19 CSR 30-61.155 - Overlap Care of Children

PURPOSE: This rule defines overlap care and sets forth the requirements of overlap care.

(1) There may be situations (for example, to accommodate parents' work shifts or before-and after-school care) when the number of children in care over two (2) years of age may exceed the licensed capacity of the home. The number in care shall never be more than one-third (1/3) over the licensed capacity of the home at the time of overlap. The overlap period(s) shall not exceed two (2) hours total in any twenty-four (24)-hour child-care day. The two (2) hours of available overlap time may be utilized in smaller time periods.
(2) Overlap care of children under two (2) years of age shall not be permitted.
(3) Overlap care shall not be provided until an overlap request has been submitted, including the hours overlap care will be provided, and written approval has been received from the department. Any changes in the hours of overlap care shall require that a new overlap request form be submitted and approved.
(4) All procedures for admitting children shall be followed if a provider chooses to enroll children for overlap care.


19 CSR 30-61.155
AUTHORITY: section 210.221.1(3), RSMo Supp. 1993.* This rule previously filed as 13 CSR 40-61.140, 13 CSR 40-61.155 and 19 CSR 40-61.155. Original rule filed March 29, 1991, effective Oct. 31, 1991. Changed to 19 CSR 40-61.155, effective Dec. 9, 1993. Emergency amendment filed Aug. 18, 1993, effective Aug. 28, 1993, expired Dec. 25, 1993. Emergency amendment filed Jan. 4, 1994, effective Jan. 14, 1994, expired May 13, 1994. Amended: Filed Aug. 18, 1993, effective April 9, 1994. Changed to 19 CSR 30-61.155 July 30, 1998.

*Original authority: 210.221.1(3), RSMo 1949, amended 1955, 1987, 1993.

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