(1) The career and technical education
standards for ninth through twelfth grades are that each student will:
(a) act as a responsible and contributing
citizen and employee:
(i) engage in positive,
safe, legal, and ethical behavior; and
(ii) model industry-identified, career-ready
(b) apply
appropriate academic and technical skills:
(i) compose clear and coherent documents and
presentations appropriate to task, purpose, and audience;
(ii) demonstrate knowledge of mathematical
operations needed to succeed in a selected Career Pathway;
(iii) apply appropriate scientific methods in
qualitative and quantitative analysis in a selected Career Pathway;
(c) attend to personal health and
financial well-being:
(i) evaluate validity
of health and financial information, products, and services;
(ii) analyze financial practices including
budgeting, banking, savings, investments;
(iii) explain significance in achieving
personal and business short and long term goals; and
(iv) develop financial goals based on
lifestyle expectations, education plans, and career choices;
(d) communicate clearly,
effectively, and with reason:
(i) model
integrity, ethical leadership, and effective employability skills in all
(ii) evaluate and
use information systems to prepare technical documents for the workplace;
(iii) model appropriate strategies
for communicating persuasively in professional settings to effectively interact
with individuals from various cultural, ethnic, and language backgrounds;
(iv) employ awareness of world
cultures and languages in work-based learning opportunities;
(e) consider the environmental,
social, and economic impacts of decisions:
(i) design and construct safe working
environments according to government and industry standards;
(ii) create plans and policies that reflect
deep understanding of individual histories and societal complexities in a work
environment; and
(iii) integrate
personal protective equipment use regularly in necessary environments;
(f) demonstrate
creativity and innovation:
(i) design and
implement an innovation; and
evaluate peer innovations and provide feedback;
(g) employ valid and reliable research
(i) use evidence from multiple
sources to defend a position;
determine various research methodologies based on a defined problem/purpose;
(iii) identify research
protocols required to ensure legality, validity, and reliability;
(h) utilize critical thinking to
make sense of problems and persevere in solving them:
(i) devise forecasts or solutions to problems
that reflect analysis of trends;
(ii) utilize understanding of resources and
culture to devise collaborative solutions to problems; and
(iii) utilize multiple resources to test and
refine solutions to a problem;
(i) model integrity, ethical leadership, and
effective management:
(i) apply laws,
regulations, and policies to personnel situations that help employees perform
their jobs according to employer rules and expectations;
(ii) apply insight to positively influence
others- actions, attitudes, and beliefs based on the needs of the workplace;
(iii) create and modify
procedures to most effectively function within laws, regulations, and
(j) plan
education and career path aligned to personal goals:
(i) execute a program of study following a
Career Pathway, evaluating the opportunities for personal and professional
lifelong learning;
(ii) explore the
benefits of having a personal or career mentor;
(iii) construct and complete resumes,
applications, and other necessary work-related documents;
(iv) evaluate job descriptions that align to
a selected Career Pathway and the necessary skill set; and
(v) prepare and practice for, and demonstrate
skills needed for job interviews in a selected Career Pathway;
(k) use technology to enhance
(i) describe how job market
changes have resulted from scientific advancements and the increased use of
technology in the global economy;
(ii) evaluate the purpose of technology tools
and multimedia to analyze their impact on productivity in homes, schools, and
(iii) safely and
ethically use current industry-standard and emerging technologies;
(iv) model appropriate
communication and technological skills to seek, obtain, and change
jobs/careers; and
work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence by
collaborating to address geographic, economic, cultural, or political issues
considering multiple perspective.
AUTH: 20-2-121; IMP: 20-2-121, 20-3-106, 20-7-101, MCA
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