reference checks
in the LRCF's employee records. Documentation of the contact shall include the
date, person making the contact, and the content of the contact.
(I) The LRCF shall require an annual driver
record check for any staff, employee, intern, volunteer, or contract personnel
who transport residents. No individual with a suspended or revoked driver's
license or record of driving while under the influence of alcohol or any other
intoxicating substance within the last five (5) years shall transport
(2) Health
(A) All staff, employees,
interns, volunteers, and contracted personnel shall be free of symptoms of
communicable disease or other evidence of ill health which poses a threat to
(B) Staff, interns,
volunteers, and contracted personnel shall be free of any conditions which
would adversely affect their ability to care for or pose a threat to
(C) If the division has
reason to question the capabilities of any individual working directly with
children served by the LRCF, the division may require the individual to submit
to a medical examination and obtain a report of an appropriate medical
professional that the individual is medically fit to perform the services for
the LRCF without reasonable risk to the children.
(3) Personnel Records. The LRCF shall
maintain personnel records for each staff member, employee, intern, volunteer,
and contracted employee as indicated below. The LRCF shall maintain the records
on site and shall keep the records for at least five (5) years following the
date of separation from the LRCF.
(A) For
staff members and employees, the personnel record shall include-
1. Verification of education and experience,
and a copy of professional license, if applicable;
2. Verification of the names of three (3)
persons, unrelated to the staff member, who can provide character or
professional references;
3. copy of
the job description signed and dated by the employee;
4. Results of annual checks of the family
care safety registry;
Documentation that the individual has completed the background checks and that
division has found the individual eligible for employment or presence at
the LRCF pursuant to section
210.493, RSMo, and
13 CSR
6. Documentation of annual background checks for
individual staff members who reside outside of Missouri that are subject to the
background check requirements provided for in section
210.493, RSMo, which shall
include a check of the child abuse and neglect registry and a criminal
background check of the state or jurisdiction in which the individual resides.
LRCFs shall further implement and apply policies which require all personnel
who are otherwise required to submit to a background check pursuant to section
210.493, RSMo, to immediately
notify the LRCF if they are listed in a state or local government registry as a
perpetrator of child abuse or neglect, or if they were arrested or charged with
any crime listed in section
210.493, RSMo;
7. The date of employment, date of
separation, reason(s) for separation;
8. Copies of annual performance evaluations;
9. Results of an annual driver record check
for any employee, intern, volunteer, and any contracted personnel who transport
10. A signed and dated
copy of the confidentiality statement;
11. A signed and dated copy of the discipline
12. A signed and dated
copy of the mandated child abuse/neglect reporting and critical incident
reporting policies;
13. A signed
and dated copy of an acknowledgement of receipt of program and personnel
policies and manuals;
14. A signed
and dated copy of the acknowledgment of completed agency orientation;
15. Documentation that the staff member has
successfully completed all training required for the successful performance of
the individual's duties;
Documentation of current first aid/cardiopulmonary resuscitation training and
certification; and
Documentation of current medical aid certification, when
(B) For
interns, volunteers, and contracted employees who have direct contact with
children, the personnel record shall include-
1. Copy of professional credentials, if
2. Results of annual
checks of the
family care safety registry and documentation that the individual
has completed the
background check process and been found eligible for service
as provided in section
210.493, RSMo, and
13 CSR
3. Documentation of annual background checks
for interns, volunteers, and contracted employees who have direct contact with
children who reside outside of Missouri that are subject to the background
check requirements provided for in section
210.493, RSMo, which shall
include a check of the child abuse and neglect registry and a criminal
background check of the state or jurisdiction in which the individual resides.
LRCFs shall further implement and apply policies which require all personnel
who are otherwise required to submit to a background check pursuant to section
210.493, RSMo, to immediately
notify the LRCF if they are listed in a state or local government registry as a
perpetrator of child abuse or neglect, or if they were arrested or charged with
any crime listed in section
210.493, RSMo;
4. A signed and dated copy of the contract
or any agreement outlining purpose of presence on site;
5. A signed and dated copy of the confidentiality
6. A signed and dated copy
of the discipline policy;
7. A
signed and dated copy of the mandated child abuse/neglect and critical incident
reporting policies;
8. A signed
and dated copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of manuals and policies
related to the agreement/contract; and
9. Documentation of staff orientation
(4) Job Descriptions. An agency shall
establish a written job description for each position, which shall be made
available to staff at the time of employment. Each description shall describe
the duties and responsibilities of the position; address supervision, required
knowledge, skills and abilities, minimum experience, educational requirements;
and shall include examples of work performed. Each employee shall be given a
copy of the job description for his/her position. A copy of the job description
shall be signed and dated by the employee and placed in his/her file.
(5) Staff Orientation. Immediately before or
within one (1) week following
appointment, an employee, intern, volunteer, and
any contracted personnel shall be oriented to the agency's programs, practices,
and the duties and expectations of his/her
position. The orientation program
shall include, but not be limited to:
Agency philosophy and history;
Agency policies;
(C) Agency staff
(D) The family's role in the
child's care and the worker's role and responsibilities in relation to the
(E) Complete description of
the agency's program model;
Health and safety procedures, including the use of universal health care
(G) Crisis
intervention procedures;
(H) Record
keeping requirements;
(I) Cultural
(J) Separation and
attachment issues;
(L) Substance
(M) Recognition of suicidal
tendencies and appropriate intervention;
(N) The procedure for identifying and
reporting child abuse or neglect, or both, in accordance with sections
210.110-210.165, RSMo;
(O) Agency
recreation program philosophy, policy, procedures, rules, and
(P) Legal rights of
children and their families, including basic information on the constitutional
rights of children and their families while children are in care and basic
information on the Missouri juvenile justice system; and
(Q) Procedures to follow in an
(6) Staff
(A) An agency shall establish and
submit to the licensing unit an annual written plan of training each year for
all employees and contracted personnel.
Employees and contracted personnel shall have forty (40) hours of training
during the first year of employment and forty (40) hours annually each
subsequent year; and
2. Direct care
staff and immediate supervisors must maintain certification in a certified
medication training program, crisis management, a current recognized and
approved physical restraint program (where applicable), first aid, and cardio
pulmonary resuscitation.
(B) All training must be documented on a
training database/training log with the dates, location, subject, number of
hours earned and person(s) who conducted the training.
(C) The training may include, but not be
limited to, short-term courses, seminars, institutes, workshops, and in-service
training provided on site by qualified professionals. Activities related to
supervision of the staff member's routine tasks shall not be considered
training activities for the purpose of this rule.
(D) The training plan shall include, but not
be limited to:
1. Developmental needs of
2. Child management
3. Basic group
4. Appropriate
discipline, crisis intervention, de-escalation techniques, and behavior
management techniques;
5. The
direct care and professional staff roles in the operating site;
6. Interpersonal communication;
7. Proper, safe methods, and techniques of
physical restraint;
8. First aid
and cardio pulmonary resuscitation training;
9. Medication training and/or
10. Suicide
11. Legal rights of
children and their families, including basic information on the constitutional
rights of children and their families while children are in care and basic
information on the Missouri juvenile justice system; and
12. Water safety for those agencies allowing
water activities.