(1) The owner or operator of a new Class II or
Class IV landfill unit, or lateral expansion of an existing Class II or Class IV
landfill unit, also shall comply with the following design criteria and exceptions:
(a) a leachate collection system is not required
for a landfill unit that has obtained department approval of a demonstration,
pursuant to ARM
17.50.1303(2), that
there is no potential for migration of a constituent in Appendix I or II to 40 CFR
Part 258 (July 1, 2008) pursuant to ARM Title 17, chapter 50, subchapter 13;
(b) a liner is not required for a
Class IV landfill unit located within the approved ground water monitoring network
of a licensed Class II landfill facility.
(2) An owner or operator of a new Class II or
Class IV landfill facility shall submit to the department for approval each landfill
unit design plan, including any design specifications or applicable plans or
documents developed pursuant to this chapter. The design plan must demonstrate
compliance with the standards of ARM
(3) The owner or operator of a new Class II or
Class IV landfill unit, or lateral expansion of an existing Class II or Class IV
landfill unit, shall design and construct a landfill unit leachate collection and
leachate removal system required under this subchapter to:
(a) provide for accurate monitoring of the
leachate level, measured to within one centimeter, on the liner or base of the unit,
and the leachate volume removed from the unit; and
(b) provide a minimum slope at the base of the
overlying leachate collection layer equal to at least two percent.
(4) An owner or operator of a Class II
landfill unit may, if it obtains department approval, recirculate leachate to that
unit if the unit is constructed with a composite liner, leachate collection, and
leachate removal system.
(5) At the time
the owner or operator submits a design plan required in (2), the owner or operator
of a Class II or Class IV landfill facility shall submit to the department for
approval a construction quality control (CQC) and construction quality assurance
(CQA) plan describing procedures that provide for conformance with the
department-approved design plans required by (2).
(6) Within 60 days after construction of a Class
II or Class IV landfill unit is completed, the owner or operator shall submit to the
department for approval a final CQC and CQA report that describes, at a minimum,
construction activities and deviations, and conformance with the plan required in
(7) Within 60 days after
construction of a Class II or Class IV landfill unit is completed, the owner or
operator shall submit a certification, by an independent Montana licensed
professional engineer, that the project was constructed according to the plans
required in (2) and (5).
75-10-204, MCA; IMP, 75-10-204, MCA;
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.