(1) The career and technical education standards for sixth through eighth grades are that each student will:
(a) act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee:
(i) defend choices related to positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior; and
(ii) practice employability skills;
(b) apply appropriate academic and technical skills:
(i) develop a product using oral, illustrative, or multimedia communications;
(ii) compose well-organized written documents for the workplace;
(iii) communicate mathematical data using charts, tables, and graphs; and
(iv) integrate and translate scientific methods to technical data using oral, written, and multimedia communications;
(c) attend to personal health and financial well-being:
(i) investigate the connection between work and financial well-being;
(ii) identify how peers positively or negatively influence personal well-being; and
(iii) develop a personal budget and savings plan;
(d) communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason:
(i) apply employability skills to productively interact with all team members to accomplish group goals; and
(ii) integrate a variety of multimedia applications to effectively organize and present information.
(e) consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions:
(i) evaluate peer behaviors and exhibit personal responsibility to promote personal and group safety in all environments; and
(ii) identify personal protective equipment for workplace, classroom, and personal use, determining when and where it should be utilized;
(f) demonstrate creativity and innovation by developing or modifying an existing innovation to improve the workplace;
(g) employ valid and reliable research strategies:
(i) evaluate the accuracy, credibility, perspective, and relevance of information, media, data, and other resources;
(ii) curate information from multiple sources to make meaningful connections and draw conclusions; and
(iii) apply fair use and copyright laws;
(h) utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them:
(i) analyze trends to draw conclusions and explore solutions to problems;
(ii) analyze and explain how individual behaviors influence processes and environments; and
(iii) evaluate resources in testing and refining solutions to problems before asking for assistance;
(i) model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management:
(i) examine the importance of professional ethics, cultural, and legal responsibilities of the workplace;
(ii) evaluate alternative responses to workplace situations; and
(iii) describe the diversity of workplace environments;
(j) plan education and career path aligned to personal goals:
(i) develop programs of study for various Career Pathways, examining outlook, salary, education, job duties, and lifestyle; and
(ii) identify job opportunities, and organize and synthesize information about career skills and requirements for applications.
(k) use technology to enhance productivity:
(i) explain how scientific and technological changes impact specific careers; and
(ii) describe the role of technology within a community in maintaining safe and healthy environments;
(l) work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence:
(i) evaluate local and global challenges; and
(ii) evaluate diversity and inclusion language in documents and policies.


Mont. Admin. r. 10.53.1008
NEW,2020 MAR p. 2136 2136, Eff.7/1/2021

AUTH: 20-2-121; IMP: 20-2-121, 20-3-106, 20-7-101, MCA

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.