19 CSR 30-61.200 - Transportation and Field Trips
PURPOSE: This rule sets forth the requirements of a day care provider when transporting children and on field trips.
(1) General
(A) The provider shall be
responsible for the care, safety and supervision of children on field trips or
at any time they transport children away from the family day care
(B) Written parental consent
shall be on file at the home for field trips and transportation.
(C) Parents shall be informed when field
trips are planned.
(D) Short,
unscheduled walks may be taken without parental notification. These unscheduled
outings shall be discussed with the parent(s) at the time of
(2) Vehicle
and Vehicle Operator.
(A) The driver of any
vehicle used to transport children shall be no less than eighteen (18) years of
age and shall have a valid driver's license as required by Missouri
(B) All vehicles used to
transport children shall be licensed in accordance with Missouri law.
(C) Children shall not be transported in
campers, trailers or in the back of trucks.
(3) Safety and Supervision.
(A) All children shall be seated in a
permanent seat and restrained by seat belts or child restraint devices as
required by Missouri law.
Identifying information regarding the name of the provider, the names of the
children and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of each child's
parent(s) shall be carried in the vehicle.
(C) Staff/child ratios shall be maintained at
any time the provider transports children away from the home.
(D) Children shall be required to remain
seated while the vehicle is in motion.
(E) Doors shall be locked when the vehicle is
(F) Order shall be
maintained in the vehicle at all times.
(G) Children shall not be left unattended in
a vehicle at any time.
(H) Children
shall enter and leave the vehicle from the curbside unless the vehicle is in a
protected area or driveway.
Children shall be assisted, when necessary, while entering or leaving the
(J) Children shall be
released only to the parent(s) or individual(s) authorized by the
(K) The operator of the
vehicle shall wait until the child is in the custody of the parent(s) or
individual(s) authorized by the parent(s) to receive the child.
(L) Head counts shall be taken before leaving
the home, after entering the vehicle, during a field trip, after taking the
children to bathrooms, after returning to the vehicle and when back at the
(M) When children leave the
vehicle, the vehicle shall be inspected to ensure that no children are left on
or under seats.
*Original authority: 210.221.1(3), RSMo 1949, amended 1955, 1987, 1993.
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