(1) If requested by the applicant, the department
shall issue an air quality operating permit that contains terms and conditions for
reasonably anticipated operating scenarios identified by the source in its
application as approved by the department. Such terms and conditions shall:
(a) require the source, contemporaneously with
making a change from one reasonably anticipated operating scenario to another, to
record in a log at the permitted facility a record of the reasonably anticipated
scenario under which it is operating;
(b) extend the permit shield described in ARM
17.8.1214 to all terms and conditions
under each such reasonably anticipated operating scenario;
(c) require the source to provide contemporaneous
written notification when the source shifts from one specified reasonably
anticipated operating scenario to another such operating scenario; and
(d) ensure that the terms and conditions of each
such reasonably anticipated operating scenario meet all applicable requirements and
the requirements of this subchapter.
(2) A change in operating conditions at a source
that does not violate an applicable requirement does not require the use of a
reasonably anticipated operating scenario.
(3) If requested by the applicant, the department
shall issue an air quality operating permit which contains terms and conditions for
the trading or averaging of emissions increases and decreases in the permitted
facility, to the extent that the applicable requirements provide for trading or
averaging such increases and decreases without case-by-case review and approval.
Emissions trading or averaging may occur subject to the terms and conditions in the
permit without being included in a reasonably anticipated operating scenario. Such
terms and conditions shall:
(a) include all terms
required under ARM
17.8.1210 through
17.8.1213 and this rule to determine
(b) extend the permit shield
described in ARM
17.8.1214 to all terms and conditions
that allow such increases and decreases in emissions;
(c) provide for the written notification required
in ARM 17.8.1224(1) (e),
which will state when the change will occur and shall describe the changes in
emissions that will result and how these increases and decreases in emissions will
comply with the terms and conditions of the permit; and
(d) meet all applicable requirements and
requirements of this chapter.
75-2-217, 75-2-218, MCA; IMP, 75-2-217, 75-2-218, MCA;
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.