(1) The requirements in this subchapter apply to
Class II and Class IV landfill units, except as provided in (2).
(2) Ground water monitoring requirements under ARM
17.50.1304 through
17.50.1307 for a Class II or Class IV
landfill unit may be suspended by the department if the owner or operator submits,
and obtains department approval for, a demonstration that there is no potential for
migration of a constituent in Appendix I or II to 40 CFR Part 258 (July 1, 2008)
from that Class II or Class IV landfill unit to the uppermost aquifer or underground
drinking water source, as required in ARM
17.50.1204, during the active life of
the unit and the post-closure care period. This demonstration must be certified by a
qualified ground water scientist, and must be based upon:
(a) site-specific field collected measurements,
sampling, and analysis of physical, chemical, and biological processes affecting
contaminant fate and transport; and
contaminant fate and transport predictions that maximize contaminant migration and
consider impacts on human health and environment.
(3) The owner or operator of an existing Class II
or Class IV landfill unit, or a lateral expansion of an existing Class II or Class
IV landfill unit, except one meeting the conditions of ARM
17.50.1203, shall comply with the
ground water monitoring requirements of ARM Title 17, chapter 50, subchapters 5
through 14.
(4) A new Class II or Class
IV landfill unit must be in compliance with the ground water monitoring requirements
specified in ARM
17.50.1304 through
17.50.1307 before waste may be placed
in the unit.
(5) Once ground water
monitoring has begun at a Class II or Class IV landfill unit, the owner or operator
shall continue to conduct ground water monitoring throughout the active life and
post-closure care period of that unit, as specified in ARM
(6) The department may establish, and the owner or
operator shall comply with, alternative schedules for demonstrating compliance with
ARM 17.50.1304(6)(b),
pertaining to notification of placement of certification in operating record; ARM
pertaining to notification that statistically significant increase (SSI) notice is
in operating record; ARM
17.50.1306(5)(b) and
(7), pertaining to an assessment monitoring
program; ARM 17.50.1307(2),
pertaining to sampling and analyzing constituents in Appendix II to 40 CFR Part 258
(July 1, 2008); ARM
pertaining to placement of notice (Appendix II constituents detected) in record and
notification of notice in record; ARM
pertaining to sampling for Appendix I and II; ARM
pertaining to notification (and placement of notice in record) of SSI above ground
water protection standard; ARM
and ARM 17.50.1308(1),
pertaining to assessment of corrective measures; ARM
pertaining to selection of remedy and notification of placement in record; ARM
pertaining to notification of placement in record (alternative corrective action
measures); and ARM
pertaining to notification of placement in record (certification of remedy
75-10-204, MCA; IMP, 75-10-204, 75-10-207, MCA;
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.