(1) Facility Physical Requirements.
(A) The adult day care program building shall
be safe and suitable for participants. The building in which the program is
located shall be clean, of sound construction and maintained in good
(B) Minimum space
requirements shall be eighty (80) square feet per participant, for up to twenty
(20) participants and an additional fifty (50) square feet per each additional
participant. Space requirements do not include office space, bathrooms,
storage, examining rooms or dining rooms, unless the latter is also used for
activities. For associated adult day care programs, the required space shall be
designated and in excess of the particular facility's required licensed space
for providing long-term care or medical care. For adult day health care
programs, the required space, regardless of the number of participants, shall
not be less than three hundred twenty (320) square feet of space.
(C) The facility shall have a room of
sufficient size to meet the needs of the participants based on minimum
standards where all of the participants can gather as well as rooms or divided
areas for small group activities, including a quiet area for rest, which
contains at least one (1) bed for temporary use by participants when
(D) Furniture shall be of a
size and design so that it is easily used by persons with limited agility. It
shall be sturdy and secure so that it cannot easily tip when used for support
while walking or sitting. At a minimum, the following shall be provided:
1. One (1) chair for each participant and
staff person;
2. Table space
adequate for all participants to be served a meal at a table at the same
3. Reclining lounge chairs or
other sturdy comfortable furniture, the number to be determined by the needs of
the participants; and
4. At least
one (1) bed with adequate privacy in a quiet area to be available for temporary
use by participants as needed.
(E) Equipment and supplies shall be adequate
to meet the needs of participants including items necessary for personal care
and materials to encourage activities among participants. The activity
materials shall be geared to the interests and backgrounds of the
(F) Ventilation by
natural or mechanical means shall be provided. All screen doors shall be
equipped with self-closing devices and shall fit tightly. Doors and windows and
other openings to the outside shall be screened when necessary to prevent
entrance of insects and vermin.
The heating system for adult day care facilities initially licensed prior to
December 1, 2004 shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of the
2000 Life Safety Code for existing occupancies (NFPA 101),
incorporated by reference in this rule, as published by the National Fire
Protection Agency, 1 Batterymarch Park, PO Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101 and
all state and local codes. This rule does not incorporate any subsequent
amendments or additions. Heating systems for adult day care facilities
initially licensed on or after December 1, 2004 shall be in compliance with the
applicable provisions of the 2000 Life Safety Code for New Day
Care Occupancies, incorporated by reference in this rule, as published by the
National Fire Protection Agency, 1 Battery-march Park, PO Box 9101, Quincy, MA
02269-9101 and all state and local codes. This rule does not incorporate any
subsequent amendments or additions. Exposed heating pipes, hot water pipes or
radiators in rooms and areas used by participants shall be covered or
protected, and insulated when appropriate. Portable space heaters shall not be
used. Room temperatures shall be maintained between sixty-eight degrees
Fahrenheit (68oF) and eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit
(85oF) in all seasons. The reasonable comfort needs
of individual participants shall be met.
(H) Illumination shall be adequate in all
areas and commensurate with the type of activity. Glare shall be kept at a
minimum by providing window coverings at all windows exposed to direct sunlight
and using shaded light fixtures.
(I) All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall
conform to applicable local codes. There shall be no cross-connection between
the potable water supply and any source of pollution through which the potable
water supply might become contaminated.
(J) An adequate supply of water, the source
of which is approved by the state water control authority, under sufficient
pressure to properly serve the facility shall be provided. The potable water
system shall be installed to preclude the possibility of backflow.
(K) Drinking water shall be easily accessible
to the participants and provided by either an angle jet drinking fountain with
mouth guard or by a running water supply with individual service drinking cups.
Drinking facilities shall not be located in a toilet room.
(L) At least one (1) toilet and handwashing
sink shall be provided for each ten (10) participants or any additional
fraction thereof. The handwashing sink shall be in close proximity to each
toilet and shall have hot and cold running water. The water temperature shall
be maintained between one hundred degrees Fahrenheit
(100oF) and one hundred fifteen degrees Fahrenheit
(115oF). The toilet room shall be within easy access
of the activity areas and afford the participants privacy. Each toilet room
shall be equipped with approved natural or mechanical ventilation. All toilets
shall have grab-rails. Individual paper towels, a trash receptacle, soap and
toilet paper shall be provided at all times and shall be within reach of the
(M) If persons using
wheelchairs or persons with other physical disabilities are accepted, or the
building in which the facility is located is otherwise required to comply with
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the facility shall have ramps or
other means of accessibility to the adult day care facility for persons with
disabilities, and shall meet the standards of the
ADA Standards for
Accessible Design which are available at
(N) Stairways and hallways shall be kept free
of obstructions and shall be well lighted. All stairways and ramps shall have
nonslip surface or treads. All inside and outside stairs and ramps shall have
(O) All rugs and floor
coverings shall be secured to the floor. Throw rugs shall not be used. All
equipment and furnishings shall be safe and maintained in good
(P) The adult day care
program shall provide necessary services to maintain the building or portion of
the building in which the adult day care program is located in good repair and
in a safe, clean, orderly and sanitary manner.
(Q) Drugs, cleaning agents, pesticides and
poisonous products shall be stored apart from food, out of the reach of the
participants, and shall be used in a manner which assures the safety of
participants and staff.
Wastebaskets and trash containers shall be made of noncombustible or
fire-resistant material. Garbage and other waste shall be stored and disposed
of in an appropriate manner.
The facility shall be maintained free of insects and rodents. Control measures
shall be implemented to prevent rodent and insect infestation.
(2) Fire Safety Requirements.
(A) Adult day care programs shall obtain
annual written approval from the appropriate local fire safety officials,
certifying that the facility complies with local fire codes. If there are no
applicable codes, or if the department or division determines that such codes
are not adequate, the department or division shall determine the adequacy of
the means of egress and other measures for life safety from fire in accordance
with the provisions of the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), in
order to ensure the safety of frail persons or persons with disabilities. All
adult day care programs initially licensed prior to December 1, 2004 shall
comply with the provisions of the 2000 Life Safety Code for
existing occupancies (NFPA 101), incorporated by reference in this rule. Adult
day care programs licensed on or after December 1, 2004 shall comply with the
provisions of the 2000 Life Safety Code for New Day Care
Occupancies (NFPA 101).
(B) The
facility shall have a minimum of two (2) exits remote from each other. Exits
shall be clearly marked with exit signs and shall provide egress at ground
(C) Each adult day care
provider shall locate, install and maintain in operable condition an adequate
number of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers of the appropriate type as
determined in consultation with the local fire authorities or the division.
Fire extinguishers shall comply with the requirements of the 1998
Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers (NFPA 10),
incorporated by reference in this rule.
(D) A written plan for assuring the safety of
participants, staff and volunteers in case of fire or other disaster shall be
developed in consultation with state or local fire authorities and shall
include, at a minimum, the following:
1. A
written assessment of potential fire or safety hazards present on the premises
and actions and procedures to follow to minimize potential danger;
2. A written schedule for periodic checks for
battery strength of smoke detectors and adequate pressure of fire
3. A written
training plan and schedule for staff and volunteers on safety responsibilities
and actions to be taken if an emergency situation occurs and documentation of
the type of training provided; and
4. A written plan for conducting fire drills
and other emergency preparedness procedures, including staff responsibilities
and assignments to ensure orderly evacuations and participants'
(E) Fire drills
shall be coordinated with local fire safety authorities and conducted at least
one (1) time per month and with sufficient frequency to familiarize staff and
participants with the proper evacuation procedures. Drills may be held at
unexpected times and under varying conditions to simulate the unusual
conditions that occur in the case of fire. The actual evacuation of
participants and staff is not necessary providing everyone involved is able to
carry out actual evacuation procedures if required. Fire drills shall include
suitable procedures to ensure that all affected persons actually participate in
the drill exercises.
(F) The
program director or other staff qualified to exercise leadership shall be
responsible for planning and conducting fire drills and other emergency
preparedness procedures. The program director shall ensure that staff are
assigned to assist participants with disabilities or other special needs to
ensure the health and safety of participants when implementing the fire and
emergency preparedness procedures in evacuating the facility, or complying with
written plan procedures.