- § 635.350 - Violations interpreted as unprofessional conduct
- § 635.360 - Reporting of act which is ground for disciplinary action
- § 635.363 - Training required for certain podiatric physicians relating to persons with substance use and other addictive disorders and prescribing of opioids; training may be applied toward continuing education
- § 635.365 - Continuing education: Retention and submission of certificate of completion
- § 635.370 - Consultation with another podiatrist or provider of health care
- § 635.375 - Advertising practices: Forbidden practices; grounds for disciplinary action
- § 635.380 - Neglect or discontinuance of care of patient
- § 635.385 - Filing of address of residence and business; delivery of notice to address of residence
- § 635.390 - Conduct interpreted to be unprofessional conduct
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.