19 CSR 30-62.172 - Emergency School Closings
PURPOSE: This rule allows one-third additional attendance of school-age children on unscheduled days of school closings.
(1) On days when
schools are closed due to emergencies such as inclement weather or physical
plant failure, the facility may accommodate enrolled school-age children who
need care. The provider shall be permitted to exceed for the day the licensed
capacity of the facility by one-third (1/3). The one-third (1/3) excess
attendance for emergency school closings shall not be in addition to the
one-third (1/3) excess attendance allowed for overlap care. At no time may the
total number in care be more than one-third (1/3) over the licensed capacity of
the facility.
(2) Staff/child
ratios shall be maintained during emergency school closings.
(3) The provider shall maintain a written
record including the date of the emergency school closing, the reason for the
closing and the number of children in care on that date.
(4) Emergency school closing overlap shall
not be permitted for scheduled days of school closing.
*Original authority: 210.221.1(3), RSMo 1949, amended 1955, 1987, 1993.
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