Assessed Needs Point Designations Requirements.
(E) An applicant or recipient will be considered
eligible for inpatient Title XIX assistance regardless of the total point count
if the applicant or recipient is unable to meet physical/mental requirements
for residential care facility (RCF) and assisted living facility (ALF)
residency as specified by section
RSMo. In order to determine if an applicant or recipient is unable to meet RCF
and ALF residency, the following criteria shall be applied:
1. For RCF residency an applicant or
recipient shall be physically and mentally capable of negotiating a normal path
to safety. In order to meet this requirement, an applicant or recipient,
without staff assistance, must be able to reach and go through a required exit
door to the outside building by-
Responding to verbal direction or the sound of an alarm;
B. Being prepared to leave the facility within five
(5) minutes of being alerted of the need to evacuate;
C. If using a wheelchair, the resident shall be able
to transfer into the wheelchair and propel it or reach the assistive device,
and open all doors without staff assistance; and
D. If using another assistive device, such as
a walker or cane, they shall be able to reach and utilize the assistive device
without staff assistance.
2. For ALF residency, the applicant or
recipient cannot be admitted or retained if they meet the following criteria:
A. Exhibit behaviors that present a
reasonable likelihood of serious harm to himself or herself or
B. Require physical
C. Require chemical
D. Require skilled
nursing services as defined in subsection 198.073.4, RSMo for which the
facility is not licensed or able to provide;
E. Require more than one (1) person to
simultaneously physically assist the resident with any activity of daily
living, with the exception of bathing and transferring; or
F. Is bedbound or similarly immobilized due
to a debilitating or chronic condition.
(F) Points will be assigned to each category, as
required by subsection (4)(B) of this rule, in multiples of three (3) according
to the following requirements:
1. Behavioral
is defined as the applicant or recipient's repeated behavioral challenges that
affect their ability to function in the community. The applicants or recipients
who exhibit uncontrolled behavior that is dangerous to themselves or others
must be transferred immediately to an appropriate facility. Determine if the
applicant or recipient: receives monitoring for a mental condition, exhibits
one (1) of the following mood or behavior symptoms: wandering, physical abuse,
socially inappropriate or disruptive behavior, inappropriate public sexual
behavior or public disrobing, resists care or exhibits one (1) of the following
psychiatric conditions: abnormal thoughts, delusions, hallucinations. The
applicant or recipient can receive up to nine (9) points in this category. The
applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero
(0) points if assessed with a stable mental condition and no mood or behavior
symptoms observed and no reported psychiatric conditions;
B. Three (3) points if assessed with a stable
mental condition monitored by a physician or licensed mental health
professional at least monthly or behavior symptoms exhibited in the past, but
not currently present or psychiatric conditions exhibited in the past, but not
recently present;
C. Six (6) points
if assessed with an unstable mental condition monitored by a physician or
licensed mental health professional at least monthly, or behavior symptoms are
currently exhibited, or psychiatric conditions are recently exhibited;
D. Nine (9) points if assessed
with an unstable mental condition monitored by a physician or licensed mental
health professional at least monthly and behavior symptoms are currently
exhibited or psychiatric conditions are currently exhibited.
2. Cognition is defined as the
applicant or recipient's performance in remembering, making decisions,
organizing daily self-care activities, as well as understanding others and
making self-understood. Determine if the applicant or recipient has an issue in
one (1) or more of the following areas: cognitive skills for daily decision
making, memory or recall ability (short-term, procedural, situational memory),
disorganized thinking/awareness, mental function varies over the course of the
day, or ability to understand others or to be understood. The applicant or
recipient can receive up to eighteen (18) points in this category. The
applicants or recipients with "no discernable consciousness, coma" are presumed
to meet nursing facility level of care. The applicant or recipient will
A. Zero (0) points if assessed with
no issues with cognition and no issues with memory, mental function, or ability
to be understood or to understand others;
B. Three (3) points if assessed as displaying
difficulty making decisions in new situations or occasionally requires
supervision in decision making and has issues with memory, mental function, or
ability to be understood or to understand others;
C. Six (6) points if assessed as displaying
consistent unsafe or poor decision making requiring reminders, cues, or
supervision at all times to plan, organize, and conduct daily routines, and has
issues with memory, mental function, or ability to be understood or understand
others; or
D. Nine (9) points if
assessed as rarely or never has the capability to make decisions or displaying
consistent unsafe or poor decision making or requires total supervision
requiring reminders, cues, or supervision at all times to plan, organize, and
conduct daily routines, and rarely or never understood by or able to understand
3. Mobility is
defined as the amount of assistance needed by the applicant or recipient to
move from one (1) place or position to another. Determine the applicant or
recipient's primary mode of locomotion and the amount of assistance the
applicant or recipient needs with: locomotion-how one moves walking or
wheeling, if wheeling how much assistance is needed once in the chair, or bed
mobility-transition from lying to sitting, turning, etc. The applicant or
recipient can receive up to eighteen (18) points in this category. The
applicants or recipients who score in the "totally dependent on others to move
or those that are bedbound" are presumed to meet nursing facility level of
care. The applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero (0) points if assessed as
independently mobile, in that the applicant or recipient requires no assistance
for transfers or mobility or only has set up or supervision needed;
B. Three (3) points if assessed as requiring
limited or moderate assistance, in that the applicant or recipient performs
more than fifty percent (50%) of tasks independently; or
C. Six (6) points if assessed as requiring
maximum assistance, in that the applicant or recipient needs assistance from
two (2) or more individuals or more than fifty percent (50%) weight-bearing
assistance or totally dependent for bed mobility.
4. Eating is defined as the amount of
assistance needed by applicant or recipient to eat and drink, including special
nutritional requirements or a specialized mode of nutrition. Determine the
amount of assistance the applicant or recipient needs with eating and drinking.
Includes intake of nourishment by other means [e.g. tube feeding or total
parenteral nutrition (TPN)]. Determine if the participant requires a physician
ordered therapeutic diet. The applicant or recipient can receive up to eighteen
(18) points in this category. The applicants or recipients "totally dependent
on others to eat" are presumed to meet nursing facility level of care. The
applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero
(0) points if assessed as independent in dietary needs, in that the applicant
or recipient requires no assistance to eat and has no physician ordered
B. Three (3) points if
assessed as requiring minimum assistance, in that the applicant or recipient
requires physician ordered therapeutic diet, or set up, supervision, or limited
assistance is needed with eating;
C. Six (6) points if assessed as requiring
moderate assistance with eating, in that the applicant or recipient performs
more than fifty percent (50%) of tasks independently; or
D. Nine (9) points if assessed as requiring
maximum assistance with eating, in that the applicant or recipient requires an
individual to perform more than fifty percent (50%) for assistance.
5. Toileting is defined as the
amount of assistance needed by the applicant or recipient to complete all tasks
related to toileting including the actual use of the toilet room (or commode,
bedpan, urinal), transferring on/off the toilet, cleansing self, adjusting
clothes, managing catheters/ostomies, and managing incontinence episodes. The
applicant or recipient can receive up to nine (9) points in this category. The
applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero
(0) points if assessed as requiring no assistance, or requires only set up or
supervision needed;
B. Three (3)
points if assessed as requiring limited or moderate assistance, in that
applicant or recipient performs more than fifty percent (50%) of tasks
C. Six (6) points if
assessed as requiring maximum assistance, in that applicant or recipient needs
two (2) or more individuals, or more than fifty percent (50%) weight-bearing
assistance; or
D. Nine (9) points
if assessed as requiring total dependence on others.
6. Bathing is defined as the amount of
assistance needed by the applicant or recipient to complete a full body shower
or bath. Determine the amount of assistance the applicant or recipient needs
with bathing. Bathing includes: taking a full body bath/shower and the
transferring in and out of the bath/shower. The applicant or recipient can
receive up to six (6) points in this category. The applicant or recipient will
A. Zero (0) points if assessed as no
assistance required, or requiring only set up or supervision needed;
B. Three (3) points if assessed as requiring
limited or moderate assistance, in that applicant or recipient performs more
than fifty percent (50%) of tasks independently; or
C. Six (6) points if assessed as requiring
maximum assistance, in that the applicant or recipient requires two (2) or more
individuals, more than fifty percent (50%) weight-bearing assistance, or total
dependence on others.
Dressing and grooming is defined as the amount of assistance needed by the
applicant or recipient to dress, undress, and complete daily grooming tasks.
Dressing may also include specialized devices such as prosthetics, orthotics,
etc. The applicant or recipient can receive up to six (6) points in this
category. The applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero (0) points if assessed as requiring
no assistance, or requiring only set up or supervision needed;
B. Three (3) points if assessed as requiring
limited or moderate assistance, in that applicant or recipient performs more
than fifty percent (50%) of tasks independently; or
C. Six (6) points if assessed as requiring
maximum assistance, in that applicant or recipient requires two (2) or more
individuals, more than fifty percent (50%) of weight-bearing assistance, or
total dependence on others.
8. Rehabilitative services is defined as the
restoration of a former or normal state of health through medically-ordered
therapeutic services either directly provided by or under the supervision of a
licensed qualified professional. Rehabilitative services include physical
therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, and
audiology. If ordered by the physician, each resident must have an individually
planned and implemented program with written goals and response/progress
documented. Points will be determined by intensity of required services and the
applicant's or recipient's potential for rehabilitation as determined by the
rehabilitation evaluation. The applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero (0) points if assessed as requiring
no ordered rehabilitative services;
B. Three (3) points, if assessed as requiring
minimal-ordered rehabilitative services of one (1) time per week;
C. Six (6) points if assessed as requiring
moderate-ordered rehabilitative services of two (2) or three (3) times per
week; or
D. Nine (9) points if
assessed as requiring maximum-ordered rehabilitative services of four (4) times
per week or more.
Treatments are defined as a physician ordered medical care or management that
requires additional hands on assistance. The scoring for treatments will be
zero (0) or six (6). The applicant or recipient with the identified treatments
will receive six (6) points. The applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero (0) points if no treatments are
ordered by the physician; or
B. Six
(6) points if assessed as requiring one (1) or more of the physician ordered
treatments requiring daily attention by a licensed professional. These
treatments could include: catheter/ostomy care, alternate modes of nutrition
(tube feeding or TPN), suctioning, ventilator/respirator, and wound care (skin
must be broken).
10. Meal
preparation is defined as the amount of assistance needed to prepare a meal
based on the applicant's or recipient's capacity to complete the task. This
includes planning, assembling ingredients, cooking, and setting out the food
and utensils. The applicant or recipient can receive up to six (6) points in
this category. The applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero (0) points if assessed as requiring
no assistance, or requiring only set up or supervision needed;
B. Three (3) points if assessed as requiring
limited or moderate assistance, in that applicant or recipient performs more
than fifty percent (50%) of tasks; or
C. Six (6) points if assessed as requiring
maximum assistance in that the individual performs more than fifty percent
(50%) of tasks for the applicant or recipient, or requires total dependence on
11. Medication
management is defined as the amount of assistance needed by the applicant or
recipient to safely manage their medication regimen. Assistance may be needed
due to a physical or mental disability. Determine the amount of assistance the
applicant or recipient needs to safely manage their medications. The applicant
or recipient can receive up to six (6) points in this category. The applicant
or recipient will receive-
A. Zero (0) points
if assessed as requiring no assistance;
B. Three (3) points if assessed as requiring
setup help needed or supervision needed, or requires limited or moderate
assistance, in that applicant or recipient performs more than fifty percent
(50%) of tasks; or
C. Six (6)
points if assessed as requiring maximum assistance, in that the individual
performs more than fifty percent (50%) of tasks for the applicant or recipient,
or requires total dependence on others.
12. Safety is defined as the identification
of a safety risk associated with vision impairment, falling, problems with
balance, past institutionalization, and age. Determine if the applicant or
recipient exhibits any of the following risk factors: vision impairment,
falling, or problems with balance - balance is moving to standing position,
turning to face the opposite direction, dizziness, or unsteady gait. The
applicant or recipient can receive up to eighteen (18) points in this category.
After determination of a preliminary score, institutionalization and age will
be considered to determine the final score. Three (3) points can be added to
the accumulated score if the applicant or recipient is aged seventy-five (75)
years or older and/or has been institutionalized in the last five (5) years in
a long-term care facility, mental health residence, psychiatric hospital,
inpatient substance abuse, or settings for persons with intellectual
disabilities and only to the specified points category listed. The applicants
or recipients who score eighteen (18) points are presumed to meet nursing
facility level of care. The applicant or recipient will receive-
A. Zero (0) points if assessed with no
difficulty or some difficulty with vision, and no falls in the last ninety (90)
days, and no recent problems with balance;
B. Three (3) points if assessed with severe
difficulty with vision (sees only lights and shapes), or has fallen in the last
ninety (90) days, or has current problems with balance, or has a preliminary
score of zero (0) and is aged seventy-five (75) years or older or has been
C. Six (6)
points if assessed with no vision or has fallen in the last ninety (90) days
and has current problems with balance, or assessed with a preliminary score of
zero (0) and is aged seventy-five (75) years or older and has been
institutionalized, or assessed with a preliminary score of three (3) points and
is aged seventy-five (75) years or older or has been
D. Nine (9)
points if assessed with a preliminary score of six (6) points and has been
institutionalized; or
E. Eighteen
(18) points if assessed with a preliminary score of six (6) points and is aged
seventy-five (75) years or older or assessed with a preliminary score of three
(3) points and is aged seventy-five (75) years or older and has been