- Rule 8.22.101 - Board Organization
- Rule 8.22.201 - Procedural Rules
- Rule 8.22.202 - Citizen Participation Rules (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.301 - Introduction
- Rule 8.22.302 - Board of Stewards
- Rule 8.22.303 - Institution of Proceedings by Petition
- Rule 8.22.304 - Institution of Proceedings by Notice
- Rule 8.22.305 - Notice of Hearing (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.306 - Subpoenas (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.307 - Intervention
- Rule 8.22.308 - Disqualification (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.309 - Powers of the Board (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.310 - Who May Appear
- Rule 8.22.311 - Standard of Conduct (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.312 - Hearing Reporter (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.313 - Transcript of Testimony (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.314 - Extending and Shortening Time Periods (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.315 - Evidence (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.316 - Informal Disposition (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.317 - Argument and Submittals (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.318 - Record (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.319 - Decision (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.320 - Appeal (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.321 - Board Conduct - National Association of State Racing Commissioners 5 Point Doctrine (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.322 - Adoption of Rules (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.323 - Board and Statutory Jurisdiction (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.324 - Stay of Summary Imposition of Penalty
- Rule 8.22.325 - Hearing Examiners
- Rule 8.22.401 - Powers and Duties of Executive Secretary
- Rule 8.22.501 - Definitions
- Rule 8.22.502 - Licenses Issued for Conducting Parimutuel Wagering on Horse Racing Meetings
- Rule 8.22.503 - Annual License Fees
- Rule 8.22.601 - General Provisions
- Rule 8.22.602 - Clerk of Scales
- Rule 8.22.603 - Custodian of Jockeys Room
- Rule 8.22.604 - Identifier
- Rule 8.22.605 - Paddock Judge
- Rule 8.22.606 - Patrol Judge (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.607 - Racing Secretary
- Rule 8.22.608 - Security Director
- Rule 8.22.609 - Starter
- Rule 8.22.610 - Stewards
- Rule 8.22.611 - Timers
- Rule 8.22.612 - Veterinarian: State or Practicing
- Rule 8.22.613 - Director of Racing
- Rule 8.22.701 - General Provisions
- Rule 8.22.702 - Agents for Jockeys
- Rule 8.22.703 - Exercise Persons
- Rule 8.22.704 - Grooms
- Rule 8.22.705 - Jockeys
- Rule 8.22.706 - Jockeys - Apprentice
- Rule 8.22.707 - Owners
- Rule 8.22.708 - Platers (Farriers, Shoers, Blacksmiths)
- Rule 8.22.709 - Pony Persons
- Rule 8.22.710 - Trainers
- Rule 8.22.711 - Veterinarians
- Rule 8.22.712 - Program Companies
- Rule 8.22.713 - Photo Companies
- Rule 8.22.714 - Tote Companies
- Rule 8.22.801 - General Requirements
- Rule 8.22.802 - Weight - Penalties and Allowances
- Rule 8.22.803 - Declarations and Scratches
- Rule 8.22.804 - Claiming
- Rule 8.22.805 - Walking Over
- Rule 8.22.806 - Paddock to Post
- Rule 8.22.807 - Post to Finish
- Rule 8.22.808 - Objections - Protests
- Rule 8.22.809 - Dead Heats
- Rule 8.22.1001 - Definitions (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1002 - Duties of Racing Officials (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1003 - Duties of Judges (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1004 - Starter Duties (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1005 - Paddock Judge Duties (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1006 - General Licensing Provisions (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1007 - License Provisions for Owners, Partnerships (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1008 - Stable Names Provisions (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1009 - Stake Races Provisions (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1010 - Qualifying Races (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1011 - General Provisions - Types of Races Permitted, Declarations, and Drawing of Post Positions (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1012 - Scratches (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1013 - Postponement and Cancellation (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1014 - Paddock Provisions (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1015 - Claiming Provisions (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1016 - Provisions for Winners, Dead Heats, Walk Overs, and Non-Betting Races (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1017 - Placing and Money Distribution (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1018 - Racing Provisions (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1019 - Reserved
- Rule 8.22.1020 - Time and Records (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1021 - Protests (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1022 - General Rules - Other (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1023 - Breath Analysis (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1024 - Offenses (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1025 - Penalties, Hearings and Appeals (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1101 - Director of Simulcast Network
- Rule 8.22.1102 - Director of Simulcast Facility
- Rule 8.22.1103 - General Provisions
- Rule 8.22.1104 - Portion of Exotic Wagering for Purses
- Rule 8.22.1401 - General Rules
- Rule 8.22.1402 - Permissible Medication
- Rule 8.22.1501 - General Provisions
- Rule 8.22.1502 - Definition of Conduct Detrimental to the Best Interests of Racing
- Rule 8.22.1503 - Alcohol and Drug Testing Rule
- Rule 8.22.1601 - General Rules
- Rule 8.22.1602 - Duties of the Licensee
- Rule 8.22.1603 - Duties of the Mutuel Manager
- Rule 8.22.1604 - Improper Operation
- Rule 8.22.1605 - Programs
- Rule 8.22.1606 - Types of Bets
- Rule 8.22.1607 - Equipment and Operation
- Rule 8.22.1608 - The Mutuel System
- Rule 8.22.1609 - Post Time
- Rule 8.22.1610 - Closing of Betting
- Rule 8.22.1611 - Breakage - Minus Pools - Commissions
- Rule 8.22.1612 - Distribution of Pools
- Rule 8.22.1613 - Dead Heats - Computation
- Rule 8.22.1614 - Entry or Mutuel Field
- Rule 8.22.1615 - Dead Heats Involving Entry or Mutuel Fields
- Rule 8.22.1616 - Daily Double Feature
- Rule 8.22.1617 - Quiniela Feature
- Rule 8.22.1618 - Twin Quin Feature
- Rule 8.22.1619 - Exacta Betting
- Rule 8.22.1620 - Refunds
- Rule 8.22.1621 - Withholding Tax
- Rule 8.22.1622 - Definition of Exotic Forms of Wagering
- Rule 8.22.1623 - Bonus for Owners of Montana Breds (REPEALED)
- Rule 8.22.1801 - Trifecta
- Rule 8.22.1802 - Requirements of Licensee
- Rule 8.22.1803 - Pool Calculations
- Rule 8.22.1804 - Twin Trifecta
- Rule 8.22.1805 - Pick (N) Wagering
- Rule 8.22.1806 - Superfecta Sweepstakes
- Rule 8.22.1807 - Tri-Superfecta Wagering
- Rule 8.22.1808 - Superfecta
- Rule 8.22.1809 - Pick Three Pools
- Subchapter 8.22.23 - Organizational Rule (Rule 8.22.2301)
- Subchapter 8.22.24 - Procedural Rules (Rule 8.22.2401 to 8.22.2408)
- Subchapter 8.22.25 - Additional Administrative Rules of Procedure (Rule 8.22.2501 to 8.22.2502)
- Subchapter 8.22.26 - Powers and Duties of Executive Secretary (Rule 8.22.2601)
- Subchapter 8.22.27 - General (Rule 8.22.2701 to 8.22.2705)
- Subchapter 8.22.28 - Racing Officials (Rule 8.22.2801 to 8.22.2814)
- Subchapter 8.22.29 - Occupational Licenses (Rule 8.22.2901 to 8.22.2914)
- Subchapter 8.22.30 - General Conduct of Racing (Rule 8.22.3001 to 8.22.3009)
- Subchapter 8.22.31 - Simulcast Rules (Rule 8.22.3101 to 8.22.3104)
- Subchapter 8.22.32 - Medication (Rule 8.22.3201 to 8.22.3202)
- Subchapter 8.22.33 - Corrupt Practices and Penalties (Rule 8.22.3301 to 8.22.3303)
- Subchapter 8.22.34 - Parimutuel Operations (Rule 8.22.3401 to 8.22.3422)
- Subchapter 8.22.35 - Reserved
- Subchapter 8.22.36 - Rules of Trifecta and Pick (N) Wagering (Rule 8.22.3601 to 8.22.3609)
- Subchapter 8.22.37 - Match Bronc Ride and Wild Horse Race Rules (Rule 8.22.3701 to 8.22.3707)
- Subchapter 8.22.38 - Advance Deposit Account Wagering (Rule 8.22.3801 to 8.22.3812)
- Subchapter 8.22.39 - Parimutuel Wagering on Fantasy Sports Leagues (Rule 8.22.3901 to 8.22.3913)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.