19 CSR 30-70.350 - Requirements for a Training Provider of a Lead Abatement Worker Training Course
PURPOSE: This rule delineates the curriculum
requirements for a lead abatement worker
(1) A training provider of a lead abatement
worker training course must ensure that their lead abatement worker training
course curriculum includes, at a minimum, sixteen (16) training hours of
classroom training and eight (8) training hours of hands-on training .
(2) A lead abatement worker training course
shall include, at a minimum, the following course topics. Requirements ending
in an asterisk (*) indicate areas that require hands-on training as an integral
component of the course-
(A) Role and
responsibilities of an abatement worker;
(B) Background information on lead-history of
lead use and sources of environmental lead contamination;
(C) Health effects of lead-how lead enters
and affects the body; levels of concern; and symptoms, diagnosis and
(D) Regulatory
background and overview of lead in applicable state and federal guidance or
regulations pertaining to lead-bearing substances including: 40 CFR part 745 ;
U.S. HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards
in Housing (and its most recent revisions), 29 CFR part 1910.1200 ; 29 CFR part
1926.62 ; Title X: Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of
(E) Personal protective
equipment information, including respiratory equipment selection, air-purifying
respirators, care and cleaning of respirators, respiratory program, protective
clothing and equipment, and hygienic practices;*
(F) Lead hazard recognition and control; site
characterization, exposure measurements, medical surveillance, and engineering
(G) Preabatement set-up
procedures, including containments for residential and commercial building, and
(H) Lead
abatement and lead hazard reduction methods for residential and commercial
buildings, and superstructures, including prohibited practices;*
(I) Sections
701.300 to
701.338, RSMo, Missouri
regulations pertaining to lead licensure, Missouri Work Practice Standards for
Lead-Bearing Substances specific to lead abatement activities;
(J) Interior dust abatement methods and
cleanup techniques;*
(K) Soil and
exterior dust abatement methods;* and
(L) Waste disposal techniques.
*Original authority: 701.301, RSMo 1998 and 701.314, RSMo 1993, amended 1998.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.